No. 021 (05 August, 1931)
Pages available: 1 - 40 (40 total)
封面聖瑪利亞女校楊瑞雲女士The cover is Ms Yang Ruiyun from St. Mary Girls' School
聖瑪利亞女生研究音樂為課外之消遣Female students from St. Mary (School) studying music as afterschool pastime
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傅金梅女士Ms Fu Jinmei
裨文女校周亞英女士Ms Zhou Yaying from Beiwen Girls' School
女子游泳之時裝A woman's fashionable swimsuit
李梅仙女士Ms Li Meixian
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燙髮新樣(四):男子式Women's new hair perm styles (4): the male style
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一九三一年摩登圓桌之式樣The style of a modern round table in 1931
小音樂家A little musician
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善演喜劇之安聶泰彭司近影A recent photo of Anita Page who is good at acting in comedies
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藝美的舞姿Artistic and beautiful dancers' posings
玩皮的男明星勃浪之醜態The ludicrous performance of the naughty male star Brendel
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愛妮達潘琪近影Recent photograph of Anita Page
電影明星費蕾近影A recent photograph of the movie star Fay Wray