No. 071 (19 October, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 56 (56 total)
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秋之公園 A park in autumn
婦女 Women
本期要目 Important contents of this issue
高麗的新婦女 New women in Korea
高麗的新婦女 New women in Korea
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戀愛戰術 (一) Love tactics (one)
戀愛戰術 (一) Love tactics (one)
薔薇的刺 Thorns on a rose
日本的娘子軍 Japanese women soldiers
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新的結婚方式 A new fashion of marriage
新的結婚方式 A new fashion of marriage
如何解決 How to solve this
中學畢業的女生 當了女招待 A girl with a certificate of middle school is a hostess now
玲瓏漫畫 第一期 Linglong cartoon. The first issue
美男的悲哀 The sadness of a handsome man
發刊辭 The foreword
封面画猜謎 The riddle of the cover picture
漫画家夫人穿的新裝 The new dress of the wife of a cartoonist
男子的醜態 李綺霞女士作 The ugly performance of a man. By Ms Li Yixia
虛驚 黃士英作 A false alarm. By Huang Shiying
狗與詩人 英超作 A dog and a poet. By Ying Chao
兒童樂園 Children's paradise
將來的希望 The hope of the future
[金魚學校 續]
後來被蟹弟搗蛋,猪兄痛極而逃,黃雀在旁大笑 Then the crab gave him a hard time. The pig ran away out of extreme pain. The siskin beside laughed aloud
不平常狀態 張樂平作 A unusual situation. By Zhang Leping
玲瓏漫畫 Linglong cartoon
中學畢業的女生 當了女招待 A girl with a certificate of middle school is a hostess now
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她強迫我愛他 She forces me to love him
各種標準乒乓用具 三和牌國貨標準乒乓球 Various standard utensils for table tennis, Sanhe domestic products, official table tennis balls
標準球 Official Ball
常識 Common knowledge
幾件新家庭常識 Some pieces of common knowledge about a new family
幾件新家庭常識 Some pieces of common knowledge about a new family
茶不宜多飲 It is not good to drink too much tea
洗花洋布衣 To wash colored machine-made clothes
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保管皮貨之法 How to preserve fur
法律顧問 Legal counsel
和姦寡婦 The adultery of a widow
別居重婚 Separation and bigamy
別居重婚 Separation and bigamy
受胎時期 The period of pregnancy
血親相婚 To get married with a blood relative
鄭潔梅女士之笑容 The smile of Ms Zheng Jiemei
長旗袍的最長度 The greatest length of a long qipao
何麗明女士之新裝 The new dress of Ms He Liming
若有所候 It seems that she is waiting for something
若有所待 It seems that she is waiting for something
拈花獨坐 Sitting while holding a flower
學棹 Learning to row
王人美與黎莉莉 [三圖] Wang Renmei and Li Lili
王人美與黎莉莉 [三圖] Wang Renmei and Li Lili
漢口三位小姐扮三個流氓 Three ladies from Hankou are dressed up as three gangsters
富麗堂皇的客室 A magnificent living room
女明星卡羅瑯伯素性愛花,此為其工作後澆花時之影 The female star Carole Lombard loves flowers. This photo was taken when she was watering flowers after work.
克披加勃爾 Kepijiabo'er
茲考特却利 Zikaotequeli
依文賴勃台夫 Yiwenlaibotaifu
金髮女郎瓊哈羅 Jean Harlow 喪夫後之鬱鬱不樂 The depressed blond lady Jean Harlow after her husband died.
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我國兒童影片 Children's movies from our country
注意兒童讀物 Pay attention to children's reading
兒童 Children
育兒須知 What one needs to know about raising a child
兒童 Children
歌女不能受教育 A sing-song girl can not receive education
歌女不能受教育 A sing-song girl can not receive education
案件評述 Comment on Law Cases
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
玲瓏圖畫雜誌 Lin Loon Magazine, the Ladies' Journal
世界文學園地 楊梅 (二) The garden of world literature. Red bayberries (two)
世界文學園地 楊梅 (二) The garden of world literature. Red bayberries (two)
世界文學園地 楊梅 (二) The garden of world literature. Red bayberries (two)
廣告刊例 Published examples of advertisement
定報價目 The subscription price
美蘭的日記(三) Meilan's diary (three)
美蘭的日記(三) Meilan's diary (three)
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玲瓏信箱 The Linglong Mailbox
玲瓏信箱 The Linglong Mailbox
玫玲粉,婦女隱痛之救星 Meiling powder - the savior of women from their secret pains
科學常識 鋅光燈 Common knowledge in science. The zinc lamp
鋅光燈 The zinc lamp
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收音清晰法 How to receive clearly
無線電小常識 Common knowledge about radio
嘉寶不肯跳水 Jiabao doesn't want to jump into the water
兩張侮辱我國的影片 描寫土匪軍閥 Two films which insult our country: The depiction of bandits and warlords
娛樂 Entertainment
銀幕珍聞 New Titbits of the Screen
山東姑娘頌讚 Paying a tribute to Shandong women
乌發明星麗琳哈維又一小影 Another photo of Lilinhawei, the star from "Dark Hair"
范侖鐵諾第二之佐治萊夫 George Raft, the second Valentino
封面:南錫卡露與小范朋克在新片中 The cover page: Nancy Carroll and Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., in a new movie