No. 010 (20 May, 1931)
Pages available: 1 - 36 (36 total)
本期封面照片為陳皓明女士玉影This issue's front cover is a photograph of Ms Chen Haoming
左鑑女士肄業於智仁勇女校Ms Zuo Jian graduated from Zhirenyong (Wisdom, Humanity, Braveness) Women's School
婦女 增進婦女優美生活Women - to promote women's elegant and beautiful lives
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本文作者張品惠女士玉影Precious photograph of this article's author Ms Zhang Pinhui
葉容然女士近影Close-up view of Ms Ye Rongran
孫桂雲女士近又打破全國紀錄Ms Sun Guiyin has recently broken the national record again
廣東女一女師教育考察團遊西湖攝影Photograph of the educational investigation group of Guangdong No. 1 Women School and Women Normal School while visiting Xihu (West Lake)
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簡便的新娘裝束攝影Picture of a simple and convenient bridal dress
長沙孤女院所設之理髮所,技工俱選孤女充任,為湘省之創舉。The haircutting shop set up by Changsha Girls' Orphanage. The haircutters are exclusively girl orphans, a pioneering undertaking in Hunan Province
葛璐茜女士春天的新裝。用薄紗製成,極爲輕爽。尤合跳舞之用。The new spring dress of Ms Ge Luqian. Made from/with chiffon, it is extremely light. It is particularly suitable for (at) dancing (parties).
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現代女生每天一大半的光陰是用於修飾和寫情書的。對於研究學問的時間簡實極少。唉!破產的現代女生!Modern women spend the better part of the day on doing make-up and writing love letters. The amount of time for study is indeed extremely small. Oh my! the bankrupt modern women!
一九三一年最新男女皮鞋之式樣,青年男女之要漂亮者。可以傚仿製造The latest styles of shoes for men and women in 1931. The young gentlemen and ladies who would like to beautify themselves could take them as models
你如果要稱心而又玲瓏的手表請驾臨南京路中美鐘表眼鏡公司.歡迎參觀.If you would like to buy a satisfactory and exquisite watch, the Zhongmei/Chinese-American Watch and Glasses Company on Nanjing Road is expecting your esteemed presence! Welcome to visit us.
梳粧枱(摩登居室器具之二)Dressing table (modern household items, part two)
小洋刀另一用法Another usage of small western knives (penknives)
編輯者言Editor's note/talk
也想投稿到玲瓏雜誌(This little girl) also wants to contribute an article to Linglong
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晨餐妙品 (世界攝影傑作)Fine food for breakfast (masterpiece of world photography)
我們起初以爲浮琴尼裘力是一位靜默的女性,絕不知道她還是一位籃球健將。城市之光配角。At first we thought that Virginia Cherrill was a quiet lady. We had no idea at all that she is also a good basketball player, a minor role in "City Lights"
康絲登的尊嚴The dignity of Constance [Bennett]
修面師的嘉寳Garbo as barber
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打字姑娘愛麗絲Typist Alice
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健美的體格是值得羡慕的可以延年益壽A well-built body is enviable and can prolong one's life
電影明星瑙麥希拉最新攝影Newest photograph of the movie star Norma Shearer