No. 101 (05 July, 1933)
Pages available: 1 - 64 (64 total)
海上名閨張安姑女士Ms. Zhang Aigu is a famous lady in Shanghai.
啟秀女學潘劍波女士Ms. Pan Jianbo from the Qixiu Grils' School.
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玲瓏信箱The Linglong Mailbox
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女子運動:河北預選華北會中唐少梅女士Women's Sport: Ms. Tang Shaomei at the Huabei Sports Meeting for Preselection
女子運動:河北省預選華北運動會之林季蓮女士擲鐵Women's Sport: Ms. Lin Jilian doing the discus throw at the Huabei Sports Meeting for the Preselection in Hebei
某年某日某時女生宿舍開放的一剎那拍來的照片A snapshot in a female's dormitory on a certain day.
今天特別的整齊This looks especially neat today.
電影明星包圍了一個化妝台子movie stars surround the toilet table
常識Common Knowledge
法律顧問Legal Counsel
(右)張美麗女士,(中)陳瑞屏女士,(左)劉愛蘭女士(right) Ms. Zhang Meili, (middle) Ms. Chen Ruiping, (left) Ms. Liu Ailang
華光女中學生康彧、甯兩姊妹The two sisters Kang Hua and Kang Ning from the Huaguang Girls' School
健康活潑的兒童楊榮毅二歲又三月The healthy and vivacious Yang Rongyi is now 2 years and three months old.
一份茶水家 [......]
玻璃盤Glas Plate
最新之玻璃杯the newest glass
一位幽靜的小姐坐在公園裡她心裡不知在想什麼呢?A quiet lady is sitting in the park. What is she thinking about?
三位小姐在花園裡不知在玩什麼three little girls are playing something in the garden.
一個野餐會的大吃之下eating a lot at a picnic
上海工部局北區小學學生沈美英與她好朋友求德小學學生徐美雲Shen Meiying from the Shanghai nothern gong bu office's Elementary School and her good friend Xu Meiyun from the Qiude Elementary School.
 一位活潑的洋小姑娘A Vivacious Western Little Girl
到了美國以後的李蓮哈蕙[二圖]A picture of Lilian Harvey after she has gone to the US.
南京怒潮社社員英茵女士Ms. Ying Yin of the Nanjing Nuchao Club
月月紅, 女界寶China Rose, women's treasure
月月紅, 女界寶China Rose, women's treasure
遊罷沙灘上留影(雞心式之游泳衣)Taking a Picture on the beach after playing (the "chicken heart" type swimming suit)
水中飲酒與棋戲Drinking wineand playing chess in the water
久違了,夏佩珍小姐,你怎不拍戲了?Long time no see Ms. Xia Peizhen. Why aren't you casted in films anymore?
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
柯達萬利軟片包Kodak Verichrome Film Pack
加利古柏和泰露拉彭海 Gary Cooperand Tallulah BankheadGary Cooper and Tallulah Bankhead
影界一九三三年女性的典型黎灼灼Li Zhuozhuo, the women's model in the 1933 movie's world