No. 005 (15 April, 1931)
Pages available: 1 - 36 (36 total)
素裝淡服最為大方近頗流行與海上此馮女士近影Plain makeup and clothes is the most decent. It is rather popular recently in Shanghai. This is a recent photo of Ms Feng
啟秀女校謝曼影女士Ms Xie Manying of Qixiu girls' school/college
婦女 增進婦女優美生活Women - to improve women's elegant and beautiful lives
這又是社交場中流行的新裝.衣裙是連在一起的.裙邊綴以闊絲絨,或是黑緞.這是周叔蘅女士近影.This (again) is a new dress popular in social sphere. The upper garment is connected with the skirt.The hemline is decorated with broad velvet, or black satin. This is a recent photo of Ms Zhou Shuheng
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上海中學及民立女中體育指導沈文英女士Ms Shen Wenying, sport instructor of Shanghai middle school and Minli girls' middle school
夫婦反目的痛苦The affliction of falling out of love between husband and wife
兩江女子體專徐和女士現任南開女中體育教員Ms Xu He from Liangjiang Girls' Sports School is now sport instructor in Nankai Girls' middle school
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摩登居室里的佈置.往往含有美術的意味.就是這很平常不受人的注意的窗門,如果給有美術眼光的人去佈置, 登時就會使人觸目而感到愉快.圖中所示就可見到美麗窗門佈置的一斑了.Arrangement in modern living roon is always inclined to be artistic. If you let a person with artistic taste decorate this window which usually does not catch too much attention from people, it will become attactive and pleasing. One example of beautiful decoration of window can be seen in this picture
外國女子對體育之注意 並見其頭髮波紋The attention paid by foreign women to sports - and you can see the waves of their hairs
平常的衣服.穿過一次還嫌式樣不好,可以再做一套.結婚的衣服決沒人歡喜再穿的. 圖中的禮服,是白緞做的.頭上覆着很長的綉花細紗,益顯莊嚴美麗.Normally if you don't like the clothes design after having had it on once, you could have a new one to be made. But nobody wants to wear wedding dress again. The formal dress in the picture is made from white satin. Her head is covered with a very long embroidered mantilla, highlighting the solemn beauty
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編輯者言Editor's note
兩對黑白的情侶在春光的湖濱過牠們甜蜜的生活Two pairs of black and white lovers are spending their sweet lives beside the lake under the sunshine of spring
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遊阿非利加的一幕A scene in Visiting Africa
巴女士的圈套Ms Barbara's trap
珍妮麥唐奈被包圍在三角中Jeanette MacDonald surrounded by a triangle
巴賴說做明星的毎天的人生觀就是工作。但是結婚毎可以使一個人的人生觀變成喜怒哀樂。或是羅曼。沒有結婚不能算是有人生觀了。Pola says the stars' daily philosophy of life is working. But marrying can change your philosophy of life to be emothinal (pleasure or dejection), or to be romantic. If you are not married you cannot be counted as having a philosophy of life.
巴賴最近的攝影Recent photo of Pola Negri
娛樂. 提倡社會高尚娛樂Enterntainment - encouraging tasteful entertainment in society
蒙脫高茂蘭及康絲登裴萊脫合影Group photo of Robert Montgomery and Constance Bennett
明星愛妮達潘琪近影Recent photo of the star Anita Page