Funü zazhi
No. 009 (31 August, 1920)
Pages available: 1 - 169 (169 total)
閣下之嬰孩是否食甘睡寧日見強壯耶Does your child eat and sleep well, growing stronger day after day
婦女雜誌第六卷第九號Vol. 6 no. 9, The Ladies Journal
愛讀婦女雜誌者小影/ 江濬之君及其夫人李毓珉女士Snapshot of the fans of The Ladies' Journal/ Mr. Jiang Junzhi and his wife Li Yumin
巴黎美術大學畢業李超士君在上海女子藝術師範學校教授畫法之攝影Photo of Mr. Li Chaoshi, graduate of Paris College of Art teaching calligraphy at Shanghai Female Normal College of Art
李殿春女士在上海女子藝術師範學校教授寫生畫攝影Photo of Ms. Li Dianchun teaching sketches at Shanghai Female Normal College of Art
安徽龔均珊女士畫柳陰蟬唱圖Ms. Gong Junshan from Anhui painting the picture of cicada singing under the shade of willow trees
北京女子工讀互助圖Picture of Beijing Women's Work-Study Mutual Aid Team
新加坡南華女學第一次學生成績展覽會刺繡部攝影Photo of embroidery department from the first exhibition of students' achievements in Nanhua female school in Singapore
無比之法蘭絨Best flannel
無比之法蘭絨Best flannel
停止咖啡飲博士登Stop drinking coffee, drink Postum
鷄眼之消除法The removal of foot corns
固齡玉牙膏Kolynos ascientific dentifrice
夕陽染皂Sunset dyeing soap
夕陽染皂Sunset dyeing soap
種德園著名良藥Zhong de yuan famous medicine
種德園著名良藥Zhong de yuan famous medicine
公共儲金Public savings
揚琴譜Yangqin music scores
果醬簡製法Easy ways to make jam
科學小識 (續)Little knowledge about science (continued)
冰原探險記Adventure to iceland
月之話Talk of the moon
愛讀婦女雜誌者小影/ 我的姊姊月溪章陳芬小影Snapshot of the fans of The Ladies' Journal/ My sister Mrs. Zhang Chenfen
蛋穀遊戲Egg-shell games
美術展覽會/ 鵝之友愛Art exhibition/ A goose's friendship
消遣妙品Wonderful product for entertainment
橡皮底鞋Rubber sole shoes
尊夫人瘦怯多病或閣下小兒僝弱無力乎Is your wife thin and sick? Your child weak and feeble?
尊夫人瘦怯多病或閣下小兒僝弱無力乎Is your wife thin and sick? Your child weak and feeble?