No. 044 (20 January, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 48 (48 total)
中國美麗的明星胡蝶女士Ms Hu Die, a beautiful Chinese star
葉其秀女士是廣東一位活潑的女生Ms Ye Qixiu is an outgoing girl from Guangdong
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兩用的沙發椅The dual purpose couch
陽春的天氣將要來臨了The sunny spring is coming
(右)梁展如 (左)康華,兩位是北平女師大的學生。(Right) Liang Zhanru (left) Kang Hua, those two are students from Beiping women's normal university
(右)錢荃(中)周海澄(左)曾文錚(right) Qian Quan (middle) Zhou Haicheng (left) Zeng Wenzheng
"整齊嚴肅"是她的莊慧,葉蓉然女士"Neatness and solemnness" are her virtues, Ms Ye Rongran
"活潑康健"是她的特長,戴世佺女士"Liveliness and fitness" are her specialites, Ms Dai Shiquan
法國最流行婦女長髮梳妝三種Three of the most popular women's long hair styles in France
冬季內外衣之新裝Winter fashion of underwear and overcoat
少女在舞場中的時候At the time when a young girl is in the dancing hall
女義勇軍的看護隊實習The practice of the nursery team of the women's army of volunteers
上海女青年會會員柔軟體操練習The calisthenics exercises of the members of Shanghai young women's league
體胖的兒童身體一定是健康的,並且她們永是快樂的笑著。Fat children are sure to be healthy, and they are always smiling happily
(下圖) 摩登器具佈置的一個臥室(Picture below) a bedroom furnished by modern furniture
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圖乃中國影片"南國之春"的片段The picture shows an episode in the Chinese film "The Spring of the Southern Land"
她穿了男人的水手衣服,特別表現出來,她的一種健康的美。She is wearing men's sailor costume, which highlights her healthy beauty
看了她這副神氣,就顯然可以知道她是一個飾蕩婦的角色了。One can obviously tell from her expression that she is playing the role of a slut
將要重現銀幕的波拉南格里Pola Negri, about to reappear on the screen
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逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
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矮克發軟片,必立捲片鏡箱,摩維克斯旅行家庭影片機Agfa soft film, Bili rolling-film mirror box, Moweikesi camera for travel and family
打網球 (李少卿作)Playing tennis (by Li Shaoqing)
日人之面相The face of a Japanese
情侶 (張?雁作)Lovers (by Zhang ?yan)
射籃球 (李少卿作)Basketball shooting (by Li Shaoqing)
開汽車 (唐文儀作)Car driving (by Tang Wenyi)
女孩 (老超羣作)Girl (by Lao Chaoqun)
水手 (林桂芳作)Sailor (by Lin Guifang)
鸚鵡 (樊芝瑞作)Parrot (by Fan Zhirui)
打高爾夫 (朱成德作)Playing golf (by Zhu Chengde)
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我也剛到?Did I just arrive?
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愛美的白浪淘兒,情願忍受著冷,要將她的兩腿和絲襪流露出來。Bailangtaoer, who enjoys dressing up, would rather put up with chilliness to show her legs and silk stockings.
晏摩氏女校歐陽女華女士玉影Precious photo of Ms Ouyang Nuhua from Yanmoshi girls' school