Funü Shibao
No. 013 (01 April, 1914)
Pages available: 1 - 130 (130 total)
婦女時報十三號 Funü shibao Issue #13
婦女時報第十三期目錄 Funü shibao Issue no.13 Table of Contents
女界寶 Treasure [medicine] for women
總發行所上海四馬路五洲大藥房/ 女界寶/ 滋陰養血安胎保產 Distributor Wuzhou pharmacy on No.4 Road, Shanghai/ Nüjiebao/ Helping blood production, nurturing and enhancing health during pregnancy
奉天醒時白話報主筆錫祿女士 Ms. Xi Lu, chief writer of the Xingshi vernacular newspaper in Fengtian
前曾握管無力/ 今則強健快樂 [She] used to be to weak to even hold a pen/ Now [she is] strong, healthy and happy
溪山煙雨 (攝影神品) River and mountain in misty rain (an excellent [exemplary] photograph)
北洋女子師範學堂學生張鴻儀女士 Ms. Zhang Hongyi, a student at the Beiyang Normal School for Women
金陶陶女士畫花卉冊 An album of flowers painted by Ms. Jin Taotao
甄平君與宗瑜女士結婚攝影 Wedding photo of Mr. Zhen Ping and Ms. Zong Yu
黎民偉君與嚴淑姬女士結婚後三日攝影 Photo of Mr. Li Minwei and Ms. Yan Shuji, taken three days after their wedding
行禮後反舍途中所攝 [Photo] taken on their way home after the wedding ceremony
壬子歲七月十五日女士乘廣大輪之滬分袂時依依不捨之狀/ 黎民偉君與香港華僑懿德女師範公學校師範生嚴淑姬女士雙影/ 度蜜月時喬裝遠遊之影 On the fifteenth day of the seventh month of the year Renzi [1912], the lady left for Shanghai on the ocean liner Guangda, feeling sad about leaving each other/ A pair of photos of Mr. Li Minwei and Ms. Yan Shuji, a Hong Kong resident and a student at the Yide Public Normal School for Women/ Properly dressed for the honeymoon trip
黎民偉君與嚴淑姬女士結婚度蜜月時種種之攝影 Various photos taken during the honeymoon trip of Mr. Li Minwei and Ms. Yan Shuji
度蜜月時石畔支頤之圖 Relaxingly leaning back on rocks, a photo taken during their honeymoon
度蜜月時在廣東東郊息鞭亭畔之影 A photo taken besides the Xibian Pavilion in the east suburb of Guangdong [province] during their honeymoon
度蜜月時遠遊之影 A travel photo taken during their honeymoon
度蜜月時遊山觀瀑之影 Sightseeing at the mountain and the fall, a photo taken during their honeymoon
常熟縣立女校旅行虞山西麓攝影(癸丑重九日) Photo of students of the Changshu county girls' school on their outing to the west side of Mount Yu (On Chongyang festival of 1913)
上海城西幼稚園遊戲圖 Children at play at the Shanghai Chengxi kindergarten
上海城西幼稚園遊戲體操圖 Children playing and exercising at the Shanghai Chengxi kindergarten
廣東懿德女師範生黎秀英女士絲繡品 Embroidery by Ms. Li Xiuying, student at the Yide Normal School for Women in Guangdong
渤良安婦人 A woman of Bandung [West Java]
巴布亞麻羅格土番女 Native women of Papua [and] Malacca?
北京滿漢婦女之裝束 Beijing women's Manchurian-Han Fashions
法國最時式之女帽 The most fashionable women's hats in France
中將湯 / The Chujoto Tsumura The Chujoto Tsumura
中將湯/ 果然應驗/ 第一品了 The Chujoto Tsumura: [It] really works/ [It is a] first-rate product
A. Wilson Dentist (in English)
固髓汁/ 血中血/ 益肺露 Medicine for bone/ Medicine for blood/ Medicine for lung
上海安衛生西法鑲牙所 Shanghai A. Wilson Dentist (Using Western methods of dentistry)
寶誠裕記銀樓 Baocheng yuji jewelery store
上海寶誠裕記銀樓擇於陰曆二月十八日陽曆三月十四號興遷開張廣告 Shanghai Baocheng Yuji jewelery store has picked the 28th day of the second month on the lunar calendar (March fourteenth of the Western calendar) for the grand opening of the store at the new location
夏士蓮玫瑰霜 Hazeline Rose Frost
夏士蓮玫瑰霜 Hazeline Rose Frost
進化學上之婦人觀 Views on women in the theory of evolution
進化學上之婦人觀 Views on women in the theory of evolution
進化學上之婦人觀 Views on women in the theory of evolution
進化學上之婦人觀 Views on women in the theory of evolution
進化學上之婦人觀 Views on women in the theory of evolution
進化學上之婦人觀 Views on women in the theory of evolution
進化學上之婦人觀 Views on women in the theory of evolution
進化學上之婦人觀 Views on women in the theory of evolution
闢男尊女卑說 In refutation of the view that men are superior and women are inferior
闢男尊女卑說 In refutation of the view that men are superior and women are inferior
疾名 Bad name ?
疾名 Bad name ?
幼稚園實驗教育談 On experiemental kindergarten education
幼稚園實驗教育談 On experiemental kindergarten education
幼稚園實驗教育談 On experiemental kindergarten education
幼稚園實驗教育談 On experiemental kindergarten education
幼稚園實驗教育談 On experiemental kindergarten education
幼稚園實驗教育談 On experiemental kindergarten education
幼稚園實驗教育談 On experiemental kindergarten education
科學小言 Science trivia
賢妻居里夫人 The wise wife Mrs. Curie
賢妻居里夫人 The wise wife Mrs. Curie
賢妻居里夫人 The wise wife Mrs. Curie
賢妻居里夫人 The wise wife Mrs. Curie
德意志之花(威廉二世之女維多利亞路易瑟) Flower of Germany (Victoria Louise, daughter of William II)
德意志之花(威廉二世之女維多利亞路易瑟) Flower of Germany (Victoria Louise, daughter of William II)
德意志之花(威廉二世之女維多利亞路易瑟) Flower of Germany (Victoria Louise, daughter of William II)
德意志之花(威廉二世之女維多利亞路易瑟) Flower of Germany (Victoria Louise, daughter of William II)
德意志之花(威廉二世之女維多利亞路易瑟) Flower of Germany (Victoria Louise, daughter of William II)
德意志之花(威廉二世之女維多利亞路易瑟) Flower of Germany (Victoria Louise, daughter of William II)
閨秀叢話 Stories of gentry women
閨秀叢話 Stories of gentry women
閨秀叢話 Stories of gentry women
閨秀叢話 Stories of gentry women
閨秀叢話 Stories of gentry women
閨秀叢話 Stories of gentry women
閨秀叢話 Stories of gentry women
閨秀叢話 Stories of gentry women
閨秀叢話 Stories of gentry women
閨秀叢話 Stories of gentry women
閨秀叢話 Stories of gentry women
閨秀叢話 Stories of gentry women
閨秀叢話 Stories of gentry women
閨秀叢話 Stories of gentry women
那威之女子選舉權 Women's suffrage in Norway
那威之女子選舉權 Women's suffrage in Norway
那威之女子選舉權 Women's suffrage in Norway
京津重遊記 Revisiting Beijing and Tianjin
京津重遊記 Revisiting Beijing and Tianjin
京津重遊記 Revisiting Beijing and Tianjin
京津重遊記 Revisiting Beijing and Tianjin
西湖日記 Diary of a visit to West Lake
西湖日記 Diary of a visit to West Lake
西湖日記 Diary of a visit to West Lake
西湖日記 Diary of a visit to West Lake
西湖日記 Diary of a visit to West Lake
西湖日記 Diary of a visit to West Lake
西湖日記 Diary of a visit to West Lake
西湖日記 Diary of a visit to West Lake
西湖日記 Diary of a visit to West Lake
西湖日記 Diary of a visit to West Lake
小兒生產後之第二月 The second month after a baby's birth
小兒生產後之第二月 The second month after a baby's birth
小兒生產後之第二月 The second month after a baby's birth
小兒生產後之第二月 The second month after a baby's birth
小兒生產後之第三月 The third month after a baby's birth
小兒生產後之第三月 The third month after a baby's birth
[No Caption]
小兒生產後之第三月 The third month after a baby's birth
小兒生產後之第三月 The third month after a baby's birth
小兒生產後之第三月 The third month after a baby's birth
黑獅夫人之好學 The erudite Mrs. Heishi
黑獅夫人之好學 The erudite Mrs. Heishi
女子參政權論 On women’s suffrage
女子參政權論 On women’s suffrage
女子參政權論 On women’s suffrage
女子參政權論 On women’s suffrage
女子參政權論 On women’s suffrage
海伊司夫人小影 Portrait of Mrs. Hayes
平等閣筆記 Jottings from the Pingdeng study
美術家惠鑒/ 有正書局啟 To artists [and art lovers]/ from Youzheng bookstore
[No caption]
你的字何以寫得這樣的不好/若時常臨臨帖/ 你的字自然就會好了 How come your handwriting is so bad?/ [if you] copy from the calligraphy samples often, your handwriting will eventually improve
各學校鑒/習字之好模範 To all schools: good exemplary calligraphy
各學校鑒/習字之好模範 To all schools: good exemplary calligraphy
中國名畫集廣告上/下 Advertisement for the albums of famous Chinese paintings volume1/ volume 2
中國名畫集廣告上/下 Advertisement for the albums of famous Chinese paintings volume1/ volume 2
無師自通/婦女必備之技能/ 學習裁縫之捷徑 Self-taught/ a necessary skill for women/ a shortcut to learn tailoring and sewing
恨海綺愁鑒 Reflection of the tender sadness in the sea of regrets
恨海綺愁鑒 Reflection of the tender sadness in the sea of regrets
恨海綺愁鑒 Reflection of the tender sadness in the sea of regrets
恨海綺愁鑒 Reflection of the tender sadness in the sea of regrets
恨海綺愁鑒 Reflection of the tender sadness in the sea of regrets
恨海綺愁鑒 Reflection of the tender sadness in the sea of regrets
恨海綺愁鑒 Reflection of the tender sadness in the sea of regrets
恨海綺愁鑒 Reflection of the tender sadness in the sea of regrets
恨海綺愁鑒 Reflection of the tender sadness in the sea of regrets
恨海綺愁鑒 Reflection of the tender sadness in the sea of regrets
恨海綺愁鑒 Reflection of the tender sadness in the sea of regrets
恨海綺愁鑒 Reflection of the tender sadness in the sea of regrets
恨海綺愁鑒 Reflection of the tender sadness in the sea of regrets
恨海綺愁鑒 Reflection of the tender sadness in the sea of regrets
恨海綺愁鑒 Reflection of the tender sadness in the sea of regrets
說普及女子教育之要義 On the significance of universal education for women
說普及女子教育之要義 On the significance of universal education for women
說女子入學以求為國民為要素 On the importance of education for women to become citizens
說母教之重 On the importance of maternal education
知行合一說 On the unity of knowing and acting
花朝約同志小飲啟 Inspired by a drinking gathering with friends on Huachao festival
春閨雜詠 Randomly composed in spring in the inner chambers
春日寄懷碧雲姊 Remembering older sister Biyun in the spring
春日偕女伴游愚園 Visiting Yu Garden in the spring with a female companion
漁翁 A fisherman
晚眺 Observing at night
弔古六章 Six poems on famous people from the past
病感 Feelings while ill
哭殤女 Mourning [my] daughter
漁翁 A fisherman
哭殤女 Mourning [my] daughter
傷春 Sadness in the spring
憶舊 Remembering the past
贈別 Farewell
馮君﹖索寄近作畫此以答 Response to Ms. Feng ? request for [my] recent painting
女子當有普通醫學知識 Women should have basic medical knowledge
有正書局新信箋 New letter-writing papers by Youzheng bookstore
有正書局新信箋 New letter-writing papers by Youzheng bookstore
泥城橋西首民影照相館廣告 Advertisement for Minying photo studio west of Nichengqiao
中國名畫外集 The other album of famous Chinese paintings
原本紅樓夢/ 原本聊齋誌異 Original copy of Dream of Red Chamber/ Original copy of Strange Tales from a Rustic Studio
海上驚鴻影 Photographs of [graces of Shanghai]
艷籢花影 Photographs of beautiful courtesans [dressing cases from the flower world]
有正書局精印各種碑帖目錄 Catalogue of finely printed ink rubbings published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局精印各種碑帖目錄 Catalogue of finely printed ink rubbings published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局精印各種墨跡目錄 Catalogue of finely-printed calligraphy published by Youzheng Bookstore
中堂屏片/ 廳堂陳設送禮美品 Horizontal scrolls/ Great for decorating rooms and as gifts
珂羅版印敦煌石室秘寶 Treasures inside the caves at Dunhuang, printed by collotype
石谷生平第一精品/ 臨宋元十二景 The best work of [Wang] Shigu/ Copies of twelve landscpaes in Song and Yuan paintings
行草大字典 Dictionary of running and grass scripts
背痛甚劇俯仰不舒之圖 Severe backpain makes it difficult even to stand up straight
病之迅速/ 人年華者/ 莫為腎弱 Illness-prone and premature aging are due to weak kidney condition
錢君幼樓之玉照 Portrait of Mr. Qian Youlou
修道院丸藥 Medicinal pills from the monastery