Funü Shibao
No. 003 (22 September, 1911)
Pages available: 1 - 130 (130 total)
婦女時報第三號Funü shibao issue no. 3
鎮江警察局教練官唐麟保夫人人造自來血後之玉照Picture of the Wife of Tang Linbao, Chief Instructor of the Zhenjiang Police Station, after using the artificial blood.
韋廉士大醫生紅色補丸Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People
南昌楊金山君夫人胡氏與其麟兒玉照Photo of the wife of Mr. Yang Jinshan from Nanchang (nee Hu) and her son.
蒙古喀喇沁王及福晉肅親王之妹合影Photo of Mongol Lord Kalaqin and his wife, younger sister of Prince Su
慶親王世嗣妃殿下Her Royal Highness, the Princess of Prince Qing
河南女子師範學堂Henan Normal School for Women
北洋女子公學本科學生為教員呂崑秀女士送別紀念影Photo of the farewell party for teacher Lü Kunxiu, hosted by the students of the Beiyang Public School for Women
(施鑄新) (施荷新) 二女士攝于義京羅馬/ 浙江湖州府人Photo of Ms. Shi Zhuxin and Ms.Shi Hexin taken in Rome, Capitalof Italy. [They are from] Zhejiang Huzhou
城東女學辛亥年攝影此本校第四次畢業生攝影也/ 小學畢業五人/速成手工亦五人/ 第二行左邊第二人乃第三次畢業/張生志學與志學同畢業者尚有汪生傑樑/本年在如皋沙市小學擔任教席故未與攝影云Photo of [students of] Chengdong School for Women in 1911/This is the fourth graduation of our school/ [There are] five graduates from the primary division / Five graduates from the crash course in arts and crafts / This is the third graduation for the second student from the left on the second row. Zhang Zhixue and Wang Jieliang were also graduating [but] they are teaching at the Yugao Shashi Primary School this year, therefore they were not present at the photo session
吳縣潘志僖君偕夫人蠶學家潘英女士Mr. Pan Zhixi from Wuxian, and his wife, the sericulture specialist Ms. Pan Ying
章仲和京卿偕夫人(日本留學生)陳彥安女士初婚時合影Wedding photo of Mr. Zhang Zhongqing and his wife (Overseas Student in Japan) Ms. Chen Yanan
日本女子新裝束New fashion of Japanese women
歐洲女子新式裝束New fashion of European women
爪哇王與皇后結婚式Wedding ceremony of the Javanese King and Queen
歐洲古時新娘裝束Traditional bridal fashion of European women
歐洲近時新娘裝束New bridal fashion of European women
中國新娘裝束Bridal attires of Chinese women
日本古時新娘裝束Traditional bridal fashion of Japanese women
日本近時新娘裝束New bridal fashion of Japanese women
王漢甫觀察之夫人陳氏孺雲畫洛神Goddess of Luo, painted by Chen Ruyun, wife of Inspector Wang Hanfu
蘇本喦摘棉花卉手工品Cotton flower craft by Su Benyan
蘇本楠摘棉花卉手工品/ 南洋勸業會一等獎Cotton flower craft by Su Bennan/ [The work] was awarded the first prize at the Nanyang Exhibition
雲霞映日孤舟容與之圖/ 照相會第一名Photograph of a boat floating about leisurely in the sunset/ Awarded first prize at the Photography club exhibition
泰山雲步橋Yunbu Bridge at Mount Tai
商標註冊Registered trademark
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註冊商標冒牌必究/ 大號每瓶四角/二號每瓶二角半/ 三號每瓶一角半/ 四號每瓶一角Registered trademark, imitation will be prosecuted. Large size bottle forty cents each/ Size 2 bottle 25 cents each/ Size 3 bottle 15 cents each/ Size 4 bottle 10 cents each
清醒鏡Eye glasses
準時計Pocket watches
固本自造Made by Guben
A. Wilson Dentist (in English)
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夏士蓮雪花Hazeline Snow
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台灣之蕃人Aboriginal people of Taiwan
台灣勃龍山警察砲隊陣營地The armed police force base at Bolongshan in Taiwan
台灣之大科坎溪The Dakekan River inTaiwan
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台灣之琴拉橋Qinla Bridge in Taiwan
台灣之輕便鐵路Light railway in Taiwan
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美國女教育家麗痕American female educator Ms. [Mary] Lyon
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才子佳人轉瞬成骷髏A beautiful couple transformed into a skull in an instant
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第一圖 ~ 第十九圖Figure 1 - Figure 19
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