No. 232 (15 April, 1936)
Pages available: 1 - 80 (80 total)
要目Important contents
庆祝儿童节的感想On celebrating the Children's Day
吴女将军做寿Woman general Wu celebrating her birthday
生產與合作事業Production and Cooperation
四不願Four "Not Willing"
時事新詠New poem about a current affair
情話在愛情中的地位The role of lovers'talk in the love
離合詞Poem of seperation and getting back together
刺虎詞The poem of stabbing the tiger
女子為什麼不能生產?Why can women not bear children?
裸體,伴宿,侍合屋Nude, "sleeping mate", dating house for lovers
什麼是國防文學What is national defense literature?
兒童教養與民族復興The nurture of children and the rivival of the nation
我們底問題Preface: Our problems
不知怎样对付他Don't know how to deal with him
同性爱的女子Lesbian women
未婚受孕的问题About premarital pregnancy
月經,受孕Menstruation, being pregnant
環肥燕瘦如何適中How to keep a good balance between fat and thin
斷乳時的兒童營養Children's nutrition during the weaning period
妙語Amusing words
今古豔聞: 慈溪的駐顏術Erotic stories from past and present: the way to keep a youthful looks of Cixi
今古豔聞: 春宮來源考Erotic stories from past and present:Historical research on the origin of Chinese pornography
主婦日記(五)Housewife"s diary (five)
珍哈勞對於戀愛的分析Jean Harlow