Funü zazhi
No. 001 (31 December, 1925)
Pages available: 1 - 317 (317 total)
婦女雜誌第十二卷第一號/ 美術專號The Ladies Journal vol. 12 no. 1/ Special issue on art
各大雜誌Famous journals of all types
教育玩具Educational toys
雪野猛虎The wild tiger in the snow
淡墨山水Mountains and water painted by light ink
月下蘆雁Geese under the moon
淡墨風景Scenery painted by light ink
八仙之二Two of the eight immortals
金冬心書條幅The calligraphy scroll by Jin Dongxin
西湖風景之一 (雷峰夕照)Leifeng tower in the sunset
杜就田畫摺扇The hand fan painted by Du Jiutian
天女舞Fairy dance
蝴蝶舞Butterfly dance
梁松齋畫單條The calligraphy scroll by Liang Songzhai
王椒畦畫屏幅The ping fu painted by Wang Jiaoqi
古硯的拓本Rubbings of antique ink slabs
顧二娘雕刻的硯Ink slabs engraved by Gu Eryang
服用清導丸立愈閣下之傷風Cold was immediately cured after taking qing dao balls
正在絕望之際In a moment of despair
婦女雜誌第十二卷第一號/ 美術專號The Ladies Journal vol. 12 no. 1/ Special issue on art
美術的起源和功能The origins and functions of art
新聞學碩士張繼英女士肖像The portrait of Mrs. Zhang Jiying
償其所失The loss is compensated
償其所失The loss is compensated
旁氏白玉霜Pond s vanishing cream
旁氏白玉霜Pond s vanishing cream
美術家王瑞竹女士的略傳A brief biography of artist Mrs. Wang Ruizhu
美刺的漫畫Caricatures on beauty
美洲古代處女的美術Arts created by ancient virgins in America
美洲古代處女的美術Arts created by ancient virgins in America
孩童之意旨最真The true preference of children
孩童之意旨最真The true preference of children
贈送十日試用管請即填寄贈卷Please fill out the coupon to receive a free ten-day sample
贈送十日試用管請即填寄贈卷Please fill out the coupon to receive a free ten-day sample
刺繡的秘訣The secrets of embroidery
家庭經濟Family economy
家庭經濟Family economy
欲留紀念厥有柯達Only Kodak can meet your need to commemorate memories
欲留紀念厥有柯達Only Kodak can meet your need to commemorate memories
欲留紀念厥有柯達Only Kodak can meet your need to commemorate memories
湘繡的發展The development of Xiang embroidery
湘繡的發展The development of Xiang embroidery
陳圓圓遺容及其比丘像The portraits of Chen Yuanyuan and Bi Qiu
母親我要「溫士羅夫人糖汁」解我肚痛Mother I want Mrs. Winslow s syrup to relieve my stomach ache
母親我要「溫士羅夫人糖汁」解我肚痛Mother I want Mrs. Winslow s syrup to relieve my stomach ache
天下馳名「盧普安女科丸」 World-famous ladies balls
平海氏胎產神水Pinkham s vegetable compound
平海氏胎產神水Pinkham s vegetable compound
平海氏胎產神水Pinkham s vegetable compound
油繪的大略A general summary of oil painting
油繪的大略A general summary of oil painting
油繪的大略A general summary of oil painting
畫室應有的條件The required conditions for a studio
宋教仁先生像The portrait of Mr. Song Jiaoren
五洲美容霜Ma Yonc vanishing cream
保齒禦病牙刷Prophylactic toothbrush
保齒禦病牙刷Prophylactic toothbrush
種德園著名良藥Zhong de yuan famous medicine
種德園著名良藥Zhong de yuan famous medicine
美麗女修飾所Institute de beaute
書法名言Famous quotes in calligraphy
陳女士所畫的貓The cat painted by Mrs. Chen
兒童讀物Books for children
美術與人生的關係/ 精神方面和物質方面The relationship between art and life/ Spiritual and material aspects
雕刻的略說A brief introduction to sculpture
雕刻的略說A brief introduction to sculpture
雕刻的略說A brief introduction to sculpture
我國的雕刻The sculptures of my country
我國的雕刻The sculptures of our country
篆刻的由來The origins of engraving
任伯年的畫The painting of Ren Bonian
迴文織錦Hui wen brocade
我之與詩Me and poetry
積花紅以致富Accumulating bonuses to achieve prosperity
湖畔別夜The separation night on the side of the lake
婦女的工藝美術草帽辮The art and craft of women: weaving straw hats
婦女的工藝美術草帽辮The art and craft of women: weaving straw hats
家庭的美術The arts derived from family
家庭的美術The arts derived from family
家庭的美術The arts derived from family
惲南田的花卉Yun Nantian s flowers
吧城女青年會會長林瑞蘭女士The president of Youth Association in Ba city Mrs. Lin Ruilan
家庭常識/ 自來水Family common sense/ Tap water
瘦鶴印章Shou He s seal
潮州四湖涵碧樓之一帶The area of Hanbi Tower of Sihu, Chaozhou
情天劫Qing tian jie
女子玉燕飛Women as flying jade swallows
留聲機的幾種及使用法The types and instructions of gramophones
留聲機的幾種及使用法The types and instructions of gramophones
留聲機的幾種及使用法The types and instructions of gramophones
留聲機的幾種及使用法The types and instructions of gramophones