No. 108 (30 August, 1933)
Pages available: 1 - 64 (64 total)
啟秀女子中學黃祖榕女士Ms. Huang Zurong goes to the Qixiu Grils' School
益智社謌劇主任江曼莉女士Ms. Jiang Manli is the leader of the Opera Department at the Yizhi Club
[No caption]
玲瓏信箱The Linglong Mailbox
上海幼稚師範榮珮瑜女士Ms. Rong Peiyu studies at the Shanghai Normal University for Children's Pedagogy
此平沈時敏女士精法文擅面畫Ms. Shen Shimin from Beiping is good at French and painting
常識Common knowledge
法律顧問Legal Counsel
全國婦女青年會代表大會戶外茶敘之情形The National Young Women's Forum having tea at their conference
廣州名體育家(自左至右)容羨紅、鮑以薇、馬慶新、司徒薇、盧慧嫺Famous atheletes from Guangzhou (from left to right) Rong Xianhong, Bao Yiwei, Ma Qingxin, Situ Wei, Lu Huixian
準備出發兜風前之(右)馬慶新、 (中)郭筱萍、(左)鮑以微三女士之合影A photo before having a ride (right) Ms. Ma Qingxin, (middle) Guo Xiaoping, (left) Bao Yiwei.
健身娛樂:美國女子之騎術training as entertainment: the horsemanship of an american woman
健身娛樂:鑽水training as entertainment: to dive
健身娛樂:翩遷欲仙training as entertainment: dance like flying
健身娛樂:圖即(美國女游泳選手艾里諾亞荷崙姆)女士背泳時之神態training as entertainment: the picture shows (The American female swimmer Ailinuoyahelunwu) swimming backstroke
健身娛樂:呼吸海風training as entertainment: breathing the sea wind
梅琪伊文絲Madge Evans
游泳前的蜜爾娜萊Mi'ernalai before swimming
早安早安Morning morning
月月紅, 女界寶China Rose, women's treasure
月月紅, 女界寶China Rose, women's treasure
楊渭濱女士為全港冠軍隊梅芳中學隊員東方乒乓隊隊長曾得三屆全港女子乒乓冠軍Ms. Yang Weibin is the Leader of the Eastern Ping Pang Team at the Meifang School. They have won three times champion in Hong Kong.
情不自禁unable to restrain emotions
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
彩菊牌蔴紗襪Caiju Brand Cambric Woven Socks
彩菊商標Caiju Trademark
赴西北攝影之電影新進明星徐來近影A recent photo of the new movie star Xu Lai who just went to the northwest to shoot a film