No. 109 (06 September, 1933)
Pages available: 1 - 64 (64 total)
滬童軍號機飛命名典禮陳玉如女士擲香檳時攝影a photo of Ms. Chen Yuru opening a champagne at the naming ceremony of the Shanghai Boy Scouts' Airplane
戶內運動健將:湯美玉為香港梅芳中學籃球中堅份子該隊曾膺全港冠軍Indoor Athelets: Tang Meiyu is an important member of the basketball team at the Meifang School in Hong Kong which has won a champion in Hong Kong
戶內運動健將:香港東方乒乓健將兼網球好手之陳竹修女士玉照Indoor Athelets: a precious photo of Ms. Chen Zhuxiu, an eastern Ping Pang Ball athelete and a tennis player in Hong Kong
玲瓏信箱The Linglong Mailbox
廣州荔枝灣上之關秀文女士Ms. Guan Xiuwen at the Lichi Bay in Guangzhou
智仁勇女校閔宜群女士Ms. Minyiqun goes to the Zhirenyong Girls' School
好萊塢女星青絲的美麗 [三圖]The Beautiful Hairs of Hollyood Women Stars [three pictures]
常識Common knowledge
儂特麗撲面香粉Lenthéric Face Powder
儂特麗撲面香粉Lenthéric Face Powder
法律顧問Legal Counsel
參加香港公數學校運動會之聖瑪利亞女校出發之情形The Saint Mary Girls's School heading for the Hong Kong Gongshu School's Athelet Meet
聖瑪利亞得優勝獎品之攝影The Saint Mary Girls's School won the Championship
前爪哇中華女學教員辜聯蟬女士現回滬在啟秀女校任職Ms. Gu Lianchan is a former teacher at the Java Chinese Girls' School. She is now back to Shanghai and working at the Qixiu Girls' School
廣州名媛司徒志芬女士Ms. Situ Zhifen is a famous lady from Guangzhou
游泳池的笑:廬慧嫻女士的笑容The Smile at the Swimming Pool: The Smile of Ms. Lu Huixian
游泳池的笑:鮑以微,馬慶新The Smile at the Swimming Pool: Bao Yiwei, Ma Qingxin
游泳池的笑:容羨紅女士的嬌容The Smile at the Swimming Pool: the Charming Face of Ms. Rong Xianhong
美女選舉揭曉之一部:露絲亨利女士膺皇后冠冕之玉照The first part of the result of the election on Beauties: Ms. Lusi Hengli became the Beauty Queen
美女選舉揭曉之一部:格蘭地斯女士得全美美女競賽榮譽獎之攝影The first part of the result of the election on Beauties: Ms. Gelandisi won a prize at the United States Beauty Pageant
美女選舉揭曉之一部:哥侖比亞代表赴美參加全美競豔比賽之梨泰女士The first part of the result of the election on Beauties: Ms. Litai is the delegate of Columbia came to the USA to join the Beauty Pageant
圖示美國著名女子棒球家在比賽後休息時敷粉的情形她是要顯出藝貌兼美The picture shows a member of a famous girls' baseball team in the USA putting facial powder on her face, showing that she is both skilled and beautiful.
夏的裝Summer Wear
德國對於母教十分重視此系家庭教養班圍聽演講Motherly parenting is taken seriously in Germnany. The picutre shows a class of parenting.
德國女校多設嬰兒撫養班圖示女生靜聽教師之演講The Girl's Schools in Germany have Baby Care Class. The photo shows the girls paying attention to the lecturer.
美國嬰兒健康比賽中獲得十足健康銀盃之大令司蜜斯玉照A precious photo of Dalingsimisi who won the silver cup at the American Babies' Health Contest.
美美公司:手袋、服裝、耳環The Meimei Company: Bags, Clothes, and Earrings.
最新柯達八米厘家庭電影鏡箱the newest Kodak 8mm camera
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
Carole Lombarp 卡羅倫勃喜歡用人工法去修飾她的面部吸引人們的注意,看她的眉睫就可見一斑了。Carole Lombard likes to get attention through putting make-ups. Just look at her eyelashes.
天一電影演員倉隱秋的西式便裝Actress of the Tianyi Company Cang Yinqiu is dressed in casual wear in western style