Funü zazhi
No. 011 (31 October, 1929)
Pages available: 1 - 174 (174 total)
婦女雜誌第十五卷第十一號目次Table of contents, volume 15, issue 11, The Ladies Journal
新女性與幼稚教育New women and early childhood education
家庭問題之人格的觀察與解決The observation and solutions of the family problem: dignity
男女平等的先決條件The precondition of equality between men and women
婦女心理的改造The transformation of women s mentality
女權落後的南歐國家The South European countries whose women s rights are underdeveloped
須知慈母是先生/ 是誰的功勳Must know that a kind mother is a teacher/ Whose merit is it
須知慈母是先生/ 端賴坤成Must know that a kind mother is a teacher/ The right effort is what makes the difference
須知慈母是先生/ 泣血兼心喪Must know that a kind mother is a teacher/ Crying blood and losing heart
須知慈母是先生/ 家庭的主師Must know that a kind mother is a teacher/ The main teacher of the family
須知慈母是先生/ 失母後的懺悔Must know that a kind mother is a teacher/ Repentance after the loss of mother
須知慈母是先生/ 功同畫荻Must know that a kind mother is a teacher/ Bring up the child properly
須知慈母是先生/ 教法的好壞Must know that a kind mother is a teacher/ Good or bad teaching methods
須知慈母是先生/ 當歸功於母教Must know that a kind mother is a teacher/ Should contribute it to mother s teachings
奇裝異服的禁令The ban against bizarre clothing
法國女傑貞德五百週年紀念The five-hundredth anniversary of French heroine Jeanne d Arc
世界得諾貝爾文學獎金的三位女文學家The three female writers who won the Nobel Literature Prize
歐美的女警察設施問題The problem of use of policewomen in Europe and North America
百年來節育運動紛擾的歷史觀The historical view on the disruptions of birth control movements in this century
關於孕婦及產婦的忠告Advice for pregenent women and women after labor
日本的婦女地位The status of Japanese women
討論讀書的方法Discussion on the ways of reading books
婦女解放途中的害馬The black sheep on the way of women s liberation
瑤臺玉韻 (續八月號)Yao yi yu yun (no. 8 continued)
介紹幾本關於婦女問題的日本書籍Introduction to several Japanese books on woman questions
甜言媚你三冬暖/ 全仗自己的識力Sweet words can warm you up in winter/ All rely on one s own recognition
甜言媚你三冬暖/ 蓮舌翻花Sweet words can warm you up in winter/ What she said twisted the fact
甜言媚你三冬暖/ 就裏空奸詐Sweet words can warm you up in winter/ Let him cheat in vain
甜言媚你三冬暖/ 應當不要睬她Sweet words can warm you up in winter/ Shoud ignore her
甜言媚你三冬暖/ 欲勝則不聰Sweet words can warm you up in winter/ Haste makes waste
甜言媚你三冬暖/ 全憑三寸舌Sweet words can warm you up in winter/ All depend on the three-inches tongue
甜言媚你三冬暖/ 祖與孫Sweet words can warm you up in winter/ Grandpa and grandson
覺悟解Explanation on realization
心與情Heart and emotions
夫也不良The husband is not good either
世路荊棘The road of life is hard
盲寡婦Blind widow
一場空夢An empty dream
離散之前Before separation
不堪回首Unbearable memories
奢侈必貪/ 愈陷愈深Luxury must come with greed/ Get caught in deeper and deeper
奢侈必貪/ 惡習的渦流Luxury must come with greed/ The whirlpool of bad habit
奢侈必貪/ 敗德之源Luxury must come with greed/ The origin of fallen morality
奢侈必貪/ 原因於浪費Luxury must come with greed/ Because of waste
奢侈必貪/ 引起社會的不安Luxury must come with greed/ Result in social chaos
奢侈必貪/ 姊姊的心Luxury must come with greed/ Sister s heart
奢侈必貪/ 欲望的迫壓Luxury must come with greed/ The oppression of desire
奢侈必貪/ 人格的仇敵Luxury must come with greed/ The enemy of personality
陶然共醉菊花杯/ 詩境與深感Drunk in the cup of chrysanthemum/ Poetic conception and deep feelings
陶然共醉菊花杯/ 愛牠有傲霜的精神Drunk in the cup of chrysanthemum/ Love it because it has a hardy spirit
陶然共醉菊花杯/ 今朝有酒今當醉Drunk in the cup of chrysanthemum/ There is wine, there should be drunk
陶然共醉菊花杯/ 月夜花前Drunk in the cup of chrysanthemum/ In front of flowers under the moon at night
陶然共醉菊花杯/ 老少相與共樂Drunk in the cup of chrysanthemum/ The old and young are having a happy time together
陶然共醉菊花杯/ 何忍獨為醒Drunk in the cup of chrysanthemum/ Cannot bear to be the only one who is sober
陶然共醉菊花杯/ 對菊憶友Drunk in the cup of chrysanthemum/ Missing friend in front of chrysanthemums
五十年之回顧美國婦女雜誌編輯博克自傳Fifty years of reviewing the editor of American Ladies Journal Bok s biography
醫事衛生顧問The consultor of medicine and sanitation
攝影術顧問The consultor of photography