Funü Shibao
No. 006 (01 May, 1912)
Pages available: 1 - 126 (126 total)
婦女時報六號 Funü shibao Issue 6
婦女時報第六期目錄 Funü shibao Issue no.6 Table of Contents
瑩華潤髮油西裝之急需品 Yinghua brand hair wax: an essential part of western-style fashion
董茹生君謂服自來血後悉除體弱面黃胃呆神倦之症并賜玉照節登如下 Since [he] used the artificial blood, Mr. Dong Rusheng's symptoms of body fatique, yellow facial tone, upset stomach and weariness were alleviated. [He] graciously sent his photo [and letter] to be published here
董茹生君 Mr. Dong Rusheng
鎮江婦人身衰體弱服韋廉士大醫生紅色補丸而得復原 A frail woman from Zhenjiang recovered after taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People.
劉君振興之夫人 The wife of Liu Zhenxing
蕭寺月色民影照相月夜攝影 (有正製版) Moon over the Xiao temple: a photo of moonlight by Minying photo studio (Plate made by Youzheng)
女子軍事團幹事員張卓群女士 Executive member of the women's military group, Ms. Zhang Zhuoqun
女子北伐隊武問梅女士山西汾州人 Ms. Wu Wenmei of the Women's Northern Expedition army, she is from Fenzhou of Shanxi Province
女子拳術家寶山滕學琴女士 Femlae martial arts master Ms. Teng Xueqin from Baoshan
新流行之女帽 New fashionable hats for women
中國女教習日本人金原君 Japanese Female teacher in China, Kinbara-san
(日本著名之雙美) 鍋島侯爵夫人禎子前田侯爵夫人淺子姊妹以茶果敬客時攝影 (Two famous beauties in Japan) Sadako, the wife of Duke Nabeshima; Asako, the wife of Duke Maeda. The photo was taken while the two sisters were serving tea to the guests.
城東女學附設小學教育講習會 Education forum at the subsidary primary school of Chengdong School for Women
美人名馬之比較(日本光演伯令妹綾子姬與愛馬靠面之攝影) Comparing the beauty and a famous horse (Photo of Ayako, sister of the Japanese Earl Koen, cheek to cheek with her beloved horse)
意大利博物院名畫仕女 Famous painting of women from an Italian museum
桂馨女士小影 Photo of Ms. [Qiu] Guixin
邱桂馨女士畫桃花竹葉 Painting of cherry blossoms and bamboo by Ms. Qiu Guixin
桂馨女士小影 Photo of Ms. [Qiu] Guixing
漢口淑賢女學堂光復前師範班暨幼稚女生全體撮影 Group photo of the students of the normal division and the kindergarten class of the Hankou Shuyan school for women. The photo was taken before the restoration
盆景三種 Three kinds of potted plants [bonsai]
上海名閨郊游時攝影 Photo of the spring outing of the gentry women of Shanghai
村女游春圖 Spring outing of the village girls
蘇州閭門外之行舟 Boat ride at Lümen in Suzhou
蘇州郊外之帆影 The sail boats in rural Suzhou
蘇州山塘之舟楫 The paddle boats of Shantang in Suzhou
蘇州城內之搖船 Paddling inside the city of Suzhou
寒林淺瀨圖 Picture of the brook amidst a cold forest
婦女技藝造花材料器具一概俱全 Large selection of equipment and supplies for women’s craft - paper flower making
子宮病血之道藥/ 中將湯 The Chujoto Tsumura (medicine for uterus disease)
中將湯 / The Chujoto Tsumura The Chujoto Tsumura
女界注意保壽險益壽膠 Women, [please pay] attention to the medicine for enhancing longevity
女界注意保壽險益壽膠 Attention Women: [Use] Yishoujiao for longevitiy
無師自通照相法/ 上海中西大藥房廣告 Self-taught photography/ Shanghai zhongxi pharmacy advertisement
上海亨達利洋行準時計/ 清醒鏡 Watches and eye glasses available at the Shanghai Hengdeli Company
清醒鏡 Eye glasses
無師自通照相法/ 上海中西大藥房廣告 Self-taught photography/ Shanghai Zhongxi pharmacy advertisement
準時計 Pocket watches
夏士蓮雪花 Hazeline Snow
夏士蓮雪花 Hazeline Snow
婦女與革命 Women and revolution
婦女與革命 Women and revolution
婦女與革命 Women and revolution
婦女與革命 Women and revolution
婦女與革命 Women and revolution
婦女與革命 Women and revolution
婦女與革命 Women and revolution
婦女與革命 Women and revolution
婦女與革命 Women and revolution
婦女與革命 Women and revolution
裕朗西女兒之革命談 The daughter of [Yulangxi's] discussion of revolution
婦女與革命 Women and revolution
裕朗西女兒之革命談 The daughter of [Yulangxi's] discussion of revolution
裕朗西女兒之革命談 The daughter of [Yulangxi's] discussion of revolution
裕朗西女兒之革命談 The daughter of [Yulangxi's] discussion of revolution
裕朗西女兒之革命談 The daughter of [Yulangxi's] discussion of revolution
裕朗西女兒之革命談 The daughter of [Yulangxi's] discussion of revolution
女子參政同志會宣言書 Declaration of the women's suffrage coalition
裕朗西女兒之革命談 The daughter of [Yulangxi's] discussion of revolution
女子參政同志會宣言書 Declaration of the women's suffrage coalition
女子參政同志會宣言書 Declaration of the women's suffrage coalition
論死之輕重 On the significance of death
論死之輕重 On the significance of death
女界代表張群英等上參議院書 Letter to the Senate from women's representatives Zhang Qunying and others
致某報記者書 Letter to a newspaper reporter
女界代表張群英等上參議院書 Letter to the Senate from women's representatives Zhang Qunying and others
致某報記者書 Letter to a newspaper reporter
要求女子參政權之預備 Preparations for demanding women's suffrage
致某報記者書 Letter to a newspaper reporter
論美國女天文家 An American female astronomer
赴甌日記 Diary of a trip to Wenzhou
赴甌日記 Diary of a trip to Wenzhou
北行六日記 A six-day trip to the north
赴甌日記 Diary of a trip to Wenzhou
北行六日記 A six-day trip to the north
白宮之花 Flower of the White House
北行六日記 A six-day trip to the north
塔虎脫夫人/ 塔虎脫/ 却來 Mrs. Taft/ [William H.]Taft/ Charles [Phelps Taft II]
白宮之花 Flower of the White House
白宮之花 Flower of the White House
塔虎脫夫人及其女公子海倫 Mrs. Taft and her daughter Helen
白宮之花 Flower of the White House
白宮之花 Flower of the White House
白宮之花 Flower of the White House
送庫陵女士歸國文 Farewell to Ms. Kuling on her return to her country
許女士蘅秋傳/革命聲中之自縊 Biography of Ms. Xu Hengqiu/ who hung herself amidst the noise of the revolution
送庫陵女士歸國文 Farewell to Ms. Kuling on her return to her country
我鄉今昔婚嫁風俗談 On the marriage customs in my home town past and present
許女士蘅秋傳/革命聲中之自縊 Biography of Ms. Xu Hengqiu/ who hung herself amidst the noise of the revolution
我鄉今昔婚嫁風俗談 On the marriage customs in my home town past and present
吳孝女傳 Biography of filial daughter Wu
我鄉今昔婚嫁風俗談 On the marriage customs in my home town past and present
英國羅士哈琴生夫人小傳 Biography of the wife of John Hutchinson [Luoshi Haqinsheng] of England
吳孝女傳 Biography of filial daughter Wu
英國羅士哈琴生夫人小傳 Biography of the wife of John Hutchinson [Luoshi Haqinsheng] of England
英國羅士哈琴生夫人小傳 Biography of the wife of John Hutchinson [Luoshi Haqinsheng] of England
英國羅士哈琴生夫人小傳 Biography of the wife of John Hutchinson [Luoshi Haqinsheng] of England
論組織女子軍隊 On the organization of a women's army
英國羅士哈琴生夫人小傳 Biography of the wife of John Hutchinson [Luoshi Haqinsheng] of England
先五兄陳公伯萍行狀 The life of my late fifth older brother Chen Boping
論組織女子軍隊 On the organization of a women's army
太倉婦女迷信談 On women's superstition in Taicang
先五兄陳公伯萍行狀 The life of my late fifth older brother Chen Boping
太倉婦女迷信談 On women's superstition in Taicang
潤州旅行記 Runzhou travelogue
太倉婦女迷信談 On women's superstition in Taicang
潤州旅行記 Runzhou travelogue
潤州旅行記 Runzhou travelogue
潤州旅行記 Runzhou travelogue
致某君書 Letter to [a certain person]
潤州旅行記 Runzhou travelogue
致某君書 Letter to [a certain person]
小產之治療 Treatment for miscarriages
致某君書 Letter to [a certain person]
小產之治療 Treatment for miscarriages
賣花女郎 The girl who sells flowers
賣花女郎 The girl who sells flowers
上海風景范公祠 Shanghai scenery: Fangong shrine
賣花女郎 The girl who sells flowers
賣花女郎 The girl who sells flowers
賣花女郎 The girl who sells flowers
上海風景英界石路 Shanghai scenery: A cobblestone road in the British Concession
賣花女郎 The girl who sells flowers
上海風景法大馬路 Shanghai scenery: The main street in the French concession
賣花女郎 The girl who sells flowers
賣花女郎 The girl who sells flowers
賣花女郎 The girl who sells flowers
上海風景自來水橋 Shanghai scenery: Shanghai Waterworks Bridge
賣花女郎 The girl who sells flowers
虛榮 (第八章﹐ 第九章) Vanity (Chapter 8, Chapter 9)
虛榮 (第八章﹐ 第九章) Vanity (Chapter 8, Chapter 9)
虛榮 (第八章﹐ 第九章) Vanity (Chapter 8, Chapter 9)
虛榮 (第八章﹐ 第九章) Vanity (Chapter 8, Chapter 9)
虛榮 (第八章﹐ 第九章) Vanity (Chapter 8, Chapter 9)
虛榮 (第八章﹐ 第九章) Vanity (Chapter 8, Chapter 9)
虛榮 (第八章﹐ 第九章) Vanity (Chapter 8, Chapter 9)
虛榮 (第八章﹐ 第九章) Vanity (Chapter 8, Chapter 9)
崑山婚嫁之風俗 Marriage customs in Kunshan
虛榮 (第八章﹐ 第九章) Vanity (Chapter 8, Chapter 9)
崑山婚嫁之風俗 Marriage customs in Kunshan
崑山婚嫁之風俗 Marriage customs in Kunshan
胡氏裁書 Hu's book on tailoring
崑山婚嫁之風俗 Marriage customs in Kunshan
胡氏裁書 Hu's book on tailoring
胡氏裁書 Hu's book on tailoring
胡氏裁書 Hu's book on tailoring
胡氏裁書 Hu's book on tailoring
胡氏裁書 Hu's book on tailoring
胡氏裁書 Hu's book on tailoring
胡氏裁書 Hu's book on tailoring
胡氏裁書 Hu's book on tailoring
愛國之女兒 Patriotic girls
論女子欲求平權須先求平等教育 If women want to demand equal rights they must first demand equal education
書翰文 [Open] letter
論女子欲求平權須先求平等教育 If women want to demand equal rights they must first demand equal education
綠藦蕪館詩話 Notes on poetry from the Green Grass Hall
論女學之關係國家 On the relationship between women's education and the nation
綠藦蕪館詩話 Notes on poetry from the Green Grass Hall
春算 (客新嘉坡作) Poems of the spring (composed while visiting Singapore)
綠藦蕪館詩話 Notes on poetry from the Green Grass Hall
弔古六章 Six poems on famous people from the past
春寒 Spring chill
春算 (客新嘉坡作) Poems of the spring (composed while visiting Singapore)
編輯室 Editor's office
答外 Reponding to far away [events]
春事 Spring events
初晴誌喜 Marking the arrival of fair weather
冬夜不寐有感 Thoughts on a sleepless winter night
說女子參政的理由 On the reasons why women should participate in politics
拍照新奇請坐飛艇拍照 Novelty photos: please come and have your photo taken in an airship?
有正書局發行各種碑帖價目 Pricelist of ink rubbings published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局發行各種碑帖墨跡價目 Pricelist of ink rubbings and calligraphy published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局精印美術圖畫價目 Pricelist of high quality art books and prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局精印美術圖畫價目 Pricelist of high quality art books and prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局各種美術圖畫價目 Pricelist of art books and prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局精印各種圖畫價目 Pricelist of high quality art books and prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局精印各種美術圖畫楹聯目錄 Catalogue of high quality prints of painting and calligraphy published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局各種美術畫圖目錄 Catalogue of art prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局各種書籍發行 Books published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局各種發行書籍 Books published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局發行各種書籍價目 Pricelist of books published by Youzheng Bookstore
上海新髻式信箋 New letter papers printed with images of new hair styles from Shanghai
時裝仕女新信箋 New letter papers printed with images of new fashion