Funü Shibao
No. 014 (15 July, 1914)
Pages available: 1 - 128 (128 total)
婦女時報十四號 Funü shibao Issue 14
婦女時報第十四期目錄 Funü shibao Issue no.4 Table of Contents
婦女們的靈驗品 Efficacious [medicine] for women
婦女們的靈驗品/ 總發行所上海四馬路五洲大藥房 Efficacious [medicine] for women/ Distributor Wuzhou pharmacy at Simalu, Shanghai
婦女疾病 Women's illnesses
婦女疾病 Women's illnesses
農商總長張總裁謇之夫人吳道愔女士之影 Photo of Ms. Wu Daoyin, wife of Zhang Jian, Minister of Argriculture and Commerce
施淑儀女士 Ms. Shi Shuyi
王靈女士小影 Photo of Ms. Wang Ling
余沈壽女士 Ms. Yu Shen Shou
顧浣雲女士 Ms. Gu Wanyun
城東女學校長楊白民君之家庭攝影 Photo of the family of Mr. Yang Baimin, principal of Chengdong Girls School
淑女鑒/ 葛敬和女士 Portraits of Ladies/ Ge Jinghe nüshi
費劍石君與李華書女士結婚攝影 Wedding photo of Mr. Bi Jianshi and Ms. Li Huashu
徐振亞君與沈雲華女士在蘇州惠蔭園結婚攝影 Photo of the wedding of Mr. Xu Zhenya and Ms. Shen Yunhua, held at Huiyin Garden in Suzhou
章以吳君與朱簡如女士合影 (女士為內務總長朱啟鈐君之次女公子) Photo of Mr. Zhang Yiwu and Ms. Zhu Jianru (The lady is the second daughter of Mr. Zhu Qiqian, Cabinet Minister of Internal Affairs)
祝群女校禮堂攝影/ 中華民國二年十二月 Photo of the assembly hall of Zhuqun Girls' School/ December of the second year of Republic of China [1913]
祝群女學校高初等及專修科畢業合影 Photo of the graduation of the higher and lower levels, and specialized courses of Zhuqun Girls' School
上海醫院女醫生攝影 Photo of the female doctors at the Shanghai hospital
上海新民女學校全體女生攝影 Photo of all female students at the Shanghai Xinmin Girls' School
小兒半歲時之十二態 (楊女公子一珠) Twelve postures of a six-month-old baby (Daughter of theYang [family,] Yizhu)
淑女鑒/ 陳璧女士/ 崔昭華女士 Portraits of ladies/ Ms. Chen Bi/ Ms. Cui Zhaohua
紐約新式小兒玩具 New children's toys from New York
劉玉如女士絲繡品攝影 Embroidery by Ms. Liu Yuru
[劉玉如女士] [Ms. Liu Yuru]
顧西眉畫耕織圖卷三 Painting of farming and weaving by Gu Ximei, handscroll three
顧西眉畫耕織圖卷四 Painting of farming and weaving by Gu Ximei, handscroll four
中將湯 / The Chujoto Tsumura The Chujoto Tsumura
中將湯/ 果然應驗/ 第一品了 The Chujoto Tsumura: [It] really works/ [It is a] first-rate product
固髓汁/ 血中血/ 益肺露 Medicine for bone/ Medicine for blood/ Medicine for lung
上海安衛生西法鑲牙所 Shanghai A. Wilson Dentist (Using Western methods of dentistry)
A. Wilson Dentist (in English)
泥城橋西首民影照相館廣告 Advertisement for Minying photo studio west of Nichengqiao
夏士蓮玫瑰霜 “Hazeline ‘Rose Frost'"
夏士蓮玫瑰霜 Hazeline Rose Frost
論鑄造國民母 Making mothers of citizens
論鑄造國民母 Making mothers of citizens
論鑄造國民母 Making mothers of citizens
論鑄造國民母 Making mothers of citizens
記黃韌之先生游歷皖贛浙三省之演說 Record of Mr. Huang Renzhi’s speech on his visit to the provinces of Anhui, Jiangxi and Zhejiang
記黃韌之先生游歷皖贛浙三省之演說 Record of Mr. Huang Renzhi’s speech on his visit to the provinces of Anhui, Jiangxi and Zhejiang
記黃韌之先生游歷皖贛浙三省之演說 Record of Mr. Huang Renzhi’s speech on his visit to the provinces of Anhui, Jiangxi and Zhejiang
記黃韌之先生游歷皖贛浙三省之演說 Record of Mr. Huang Renzhi’s speech on his visit to the provinces of Anhui, Jiangxi and Zhejiang
記黃韌之先生游歷皖贛浙三省之演說 Record of Mr. Huang Renzhi’s speech on his visit to the provinces of Anhui, Jiangxi and Zhejiang
記黃韌之先生游歷皖贛浙三省之演說 Record of Mr. Huang Renzhi’s speech on his visit to the provinces of Anhui, Jiangxi and Zhejiang
敬告同胞姊妹 Respectful address to all female compatriots
敬告同胞姊妹 Respectful address to all female compatriots
敬告同胞姊妹 Respectful address to all female compatriots
敬告同胞姊妹 Respectful address to all female compatriots
敬告同胞姊妹 Respectful address to all female compatriots
廢婢議 On the abolition of maidservants
廢婢議 On the abolition of maidservants
記參觀上海小學成績展覽會 Notes on the visit to the exhibition of works by elementary students in Shanghai
記參觀上海小學成績展覽會 Notes on the visit to the exhibition of works by elementary students in Shanghai
記參觀上海小學成績展覽會 Notes on the visit to the exhibition of works by elementary students in Shanghai
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夏令必需之新摺扇 A must-have in the summer - new folding fans
無師自通/婦女必備之技能/ 學習裁縫之捷徑 Self-taught/ a necessary skill for women/ a shortcut to learn tailoring and sewing
上海有正書局發行/ 新出版書目 Published by Shanghai Youzheng bookstore/ catalogue of new books
各學校鑒/習字之好模範 To all schools: good exemplary calligraphy
各學校鑒/習字之好模範 To all schools: good exemplary calligraphy
有正書局精印各種墨跡目錄 Catalogue of finely-printed calligraphy published by Youzheng Bookstore
中國名畫集第十七集 Volume 17 of the album of famous Chinese paintings
精製銅板鋅板/ 並代印刷 Finely produced copper plates and zinc plates [for our] printing service
催眠收生法 Hypnosis for childbirth
催眠收生法 Hypnosis for childbirth
催眠收生法 Hypnosis for childbirth
催眠收生法 Hypnosis for childbirth
朝鮮之奇習 Special customs in Korea
朝鮮之奇習 Special customs in Korea
[no caption]
朝鮮之奇習 Special customs in Korea
朝鮮之奇習 Special customs in Korea
朝鮮之奇習 Special customs in Korea
千倍放大之人顏-皮膚之構造與表情 The human face enlarged to one thousand times - the structure of skin and facial expressions
千倍放大之人顏-皮膚之構造與表情 The human face enlarged to one thousand times - the structure of skin and facial expressions
千倍放大之人顏-皮膚之構造與表情 The human face enlarged to one thousand times - the structure of skin and facial expressions
千倍放大之人顏-皮膚之構造與表情 The human face enlarged to one thousand times - the structure of skin and facial expressions
日本之工業與婦人力 Japanese industries and the female workforce
日本之工業與婦人力 Japanese industries and the female workforce
白人醜業婦之黑幕 The dark secrets of white women's shameful occupations
白人醜業婦之黑幕 The dark secrets of white women's shameful occupations
白人醜業婦之黑幕 The dark secrets of white women's shameful occupations
白人醜業婦之黑幕 The dark secrets of white women's shameful occupations
毗陵莊氏家政十四則 The Zhuang family of Piling's fourteen principles of domestic science
毗陵莊氏家政十四則 The Zhuang family of Piling's fourteen principles of domestic science
毗陵莊氏家政十四則 The Zhuang family of Piling's fourteen principles of domestic science
毗陵莊氏家政十四則 The Zhuang family of Piling's fourteen principles of domestic science
日本悲慘女工之境遇 Circumstances faced by the miserable female workers in Japan
日本悲慘女工之境遇 Circumstances faced by the miserable female workers in Japan
日本悲慘女工之境遇 Circumstances faced by the miserable female workers in Japan
日本悲慘女工之境遇 Circumstances faced by the miserable female workers in Japan
小兒生產後之第四月 The fourth month after a baby's birth
小兒生產後之第四月 The fourth month after a baby's birth
小兒生產後之第四月 The fourth month after a baby's birth
小兒生產後之第四月 The fourth month after a baby's birth
賢婦傳 Biographies of virtuous women
賢婦傳 Biographies of virtuous women
幼芹慘史 The sad story of [Zhang] Youqin
幼芹慘史 The sad story of [Zhang] Youqin
幼芹慘史 The sad story of [Zhang] Youqin
幼芹慘史 The sad story of [Zhang] Youqin
幼芹慘史 The sad story of [Zhang] Youqin
幼芹慘史 The sad story of [Zhang] Youqin
活屋 The living house [The human body]
活屋 The living house [The human body]
活屋 The living house [The human body]
活屋 The living house [The human body]
活屋 The living house [The human body]
活屋 The living house [The human body]
活屋 The living house [The human body]
活屋 The living house [The human body]
活屋 The living house [The human body]
活屋 The living house [The human body]
活屋 The living house [The human body]
活屋 The living house [The human body]
活屋 The living house [The human body]
活屋 The living house [The human body]
活屋 The living house [The human body]
活屋 The living house [The human body]
活屋 The living house [The human body]
[no caption]
活屋 The living house [The human body]
原本紅樓夢/ 原本聊齋誌異 Original copy of Dream of Red Chamber/ Original copy of Strange Tales from a Rustic Studio
吳門周瘦鵑譯/ 霜刃碧血記/ 每冊大洋四角 Translated by Zhou Shoujuan of Wumen/ Story of sword and blood?/ Four jiao each copy
美術家惠鑒/ 有正書局啟 To artists [and art lovers]/ from Youzheng bookstore
行草大字典 Dictionary of running and grass scripts
石谷生平第一精品/ 臨宋元十二景 The best work of [Wang] Shigu/ Copies of twelve landscpaes in Song and Yuan paintings
有正書局新信箋 New letter-writing papers by Youzheng bookstore
有正書局新信箋 New letter-writing papers by Youzheng bookstore
塚中人語 Voices from the grave
[no cpation]
塚中人語 Voices from the grave
塚中人語 Voices from the grave
塚中人語 Voices from the grave
塚中人語 Voices from the grave
塚中人語 Voices from the grave
塚中人語 Voices from the grave
塚中人語 Voices from the grave
塚中人語 Voices from the grave
恨海波瀾 Billows on the sea of regrets
恨海波瀾 Billows on the sea of regrets
恨海波瀾 Billows on the sea of regrets
恨海波瀾 Billows on the sea of regrets
恨海波瀾 Billows on the sea of regrets
恨海波瀾 Billows on the sea of regrets
雜感 Random thoughts
剪髮 The haircut
剪髮後偶有所感再賦一律 (用兒字韻) A poem composed after having further thoughts after the haircut (rhyming with the word "er")
自剪髮後辜負晨花再賦一絕 (即拈花字為韻) A poem composed with the feeling of regret of not seeing the morning flowers after the haircut (rhyming with the word "hua")
雨感 Moved by the rain
惜花 Cherishing flowers
春恨 Regrets in spring
消夏六首/ 籐枕/ 蕉扇/ 露珠/ 月鈎/雨絲/ 雲巒 Six poems for the summer/ The rattan pillow/ Banana fan/ Dew drop/ Crescent moon/ Light rain/ Clouds and mountains
野花 Wild flowers
秋色 The colour of autumn
秋近 Autumn is near
送別 Farewell
秋近 Autumn is near
詠水仙花七律七則 Praising daffodils/ seven poems in qilü format
女子當有普通醫學知識 Women should have basic medical knowledge
中國名畫集廣告上/下 Advertisement for the albums of famous Chinese paintings volume1/ volume 2
中國名畫集廣告上/下 Advertisement for the albums of famous Chinese paintings volume1/ volume 2
中堂屏片/ 廳堂陳設送禮美品 Horizontal scrolls/ Great for decorating rooms and as gifts
海上驚鴻影 Photographs of [graces of Shanghai]
艷籢花影 Photographs of beautiful courtesans [dressing cases from the flower world]
有正書局精印各種碑帖目錄 Catalogue of finely printed ink rubbings published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局精印各種碑帖目錄 Catalogue of finely printed ink rubbings published by Youzheng Bookstore
平等閣詩話 Notes on poetry from the Pingdeng Study
圖中寓意 Meanings in the picture
病之迅速/ 人年華者/ 莫為腎弱 Illness-prone and premature aging are due to weak kidney condition