No. 057 (06 July, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 48 (48 total)
紅樓豔史主角珍妮麥唐納最近小影 Recent photo of Jeanette MacDonald, the heroin of "Love Me Tonight"
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婦女 Women
本期要目 Important contents of this issue
娼妓制度與女性尊嚴 The prostitution system and women's dignity
娼妓制度與女性尊嚴 The prostitution system and women's dignity
娼妓制度與女性尊嚴 The prostitution system and women's dignity
時裝與國貨 Fashion and domestic products
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不要自慚形穢 Don't feel ashamed of your appearance
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男子的三個時期 Three periods of men
組織小家庭的要素 The essential factors to organize a small family
組織小家庭的要素 The essential factors to organize a small family
利華皂粉 Lux soap powder
利華皂粉 Lux soap powder
如何解決 How to solve this
捨不得老母親 I can not leave my mother behind
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我要做女看護 I want to be a nurse
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少女信箱 (續) Mail box for young girls (continued)
亞特奴露 Odo-ro-no
亞特奴露 Odo-ro-no
亞特奴露 Odo-no-ro
常識 Common knowledge
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洗冷水浴方法 How to take a cold bath
保護牙齒法 How to protect your teeth
去各種污穢法 How to remove different stains
法律顧問 Legal Counsel
(十三)怎樣支配遺產 (thirteen) how to manage the inheritance
(十四)關於婚約的疑問 (fourteen) questions about marriage agreement
(十四)關於婚約的疑問 (fourteen) questions about marriage agreement
玲瓏雜誌為婦女界之唯一喉舌 Linglong magazine is the only mouthpiece of the women's world
(十五)同居義務 (fifteen) obligations of living together
(十六)解除婚約 (sixteen) to break off an engagement
驚人發明之國貨國民政府實業部特許專利之玲瓏膠泥 Linglong glue, amazing invention, domestic product, specially permitted by the department of industry and commerce of the National Government
訂閱本刊利益 Benefits of subscribing our magazine
霍景熹與景燕 Huo Jingxi and Jingyan
徐佩琳是一位活潑聰明的女子 Xu Peilin is a lively and smart woman
徐蕙珍是一位嬌小玲瓏的女學生 Xu Huizhen is a petite student
參加天津公開女子排球比賽之捷隊 The Jie team who take part in Tianjin open tournament of women's volleyball
參加天津公開女子排球比賽之白辰隊 The Baichen team who take part in Tianjin open tournament of women's volleyball
參加天津公開女子排球比賽之嬰隊 The Ying team who take part in Tianjin open tournament of women's volleyball
半西式便裝 A casual dress of half Western style
半西式便裝 A casual dress of half Western style
一對新父母 A pair of new parents
新做媽媽的舒淑靜女士 A new mama, Ms Shu Shujing
同學會中來賓都喜氣洋洋的立着進茶點 Guests of a class reunion are all full of joy, standig and having tea and pastries
(下) 該校女生招待殷勤,親自捧茶點敬客。 (below) Female students of this school are welcoming guests with hospitality, serving tea and pastries in person
來賓進茶點時之情形 A scene of the guests having tea and pastries
聖瑪利亞女學本季同樂大會之攝影 遊藝節目中之踏地舞 Photo of the happy-together party of St. Maria girls' school in this season; the tap dance, one of the entertainment programmes
?夫人王麗亞及其子女 ? Wang Liya and her son and daughter
會客室 The reception room
早餐室 The breakfast room
明星珍妮麥唐納的新裝五種,都是她別出心裁製成的時髦服裝。 Five new dresses of the star Zhenni Maitangna, all of which are original fashion styles created by herself
美妙的舞影 Wonderful dance shadows
徐粲鶯龔秋霞的水手舞 The sailor's dance of Xu Canying and Gong Qiuxia
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給做母親的 To mothers
兒童 Children
兒童 Children
終身的嫉妬 The jealousy for life
富商騙婚女畫家 A rich businessman coaxed a painter into marriage
婦協職員受騙 An office worker of the Women's Association got deceived
案件評述 Comment on Law Cases
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前線歸來 (四) Return from the frontline (four)
玫玲粉,婦女隱痛之救星 Meiling powder - the savior of women from their secret pains
前線歸來 (四) Return from the frontline (four)
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逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
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鐵釘接吻 Iron nails kiss each other
A電池的常識 The common knowledge of A battery
中華郵政特准掛號立券之報紙 The newspaper, which has the special permission of China Post for business transactions and registered delivery
定報價目 The subscription price
玲瓏雜誌廣告刊例 Published examples of advertisement in Linglong magazine
玲瓏圖畫雜誌 Lin Loon Magazine
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兒女最多的人 The man who has the largest number of sons and daughters
沙漠中的巨廈 Huge mansions in the desert
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女子跳欄新紀錄 The new record of women's hurdle race
美國游泳女傑 The swimming heroin in America
婦女生活 Women's life
編輯者言 Editor´s Note
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玲瓏書盒 Linglong book case
攝影畫報 Pictorial Weekly
離奇的命案 A bizarre homicide case
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娛樂 Entertainment
好萊塢的不景氣 The depression in Hollywood
多財的嘉寶 The wealthy Garbo
經濟的娛樂 Economical entertainment
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梁鸞珍女士近影 Recent photo of Ms Liang Luanzhen