No. 066 (07 September, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 48 (48 total)
階前靜坐Sitting quitely in front of stairs
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標準球Official Ball
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常識Common knowledge
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法律顧問Legal counsel
花間小立:北平楊浣慧女士精音樂擅國劇Standing among flowers: Ms Yang Huanhui from Beiping, skilled at music and national opera
秋之新裝Autumn new dress
古銅爐下. 楊氏姊妹右楊成業中浣慧左君麗Next to an ancient bronze ding. The Yang sisters, Yang Chengye on the right,Yang Huanhui in the middle, Yang Junli on the left
下水之前:謝綺霞女士Before entering the water: Ms Xie Yixia
明眸皓齒:魯澹女士Clear eyes and white teeth: Ms Lu Dan
池畔少憩魯潔女士Ms Lu Jie taking a rest on poolside
一群游泳同志A group of swimming comrades
[兩]位小游泳家Two little swimmers
水的伴侶:女明星王人美游泳前攝影The partner of water: the photo of the female star Wang Renmei before swimming
夫人華妲妮在吳淞海濱沙灘上歡笑之情形The scene of Ms Hua Dani laughing heartily on the Wusong beach
江蘇旅平名媛仰臥在沙灘上現著女性曲線美的黎莉莉Li Lili, the socialite from Luping, Jiangsu, is lying on her back on the beach, showing the beauty of her female curve
明星新片“國魂的復活”傷兵醫院中之一幕One scene of the hospital for injured soldiers in "The Resurrection of National Soul", the new movie from Mingxing
電影女演員瓊麥克萊女士最近玉影The latest photo of the movie actress Ms June MacCloy
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
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一分鐘沸水器An one-minute boiler
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懷滿希望的嘉寶近影Recent photo of Jiabao full of hope
玉體橫陳A lying pure body
電影女演員陸麗霞近影Recent photo of the movie actress Lu Lixia