Funü Shibao
No. 018 (31 May, 1916)
Pages available: 1 - 136 (136 total)
婦女時報十八號/有正書局印行 Funü shibao issue #18/ published by Youzheng bookstore
婦女時報第十八號目次 Funü shibao, issue 18. Table of contents
血乃身之寶 . . . Blood is the treasure of the body
天然習畫帖 Samples paintings of nature
名閨寶繪/ 即中國名畫第十五集 Paintings gentry women/ It is the volume 15 of Famous Chinese Paintings
敏君 [signature] Minjun
蔡松坡先生之家庭 (左為其夫人右乃第二夫人) Family of Mr. Cai Songbo (on the left is his first wife, on the right is his second wife)
海陸軍長唐在禮之夫人唐友琴女士 Ms. Tang Youqin, wife of marine captain Tang Zaili
駐日公使陸宗輿氏及其夫人/ 陸公使之家庭 Ambassador to Japan, Mr. Lu Zongyu and his wife/ The family of Ambassador Lu
浙江女子師範學校圖畫手工陳列室 The showroom of art and craft projects at the Zhejian Normal School for Women
鄭仲明君與黃中原女士結婚攝影 Wedding photo of Mr. Zheng Zhongming and Ms. Huang Zhongyuan
娟娟女士/ 蘇州怡新最新發明之四面化影 Ms. Juanjuan/ Newly-invented multiple views photograph in Yixin, Suzhou
奇童胡果字毅孟時年六歲解四子書能憶唐人韻語近百首又能領會英語為前皖硝磺局長胡渤之異母弟胡君召南之適嗣 Six-year-old child prodigy Hu Guo (Yimeng) is able to understand the Four books of Classics. He is able to memorize close to one hundred Tang poems. He can also understand English. He is the son of the half-brother of Mr. Hu Bo, the former head of the Department of Chemicals in Anhui
名畫家丁悚及其夫人 Famous painter Ding Song and his wife
民國四年浙江女子師範附屬高等小學學生畢業攝影 Photo of the graduating class at the subsidiary higher primary school of Zhenjiang Normal School for Women. The photo was taken in 1915
包天笑之公子及其令媛/ 可珍 可華 可閎 可芬 可永 Sons and daughters of Bao Tianxiao/ Kezhen Kehua Kehong Kefen Keyong
旅滬廣東初級小學附屬幼稚舍民國五年五月一日四週紀念攝影 Subsidiary kindergarten of the Guangdong lower primary school in Shanghai. The photo was taken on May 1, 1916, on the 4th anniversary of the school
南通殘廢院開幕時女賓之攝影(院在狼山為張退庵張嗇庵先生所創辦) Photo of the female guests at the opening of the Nantong Hospital for the Disabled (This hospital is located in Langshan and was established by Mr. Zhang Tuian and Mr. Zhang Se'an)
前清頤和園之御遊船 The royal cuise ship at the Yiheyuan of the former Qing
清剛毅氏之妻女 The wife and daughter of Gang Yi of Qing
歐洲名畫 A famous European painting
福美爾女金丹新出品 New product: Fumeier pills for women
上海安衛生西法鑲牙所 Shanghai A. Wilson Dentist (Using Western methods of dentistry)
A. Wilson Dentist (in English)
帕勒托大補劑/ 功能補血補腦強身強種 Pailetuo potion is able to improve the quality of blood, enhance and strengthen the brain and the body
帕勒託補劑 Pailuotuo elixir
賢母良妻主義與救國問題 On the ideology of "wise mother and good wife" and national salvation
賢母良妻主義與救國問題 On the ideology of "wise mother and good wife" and national salvation
賢母良妻主義與救國問題 On the ideology of "wise mother and good wife" and national salvation
賢母良妻主義與救國問題 On the ideology of "wise mother and good wife" and national salvation
婦女道德之維持論 (喚起女子之自重心) On the preservation of women's virtues [arousing women's spirit of conducting themselves with dignity]
婦女道德之維持論 (喚起女子之自重心) On the preservation of women's virtues [arousing women's spirit of conducting themselves with dignity]
婦女道德之維持論 (喚起女子之自重心) On the preservation of women's virtues [arousing women's spirit of conducting themselves with dignity]
婦女道德之維持論 (喚起女子之自重心) On the preservation of women's virtues [arousing women's spirit of conducting themselves with dignity]
破壞家庭幸福之危險動物 「嗚呼妾」 The dangerous animal that could destroy a family's happiness (concubines)
破壞家庭幸福之危險動物 「嗚呼妾」 The dangerous animal that could destroy a family's happiness (concubines)
破壞家庭幸福之危險動物 「嗚呼妾」 The dangerous animal that could destroy a family's happiness (concubines)
破壞家庭幸福之危險動物 「嗚呼妾」 The dangerous animal that could destroy a family's happiness (concubines)
破壞家庭幸福之危險動物 「嗚呼妾」 The dangerous animal that could destroy a family's happiness (concubines)
日本之家庭 Japanese families
日本之家庭 Japanese families
日本之家庭 Japanese families
西洋男女交際法 (續) Social interactions between men and women in the west (continued)
日本之家庭 Japanese families
西洋男女交際法 (續) Social interactions between men and women in the west (continued)
西洋男女交際法 (續) Social interactions between men and women in the west (continued)
西洋男女交際法 (續) Social interactions between men and women in the west (continued)
西洋男女交際法 (續) Social interactions between men and women in the west (continued)
西洋男女交際法 (續) Social interactions between men and women in the west (continued)
西洋男女交際法 (續) Social interactions between men and women in the west (continued)
西洋男女交際法 (續) Social interactions between men and women in the west (continued)
西洋男女交際法 (續) Social interactions between men and women in the west (continued)
上海貧女生涯之調查 A survey of the lives of poor women in Shanghai
上海貧女生涯之調查 A survey of the lives of poor women in Shanghai
上海貧女生涯之調查 A survey of the lives of poor women in Shanghai
上海貧女生涯之調查 A survey of the lives of poor women in Shanghai
上海貧女生涯之調查 A survey of the lives of poor women in Shanghai
上海貧女生涯之調查 A survey of the lives of poor women in Shanghai
上海貧女生涯之調查 A survey of the lives of poor women in Shanghai
上海貧女生涯之調查 A survey of the lives of poor women in Shanghai
上海貧女生涯之調查 A survey of the lives of poor women in Shanghai
上海貧女生涯之調查 A survey of the lives of poor women in Shanghai
茶之研究 (日常嗜好品之一) A study of tea (everyday pleasure)
茶之研究 (日常嗜好品之一) A study of tea (everyday pleasure)
茶之研究 (日常嗜好品之一) A study of tea (everyday pleasure)
茶之研究 (日常嗜好品之一) A study of tea (everyday pleasure)
茶之研究 (日常嗜好品之一) A study of tea (everyday pleasure)
中國歷代帝后像/ 前清十一朝皇帝相 Portraits of emperors and empresses of China's past dynasties/ Portraits of eleven emperors of former Qing
各學校適用/ 習字範本 Suitable for use at all schools/ calligraphy samples
新出版珂羅版精印碑帖 Newly published collotype-printed ink rubbings
大中堂/ 新出宋人畫寒禽艷雪大中堂 Large horizontal scrolls/ A painting of animals in snow painted by a painter from the Song dynasty
最新結婚學/ 最新矯癖法/ 不老不死法 New study on marriage/ Instructions on how to kick bad habits/ Instructions on how to prolong life
中國女子裁縫手工教科書/ 女子書翰文/ 名媛尺牘/ 黃石齋夫人書孝經墨跡 Textbooks on tailoring, sewing and handicrafts for Chinese women/ Exemplary essays by women/ Letters by gentry women/ Xiaojing, calligraphy by the wife of Huang Shizai
摺扇團扇/ 信箋信封 Folding fans and round fans/ letter papers and envelopes
時報六大特色/ 中華民國唯一日刊/ 時報 The six characteristics of Eastern Times/ The only daily newspaper in the Republic of China/ Eastern Times
歐洲各國宮廷之談片 Royal court stories from various European countries
歐洲各國宮廷之談片 Royal court stories from various European countries
歐洲各國宮廷之談片 Royal court stories from various European countries
造醬術 「關於女子農產製造之一」 Sauce-making (one of the agricultural products produced by women)
造醬術 「關於女子農產製造之一」 Sauce-making (one of the agricultural products produced by women)
造醬術 「關於女子農產製造之一」 Sauce-making (one of the agricultural products produced by women)
屋內動物圖說 An illustrated account of [insects] found indoors
成蟲/ 幼蟲 a full-grown cockroach/ a nymph
鱗毛 Ootheca
屋內動物圖說 An illustrated account of [insects] found indoors
雄/ 雌 Male/ female
書物蟲毀害之書 A book damaged by bookworms
屋內動物圖說 An illustrated account of [insects] found indoors
雌蜚蠊之卵塊/ 幼蟲 Egg of a female cockroach/ a nymph
屋內動物圖說 An illustrated account of [insects] found indoors
黑大蜚蠊 A big black cockroach
我之夏閨消遣法 My pastimes at home in the summer
屋內動物圖說 An illustrated account of [insects] found indoors
我之夏閨消遣法 My pastimes at home in the summer
我之夏閨消遣法 My pastimes at home in the summer
我之夏閨消遣法 My pastimes at home in the summer
我之夏閨消遣法 My pastimes at home in the summer
我之夏閨消遣法 My pastimes at home in the summer
我之夏閨消遣法 My pastimes at home in the summer
女子分娩後之看護 Postpartum care for women
我之夏閨消遣法 My pastimes at home in the summer
女子分娩後之看護 Postpartum care for women
女子分娩後之看護 Postpartum care for women
女子分娩後之看護 Postpartum care for women
邯鄲遊記 Handan travelogue
邯鄲遊記 Handan travelogue
邯鄲遊記 Handan travelogue
邯鄲遊記 Handan travelogue
活屋 (續) The living house [ie. The human body] (continued)
邯鄲遊記 Handan travelogue
活屋 (續) The living house [ie. The human body] (continued)
活屋 (續) The living house [ie. The human body] (continued)
活屋 (續) The living house [ie. The human body] (continued)
活屋 (續) The living house [ie. The human body] (continued)
活屋 (續) The living house [ie. The human body] (continued)
活屋 (續) The living house [ie. The human body] (continued)
活屋 (續) The living house [ie. The human body] (continued)
活屋 (續) The living house [ie. The human body] (continued)
活屋 (續) The living house [ie. The human body] (continued)
數字牌遊戲 Number card games
數字牌遊戲 Number card games
戰時之英吉利人與法蘭西人 (譯日本歐洲戰爭實記) The English and the French during the war (translated from records of the European War from a Japanese source)
數字牌遊戲 Number card games
碑誅上的賢婦 Virtuous women on epitaphs
戰時之英吉利人與法蘭西人 (譯日本歐洲戰爭實記) The English and the French during the war (translated from records of the European War from a Japanese source)
女舵師 Female boat captains
碑誅上的賢婦 Virtuous women on epitaphs
哈同夫人 Mrs. Hardoon [Luo Jialing (Liza Roos)]
女舵師 Female boat captains
美術的放足法 Beautiful ways to unbind feet
哈同夫人 Mrs. Hardoon [Luo Jialing (Liza Roos)]
戒殺之好機會 Good opportunities to refrain from killing [eating meat]
三從與五障 Thrice followings and five obstacles
美術的放足法 Beautiful ways to unbind feet
亡國式之分髮 The hairstyle of a subjugated nation [Korea]
戒殺之好機會 Good opportunities to refrain from killing [eating meat]
我負君矣 I let you down
亡國式之分髮 The hairstyle of a subjugated nation [Korea]
我負君矣 I let you down
我負君矣 I let you down
我負君矣 I let you down
我負君矣 I let you down
我負君矣 I let you down
家書 Family letters
家書 Family letters
家書 Family letters
家書 Family letters
家書 Family letters
家書 Family letters
海上婦女新裝觀 A look at the new fahsion of Shanghai women
綠葹閣詩話 Remarks on poetry from the green grass pavilion
綠葹閣詩話 Remarks on poetry from the green grass pavilion
綠葹閣詩話 Remarks on poetry from the green grass pavilion
班馬異同論 Differences and similarities between [the works of] Ban [Gu] and [Si]ma [Qian]
孔子作春秋說 Confucius and the writing of the Spring and Autumn Annals
班馬異同論 Differences and similarities between [the works of] Ban [Gu] and [Si]ma [Qian]
刺繡十詠有序 Ten poems on the theme of embroidery, with preface
孔子作春秋說 Confucius and the writing of the Spring and Autumn Annals
菩薩蠻(送別友人) Song lyrics in the melody of Pusaman (Farewell to a friend)
臨江仙 (西湖離席) Song lyrics in the melody of Linjiangxian (Leaving the gathering at the West Lake)
生查子 Song lyrics in the melody of Sheng chazi
玉蓮環影 Yulian huanying [song lyrics]
春柳詞 Song lyrics in the melody of Chunliu
刺繡十詠有序 Ten poems on the theme of embroidery, with preface
編輯室之談話 Conversations at the editorial office
編輯室之談話 Conversations at the editorial office
中國第一/ 初拓正續三希堂法帖 First in China/ Original ink rubbing of the Sanxitang calligraphy
夏季唯一之消遣品/ 新小說 The only [best] entertainment for the summer/ new novels
舊小說/ 原本紅樓夢/ 原本聊齋誌異 Classic novels/ Original edition of Dream of Red Chamber/ Original edition of Strange Tales from a Rustic Studio
對聯/ 廳堂陳設送禮美品 Poetic couplet scrolls/ Great for decorating rooms and as gifts
有正書局精印/漢碑/ 魏碑/晉碑/ 隋碑/ 唐碑 Ink rubbings [from]/ Han/ Wei/ Sui/ Tang
有正書局精印/漢碑/ 魏碑/晉碑/ 隋碑/ 唐碑 Ink rubbings [from]/ Han/ Wei/ Sui/ Tang
有正書局精印/漢碑/ 魏碑/晉碑/ 隋碑/ 唐碑 Ink rubbings [from]/ Han/ Wei/ Sui/ Tang
人人必須/ 日用便覽 Everybody needs one/ An index for the everyday
有正書局精印 Finely printed by Youzheng Bookstore
第十九期要目預告 Preview for the next issue (issue #19)
小說時報大刷新布告 Announcement for the revamp of Fiction Times