Funü Shibao
No. 012 (10 January, 1914)
Pages available: 1 - 120 (120 total)
婦女時報第十二號 Funü shibao Issue #12
婦女時報第十二期目錄 Funü shibao Issue no.12 Table of Contents
總發行所上海四馬路五洲大藥房/ 女界寶/ 滋陰養血安胎保產 Distributor Wuzhou pharmacy on No.4 Road, Shanghai/ Nüjiebao/ Helping blood production, nurturing and enhancing health during pregnancy
總發行所上海四馬路五洲大藥房/ 女界寶 Distributor Wuzhou pharmacy on No.4 Road, Shanghai/ Nüjiebao
各學校鑒/習字之好模範 To all schools: good exemplary calligraphy
原本紅樓夢/ 原本聊齋誌異 Original copy of Dream of Red Chamber/ Original copy of Strange Tales from a Rustic Studio
行草大字典 Dictionary of running and grass scripts
區君晉南之妻 The wife of Ou Jinnan
新出版書畫/上海有正書局發行 Newly released books and art albums/ published by Youzheng bookstore of Shanghai
軟弱病婦絕妙靈丹 The most miraculous medicine for weak and sick women
熊總理夫人朱其蕙女士/ 姻戚某女士/ 長女公子/ 夫人之姪女/ 朱廉女士/ 次女公子 The wife of cabinet minister Xiong, Ms. Zhu Qihui/ A relative of the family/ Eldest daughter/ Niece of Mrs. Xiong, Ms. Zhu Lian/ Second daughter
滄洲別墅孫若崖君與湯溯雲女士結婚攝影 Wedding photo of Mr. Sun Ruoya and Ms. Tang Suyun, taken at the cottage at cangzhou
內務總長朱桂辛君之夫人于繡君女士 Ms. Yu Xiujun, the wife of the Minister of Internal Affairs Mr. Zhu Guixin
內務總長朱桂辛君 Minister of Internal Affairs Mr. Zhu Guixin
章以吳君與朱淇筠女士結婚攝影 Wedding photo of Mr. Zhang Yiwu and Ms. Zhu Qiyun
申鳳章君與陸心如女士結婚於海參威總領事署攝影 Wedding photo of Mr. Shen Fengjun and Ms. Lu Xinru taken at the embassy at Vladivostok
體育家湖南滕超女士 Athlete Ms. Teng Chao of Hunan
黃逸塵女士 Ms. Huang Yichen
常昭淑琴女子師範學堂監督/常昭女子勸學會長胡靜芳女士攝影 Director of the Shuqin Normal School for Women in Changzhao/ President of women's career society Ms. Hu Jingfang
中州周德英女士 Ms. Zhou Deying from Zhongzhou
張志學女士 Ms. Zhang Zhixue
孫景西君與程耀嶼女士結婚攝影 Wedding photo of Mr. Sun Jingxi and Ms. Cheng Yaoyu
金陶陶女士畫花卉冊 An album of flowers painted by Ms. Jin Taotao
歐洲名畫二 (愛情已過如雲煙) Famous European painting 2 (when love is lost like the cloud and mist)
歐洲名畫一度蜜月 (愛情最濃之時代) Famous Euopean painting 1 - Honeymoon (When the love is most intense)
日本女子之姿勢十種 (上) Ten manners of Japanese women (part 1)
日本女子之姿勢十種 (下) Ten manners of Japanese women (part 2)
世界最著名女科學家堪利夫人 (即發明雷錠者) 夫人法國人 The world's most famous female scientist (who invented radium). She is French.
法國著名女律師拉留爾 Famous French female lawyer Lailiuer
顧西眉畫耕織圖卷二 Painting of farming and weaving by Gu Ximei, handscroll two
顧西眉畫耕織圖卷一 Painting of farming and weaving by Gu Ximei, handscroll one
頤和園內前清妃后所乘寶船 A precious boat used to be ridden by princesses of the former Qing
中將湯 / The Chujoto Tsumura The Chujoto Tsumura
中將湯/ 果然應驗/ 第一品了 The Chujoto Tsumura: [It] really works/ [It is a] first-rate product
民影照相館廣告/價目單 Price list of the Minying photo studio
固髓汁/ 血中血/ 益肺露 Medicine for bone/ Medicine for blood/ Medicine for lung
上海安衛生西法鑲牙所 Shanghai A. Wilson Dentist (Using Western methods of dentistry)
上海亨達利洋行 Jewellery at Shanghai Hengdeli Company
A. Wilson Dentist
[pictures of jewelry]
夏士蓮雪花 Hazeline Snow
夏士蓮雪花 Hazeline Snow
拿破侖之母黎琪夏傳 Biography of Letizia, mother of Napoloeon
拿破侖之母黎琪夏傳 Biography of Letizia, mother of Napoloeon
拿破侖之母黎琪夏傳 Biography of Letizia, mother of Napoloeon
拿破侖之母黎琪夏傳 Biography of Letizia, mother of Napoloeon
拿破侖之母黎琪夏傳 Biography of Letizia, mother of Napoloeon
拿破侖之母黎琪夏傳 Biography of Letizia, mother of Napoloeon
拿破侖之母黎琪夏傳 Biography of Letizia, mother of Napoloeon
拿破侖之母黎琪夏傳 Biography of Letizia, mother of Napoloeon
拿破侖之母黎琪夏傳 Biography of Letizia, mother of Napoloeon
拿破侖之母黎琪夏傳 Biography of Letizia, mother of Napoloeon
拿破侖之母黎琪夏傳 Biography of Letizia, mother of Napoloeon
拿破侖之母黎琪夏傳 Biography of Letizia, mother of Napoloeon
拿破侖之母黎琪夏傳 Biography of Letizia, mother of Napoloeon
吾所望於求學時代之女子 My expectations of women during their school years
拿破侖之母黎琪夏傳 Biography of Letizia, mother of Napoloeon
吾所望於求學時代之女子 My expectations of women during their school years
吾所望於求學時代之女子 My expectations of women during their school years
白宮中之海伊司夫人 Mrs. Hayes of the White House
白宮中之海伊司夫人 Mrs. Hayes of the White House
茀奈海伊司與司各脫海伊司小影 Photo of Fanny Hayes and Scott Hayes
白宮中之海伊司夫人 Mrs. Hayes of the White House
白宮中之海伊司夫人 Mrs. Hayes of the White House
白宮中之海伊司夫人 Mrs. Hayes of the White House
總統海伊司及其夫人之小影 Photo of President Hayes and his wife
白宮中之海伊司夫人 Mrs. Hayes of the White House
女子自衛法 Self-defense for women
白宮中之海伊司夫人 Mrs. Hayes of the White House
[女子自衛法] 第一圖 - 第六圖 [Self-defense for women] Figure 1 to figure 6
女子自衛法 Self-defense for women
[女子自衛法] 第一圖 - 第六圖 [Self-defense for women] Figure 1 to figure 6
女子自衛法 Self-defense for women
[女子自衛法] 第一圖 - 第六圖 [Self-defense for women] Figure 1 to figure 6
日本賣花女郎小傳 Short biography of a Japanese woman who sells flowers
女子自衛法 Self-defense for women
日本賣花男裝 A Japanese woman selling flowers wearing man's clothing
日本賣花女郎小傳 Short biography of a Japanese woman who sells flowers
對於兒童之保護 Protection of children
日本賣花女郎小傳 Short biography of a Japanese woman who sells flowers
對於兒童之保護 Protection of children
對於兒童之保護 Protection of children
儷敬室隨筆 Jottings from the Lijing Study
對於兒童之保護 Protection of children
儷敬室隨筆 Jottings from the Lijing Study
儷敬室隨筆 Jottings from the Lijing Study
儷敬室隨筆 Jottings from the Lijing Study
儷敬室隨筆 Jottings from the Lijing Study
儷敬室隨筆 Jottings from the Lijing Study
儷敬室隨筆 Jottings from the Lijing Study
儷敬室隨筆 Jottings from the Lijing Study
儷敬室隨筆 Jottings from the Lijing Study
儷敬室隨筆 Jottings from the Lijing Study
儷敬室隨筆 Jottings from the Lijing Study
泣之心理 Psychology of crying
儷敬室隨筆 Jottings from the Lijing Study
泣之心理 Psychology of crying
泣之心理 Psychology of crying
泣之心理 Psychology of crying
小兒生產後之第一月 The first month after a baby's birth
泣之心理 Psychology of crying
小兒生產後之第一月 The first month after a baby's birth
小兒生產後之第一月 The first month after a baby's birth
尚志女塾生旅行記 Travelogue of students of Shangzhi School for Girls
小兒生產後之第一月 The first month after a baby's birth
余妙華女士小傳 Biography of Ms. Yu Miaohua
尚志女塾生旅行記 Travelogue of students of Shangzhi School for Girls
城市之女 City women
余妙華女士小傳 Biography of Ms. Yu Miaohua
寧波女士職業譚 Women's occupations in Ningbo
余妙華女士小傳 Biography of Ms. Yu Miaohua
寧波女士職業譚 Women's occupations in Ningbo
寧波女士職業譚 Women's occupations in Ningbo
寧波女士職業譚 Women's occupations in Ningbo
寧波女士職業譚 Women's occupations in Ningbo
女子參政權論 Women's suffrage
寧波女士職業譚 Women's occupations in Ningbo
女子參政權論 Women's suffrage
鄉市之女 Women of the country side
女子參政權論 Women's suffrage
女子參政權論 Women's suffrage
女子參政權論 Women's suffrage
女子參政權論 Women's suffrage
女子參政權論 Women's suffrage
女子參政權論 Women's suffrage
孝女復仇記 Revenge of a filial daughter
孝女復仇記 Revenge of a filial daughter
孝女復仇記 Revenge of a filial daughter
蚊 (續) Mosquitoes (continued)
孝女復仇記 Revenge of a filial daughter
蚊 (續) Mosquitoes (continued)
蚊 (續) Mosquitoes (continued)
邯鄲新夢 New dreams in Handan
蚊 (續) Mosquitoes (continued)
邯鄲新夢 New dreams in Handan
科學小言 Science trivia
邯鄲新夢 New dreams in Handan
[various tailoring patterns]
裁縫科講義 Tailoring instructions
[various tailoring patterns]
裁縫科講義 Tailoring instructions
[various tailoring patterns]
裁縫科講義 Tailoring instructions
[various tailoring patterns]
文字非學問說 On the argument that language is not [real] knowledge
裁縫科講義 Tailoring instructions
讀茹恨集書後七十二韻 Seventy-two songs composed after reading Ruhenji
國語統一於教育前途之利益 Benefits of standardization of the Chinese language for the future of education
癩叔命題呂夢符半醒獨立圖 Colophon for the painting of a half-awakened man by Lü Mengfu, on the request of [my] uncle
贈毛姊裕蕙 For elder sister Mao Yuhui
贈劉姊韻芳 For elder sister Liu Yunfang
讀茹恨集書後七十二韻 Seventy-two songs composed after reading Ruhenji
古廟行 Visit to an old temple
郊外行 Outing in the country side
蘇武 Su Wu
錢江晚渡 Crossing the Qian river at night
吊秋娘墓二絕 Two poems to lament Ms. Qiu at her grave
箴從兄一首 A poem composed at the request of older brother
癩叔命題呂夢符半醒獨立圖 Colophon for the painting of a half-awakened man by Lü Mengfu, on the request of [my] uncle
關於女子之農業 About women and agriculture
有正書局精印美術圖畫價目 Pricelist of high quality art books and prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局精印美術圖畫價目 Pricelist of high quality art books and prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局各種美術畫圖價目 Pricelist of art prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局精印各種圖畫價目 Pricelist of high quality art books and prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局精印各種美術圖畫楹聯目錄 Catalogue of high quality prints of painting and calligraphy published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局各種美術畫圖目錄 Catalogue of art prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
全國學堂影相 Photographs of schools from across China
艷籢花影 Photographs of beautiful courtesans [dressing cases from the flower world]
秋波小影冊子 Album of photographs of lovers
海上驚鴻影 Photographs of [graces of Shanghai]
有正書局各種書籍發行 Books published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局各種書籍發行 Books published by Youzheng Bookstore
一家治癒二人/ 修道院藥子膏醫治祖孫喘咳之症 Cured two people in a family/ Medicine from the monastery cured coughing symptoms of the grandfather and the grandson
一家治癒二人 Cured two people in a family
保腎丸手到病除 The kidney pills cure illnesses immediately
Doans backache kidney pills
保腎丸手到病除 The kidney pills cure illnesses immediately