No. 026 (09 September, 1931)
Pages available: 1 - 40 (40 total)
梁佩琴女士玉影 Precious photograph of Ms Liang Peiqin
圖示汪氏姊妹對弈之神情 This picture shows the looks of Jiang sisters when they are playing chess
毀譽的由來 The origin of slander
玲瓏(賽麗女士): 玲瓏是姊妹們的喉嚨!... Linglong (Ms Saili): Linglong is the throat of all the ladies!...
玲瓏 Linglong
毀譽的由來 The origin of slander
扇中人 Woman in a fan
小園納晚涼圖中為李翠貞鄭美秀二女士 This picture shows Ms Li Cuizhen and Ms Zheng Meixiu enjoying the cool evening in a small garden
愛與心 Love and heart
愛與心 Love and heart
本文作者霞女士玉影 Precious photograph of this article's author Ms Xia
愛與心 Love and heart
溪水澄清可以濯足 A clear brook which could be used to wash one's feet
丈夫怕見生人 (My) husband is afraid of meeting strangers
兩個間接的抵制日貨方法 Two indirect ways of boycotting Japanese goods
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夜禮服 Evening dress
愛與心 Love and heart
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人面不知何處去,隔江猶自悵桃花。(未完) The whereabout of that person is unknown; one feels melancholy over peach blossom alone on the other side of the river (to be continued)
江灣葉園之遊艇 A pleasure boat in the Ye Garden of Jiangwan
王韻敏女士玉影 Precious photograph of Ms Wang Yunming
從客氣上發生懷疑 Politeness generates distrust
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從客氣上發生懷疑 Politeness generates distrust
引導婦女界的明星 A star leading the women's world
快快預定本刊 Subscribe our magazine quickly
引導婦女界的明星 A star leading the women's world
攝影畫報 Pictorial Weekly
試閱攝影畫報/ 玲瓏雜誌 Samples for Pictorial Weekly and Linglong Magazine
利用夏季服裝 Utilizing summer clothes
利用夏季服裝 Utilizing summer clothes
常識二則 Two pieces of general knowledge
南海之鯊魚有長尾如鞭。遇危急時。即用以襲擊外侮。如被鞭及。必受重創云 This is a skate from South China Sea with a long tail like a whip. In time of emergency, it could be used to attack the outside offense. If one is whipped, it is said that one will be seriously injured
小考夫球的秘訣 The secret to small golf [minigolf]
摩登居室器具式樣 The style of utensils and furniture in a modern living room
小考夫球的秘訣 The secret to small golf [minigolf]
波蘭農人新近發明驅鳥傀儡。身中裝一發聲機。施行以來。田中果物。鮮遭群鳥食之患云。 The polish farmers have invented a bird-dispelling puppet. A soniferous machine is installed inside its body. Since it was put into use, it is said that fruits in the field have rarely been pecked by birds
男女胎兒預知法 The way of predicting the sex of a fetus
她煩悶恍惚 他則虛弱疲憊 She is unhappy and absent-minded, while he is weak and tired
男女胎兒預知法 The way of predicting the sex of a fetus
閨秀影集 Album of Elegant Ladies
皇帝皇妃的離婚 The divorce of the emperor and his concubine
皇帝皇妃的離婚 The divorce of the emperor and his concubine
患難的婚姻才是美滿(未完) A marriage with [overcome] shared sorrow is perfectly satisfactory (to be continued)
華商三和公司代辦函購部 Chinese business, Sanhe company, mail order agent
燙髮新樣(十)兒童式 Women's new hair perm styles (10): Child Hood Bob.
定報價目 The subscription price
投稿簡章 General regulations on contribution
玲瓏圖畫雜誌 Ladies' Magazine
兒童觀電影的注意 Precautions to be taken while children watch movies
開獎通告 Announcement of drawing a lottery
兒童觀電影的注意 Precautions to be taken while children watch movies
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一個康健活潑的小孩 A healthy and lively child
游泳與划船 Swimming and rowing
本年十月十日爲三和公司十週紀念日 The memorial day for celebrating that Sanhe company has run business for 10 weeks is on October 10th this year
一個失戀自新的她(未完) She who was disappointed in love makes a new start (to be continued)
亞細亞步行團日記之一段(續) A part of the diary of the Asian trekking group (continued)
中外電影明星照片 Photos of Chinese and foreign movie stars
亞細亞步行團日記之一段(續) A part of the diary of the Asian trekking group (continued)
好萊塢女星舞姿之一 One of the dancing postures of female Hollywood stars
編劇家口中的趣事 A funny story told by a screenwriter
珍妮蓋論近影 Recent photo of Janet Gaynor
好萊塢幾位電影明星的薪俸 The salary of a few Hollywood movie stars
新近嫁人的明星曼利拿倫近影 A recent photo of the star Mary Nolan who just got married
好萊塢幾位電影明星的薪俸 The salary of a few Hollywood movie stars
佛及尼吉立曾在“城市之光”片中一露色相 Virginia Cherrill has once demonstrated her sex appeal in "City Lights"
克萊拉寶的希望 Clara Bow's hopes
善演滑稽劇的麥克生康威 Maikesheng Kangwei who is good at acting in farces
編輯者言 Editor's note
吉爾勃與嘉寶對於言論界的態度 Gilbert's and Garbo's attitudes towards the media
天津名伶鄒劍佩女士近影 A recent photo of Ms Zou Jianpei, a famous actor in Tianjin
拍拉蒙電影明星卡洛倫白近影 A recent photo of Carole Lombard, the movie star in "Pai la meng"