No. 075 (23 November, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 56 (56 total)
秦昭華女士玉影Precious Foto of Ms. Qin Zhaohua
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新人物崇拜新偶像 張白鷺A Modern Man Worshipping a New Idol, Zhang Bailu
他--留連不忍即去 何煮石作He--Lingers and Would not Go. By He Zhushi
嘉寶是一個神秘與嚴肅的女性當不一定知道她是一個寡婦的?Garbo is a Mysterious and Serious Woman, People do not Necessary Know That She is a Widow?
沸度的愛Boiling Love
恐佈之誘惑-幸姊妹們驚醒 李綺霞女士The Terror of Temptation-Glad that Our Sisters Woke up.
道學家言Words of Moralists
一個信仰男女平等的少婦 黃士英作A Young Married Woman Who Believes in Gender Equality
摩登青年之憧憬 王樂天稿Expectation of a Modern Young Man. By Wang Letian.
原因 郭建英作The Reason, by Guo Jianying
同性之愛 法國漫畫The Homosexual Love, French Comics
玲瓏信箱The Linglong Mailbox
常識Common Knowledge
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法律顧問Legal Counsel
幽嫻淑靜 愛羣女校徐嬿嘉女士The Elegant and Quiet Ms. Xu Yanjia from Aiqun Girls' School
狐領短外套Short Jacket with Fox Collar
楊蕙芳女士的男裝影A Portrait of Ms. Yang Huifang in Man's Suit
上海華僑女中蔡芸碧女士Ms. Cai Yunbi from the Shanghai Huaqiao Girls' School
大夏大學嚴慧娟女士Ms. Yan Huijuan from Daxia University
秋之公園中的一位遊客A Tourist in a Part in Autumn
上海學院之高材生殷綏任女士Ms. Yin Suiren, A Prominent Student from the Shanghai College
為花沉醉的楊君麗女士曾在故宮新怨中充要角Ms. Yang Juli, Who is Fascinated with Flowers Played an Important Role in "The New Resentment of the Old Palace"
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聯華女星瞿愛珍女士The Lianhua Woman Star Ms. Qu Ai Zhen
聯華新片"奮鬥"中之陳燕燕與鄭君里Chen Yanyan and Zheng Junli in the New Film of Lianhua Production "Battle"
新從英國回美之明星加利古柏The Star Gary Cooper Who Just Returned to the U.S.A. from England
克萊夫布洛克工作之後閱書消遣Kelaifu Buloke Reads as Hobby after Work
于賈克合影A Photograph with Jack
(下圖) 約翰和里昂巴理穆亞一門都是藝術家 這是他們家人集在一起時情形(Down) John and Lionel Barrymore's Family are All Artists. This is a Foto of Family Gathering.
(右) 美麗之花黛維絲(right) The Beautiful Flower Davis
(左) 法國女星考爾伯(Left) French Female Star Colbert
(右) 曼琳黛菊絲玉影(right) A Precious Photo of Marlene Dietrich
(左) 銀髮女郎瓊哈羅(Left) Girl with Silver Hair Jean Harlow
(右) 麗琳泰許文近影(right) A Recent Foto of Lilin Taixuwen
(左) 羅列泰揚之美姿(Left) Loretta Young's Beauty
派拉蒙女星愛德利安愛姆斯之玉影A Precious Foto of Aideli'an'aimusi from the Paramount Pictures Corporation
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
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游泳輔助器 不諳水性者之福音Swimming Auxiliary, A Piece of Good New for People Who Cannot Swim
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派拉蒙新片中之尼羅皇后在乳中淴浴The Queen of Nil Bathing in Milk in a New Film of the Paramount Pictures Corporation
派拉蒙新片[......]A New Film of the Paramount Pictures Corporation [......]
封面: 黎明暉女士近影Cover: A Recent Foto of Ms. Li Minghui