No. 055 (22 June, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 48 (48 total)
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情話Lover's prattle
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利華皂粉Lux soap powder
利華皂粉Lux soap powder
常識Common knowledge
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法律顧問Legal Counsel
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遮住一隻眼睛你還認識嗎?Can you still recognize her with one eye covered
肉的磁人A sexy and attractive person
夏令便裝及晚裝Everyday dress and evening dress in summer
休息間The foyer
寫字枱Writing desk
梳妝枱Dressing table
小臥室及化妝枱Small bedroom and toilet table
街頭倩影Beautiful women on the street
"喂: 媽媽來抱我!""Hey, Mama, hug me!"
哥哥,妹妹,十九路軍,七十八師軍醫陳君之子女。The elder brother and the younger sister, the son and the daughter of Mr Chen, the military surgeon of the 78th division of the 19th route army
最新式的內衣極合我國婦女依製Underdress of the newest style, which fits the women in our country very well
梁賽珍 姊姊是電影明星Liang Saizhen whose elder sister is movie star
梁賽珠 妹妹是歌舞明星Liang Saizhu whose younger sister is singing and dancing star
曼麗恩戴維斯Marion Davies 的笑容Marion Davies' smile
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
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魯波凡雷是善演潑婦的女角,看她一對神祕迷人的眼,就能斷定她是富有誘性的女子了。 Lupe Vélezi is a female actor who is good at playing the role of shrew. One can judge from her mysterious and attractive eyes that she is a woman full of charm.
天真爛漫的麗蓮恩旁特 Lillian BondThe artless Lillian Bond