No. 124 (13 December, 1933)
Pages available: 1 - 64 (64 total)
美人魚梁秀瓊女士Mermaid Ms. Liang Xiuqiong
時代姑娘蕭美真女士girl of the time Miss Xiao Meizhen
玲瓏信箱The Linglong Mailbox
玲瓏信箱Mailbox of Linloon
錢塘江畔之江大學之女同學她們在課餘之後往往如此成群在江邊遊覽female students of Zhijiang university on Qiantang river bank. They often travel together on the river bank like this
(左)之江大學籃球隊長徐曹兩女士吃甘蔗以解渴(left) basketball captain Miss Xu and Miss Cao of Zhijiang university eat sugar cane to quench their thirst
之江大學女學生宿舍.女生們很喜歡掛男明星的照片The female students dormitory of Zhijiang University. Girls like to hang male star photos
之江大學女學生宿舍.女生們也歡喜掛嬰兒的照片The female students dormitory of Zhijiang University. Girls also like to hang baby photos
常識Common knowledge
常識Common Sense
法律顧問Legal Counsel
體育界之女星. 東南體專的活潑伶俐的小鳥楊依仁女士Female sport star. The lively and clever little bird Miss Yang Yiren from Southeast physical college
體育界之女星. 北平師大女子籃球隊全體隊員Female sport star. All female basketball team members of Peking normal university
粵劇歌星蘇蕙英女士在公園中Cantonese opera singer Miss Su Huiying in the park
賈昕女士在花叢中Miss Jia Xin in flowers
新裝new clothing
影星之新裝. 電影明星胡蝶女士new clothing of movie stars. Movie star Ms. Hu Die
影星之新裝. 聯華名星談瑛女士new clothing of movie stars. Star of Lianhua Ms. Tan Ying
美琳喬頓之舞裝dancing dress of Meilin Qiaodun
美琳喬頓自從投身銀幕後,她就更名米米喬頓Since Meilin Qiaodun devoted herself in screen, she changed her name into Mimi Qiaodun
"處女們的舞"片中女主角“菩陀” 和她們的父親Main actress "Pu Tuo" and their fathers in "The dance of virgins"
片中之另一位女角和男角表演談情之一幕 (詳細說明請參閱本期幕味)another actress and actor in the movie perform a scene of love (for details please see Movie)
半推半就之梅惠斯脫Meihui Situo with her tantalizing passivity
梅惠斯脫從舞台到銀幕後after Meihui Situo from stage to screen
白金髮女郎瓊哈勞,和她的同事第一位攝影師哈爾羅遜blonde lady Jean Harlow and her colleague, her first photographer Harold Rosson
麥莉卡麗斯萊Mary Carlisle
聯華影片公司第二廠導演孫瑜於本月廿六日起假交通大學拍製以提倡普及體育而抨擊鋒頭主義之體育皇后Director Sun Yu from Lianhua Movie company plant 2 starts to shot the movie Sport Queen to promote sports and make it popular
逸園Leisure garden (Canidrome)
康斯登斐納Kangsideng Feina
電影明星王瑩女士movie star Ms. Wang Ying