Funü zazhi
No. 010 (30 September, 1919)
Pages available: 1 - 172 (172 total)
婦女雜誌第五卷第十號The Ladies Journal, vol. 5 no. 10
畫戰後禱告圖Praying picture after war
斐律賓桂總領事長公子銘新與吳節微女公子結婚圖一Marriage portrait of Mingxin, the son of Consul General Gui of the Philippines and the daughter of Wu Jiewei (one)
旁氏白玉霜Pond's extract company's vanishing cream
旁氏白玉霜Pond's extract company's vanishing cream
送禮佳品Good items for gift-giving
斐律賓桂總領事長公子銘新與吳節微女公子結婚圖二Marriage portrait of Mingxin, the son of Consul General Gui of the Philippines and the daughter of Wu Jiewei (two)
吳江麗則女中學旅行無錫錫山紀念攝影Photo commemorating Wujiang Lize female middle-school's trip to Mount Xi in Wuxi
腹瀉痢疾肚痛痔瘡等症 余須用清導丸矣You need to use Qingdao balls to treat diarrhea, dysentery, stomachache, hemorrhoids and other symptoms
彼之幸福Your happiness
愛讀婦女雜誌者如皋郭正平及夫人南通徐冰女士小影Snapshot of the fans of The Ladies' Journal Guo Zhengping from Rugao and his wife Ms. Xu Bing from Nantong
欲得家庭樂趣者不可不閱下列各書Those who desire for family happiness must read the following kinds of books
蚊蟲與瘧疾(續)Mosquitoes and malaria (continued)
雪宦繡譜(續)Xue Han embroidery manual (continued)
威爾遜大總統之家庭教育The family education of president Wilson
九原可作(續)Rise from the dead (continued)
君子花彈詞(續)Gentleman flower Tanci (continued)
請用國貨Please use national products
科學小識Little knowledge about science
怪雌雞Strange hen
科學之趣味(續)Interesting science (continued)
名人筆記Notes of famous people
教育玩具Educational toys
煙癮戒絕Addiction to tobacco is gone
煙癮戒絕Addiction to tobacco is gone