No. 082 (18 January, 1933)
Pages available: 1 - 48 (48 total)
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銀幕上的野女郎嘉賽玲寶克wild woman on the screen Jiasailingbaoke
玲瓏信箱The Linglong Mailbox
常識Common Knowledge
法律顧問Legal Counsel
沉思中的佛蘭茜斯第Frances Dee in meditation
韻極遜的未來派新裝Yunjixun's new outfit of futurist style
女明星Female Stars
和愛犬with her dog
愛德蓮愛侖銀幕上之新嫁娘裝束the bride's gown of Aidelianailun on the screen
卡羅琳柏Carole Lombard
霍金絲又一倩影another beautiful picture of Hopkins
曼琳霍金絲Miriam Hopkins
雪爾維亞雪尼Sylvia Sidney
泰露拉賓海最近小影a recent photo of Tallulah Bankhead
去年好萊塢選出之新進明星自左至右(坐者)Dorothy Wilson, Mary Carlisle, Lona Andre, Eleanor Holm, Dorothy Layton. (立者) Toshia Mori, Boots Mallory, Ruth Hall, Gloria Stuart, Patricia Ellis, Ginger Rogers, Lilian Bond, Evalyn Knapp, Marian Shockley. the last year newly selected Hollywood stars from left to right (sitting) Dorothy Wilson, Mary Carlisle, Lona Andre, Eleanor Holm, Dorothy Layton. (standing) Toshia Mori, Boots Mallory, Ruth Hall, Gloria Stuart, Patricia Ellis, Ginger Rogers, Lilian Bond, Evalyn Knapp, Marian Shockley.
天明了。黎莉莉預備向她光明的前途走去It is dawn. Li Lili is about to walk towards her bright future.
花的香味怎麼樣。梭莉瑪莉莎How is the fragrance of the flowers, Sari Maritza?
南錫卡洛在家園中小立倩影Nancy Carroll standing in her garden
充滿了異國情調和女性底誘力的梭莉瑪莉莎的美姿Sari Maritza's beautiful pose is full of exoticism and feminine attraction
後面銅圖說明:銀幕明星卡羅琳explanation to the picture printed on art paper of the following page: movie start Kaluolin
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
甜姐兒南錫卡洛的甜蜜蜜姿容the sweet appearance of Nancy Caroll
這位翩翩欲飛的胡蝶。你猜她對著誰笑?Hu Die, like a flying butterfly, guess whom is she smiling at?