No. 079 (21 December, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 52 (52 total)
孫瓊芝女士玉影A Precious Photo of Ms. Sun Qiongzhi
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玲瓏信箱The Linglong Mailbox
節育主義學者盧xx女士闔家歡樂圖 郭建英作A Family Photo of Ms. Lu, a Scholar of Birth Control. By Guo Jianying.
別慌張! 我們應該換一個方式 葉淺予作Don't be Nervous! We Should Try Another Position. By Ye Qianyu.
請小朋友猜猜看這裏每一个小孩子釣到什麼東西Let Our Little Ones Guess What Have The Childrens Fished
拒絕 張英超作Refuse. By Zhang Yingchao.
常識Common Knowledge
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法律顧問Legal Counsel
梁鸞珍女士最近小影A Recent Photo of Liang Luanzhen
上海學院馬珣女士Ms. Ma Xun from the Shanghai College
培成女校汪履曾女士之男裝近影A Recent Photo of Ms. Wang Luzeng from the Peicheng Girl's School, Who is Wearing Men's Clothes .
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律師周文璣the Lawyer Zhou Wenji
于慧定女士Ms. Yu Huiding
中西女學曾文姬女士Ms. Zeng Wenji from the Zhongxi Girl's School
黎明暉女士的倩影A Beautiful Image of Ms. Li Minghui
雪爾維亞雪尼的姿容The Appearance of Sylvia Sidney
童星賈克古柏的兩幕表情Two Different Facial Expressions of the Child Star Jiake Gubo
上圖坐者為賈克哥根的弟弟The Sitted One on the Picture Above is the Younger Brother of Jackie Coogan
暨南公司赴杭拍戲的一班人員a working group from the Jinan Company setting up for Hangzhou to shoot a film
瓊克勞馥之熱抱the embrace of Joan Crawford
佛萊特麥許雪爾維亞雪尼之擁抱The Embrace of Fredric March and Sylvia Sidney
將吻時之康斯登裴納與漢密爾登As Constance Bennett and Hanmi'erdeng are about to kiss
約翰鮑爾士與瓊裴納之甜吻the sweet kiss of John Boles and Joan Bennett
希佛萊和麥唐納之吻姿the Kiss of Chevalier and MacDonald
尼爾士阿撒與女角之吻姿The Kiss of Ni'ershiasa and the Leading Actress
泰露拉賓海和嘉利古柏之鼻吻Eskimo kissing between Tallulah Bankhead and Gary Cooper
受名導演西席第密爾賞識之伊莉莎蘭第Elissa Landi, who is aprreciated by the famous director Cecil DeMille
誘惑的女性the seductive women
銀幕上的調情flirting on the screen
女星曼麗麥許之各裝兩種two kinds of outfits of the female star Marian Marsh
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逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
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鄭君里和陳燕燕的一張美的攝影a beautiful Photo of Zheng Junli and Chen Yanyan
身段美麗的女星梭莉瑪莉莎近影a recent photo of the woman star Sari Maritza who has a beautiful shape