No. 003 (01 April, 1931)
Pages available: 1 - 36 (36 total)
中西女塾翁珊珍女士 (唐琴娟女士投) Ms Weng Shanzhen from Chinese-Western (Zhongxi) girls' school (contributed by Ms Tang Qinjuan)
北平名媛潘君芳女士玉影 Precious photo of Ms Pan Junfang, a socialite in Beiping
作者虞岫雲女士 The author, Ms Yu Xiuyun
不滅的青春底希望 The inextinguishable hope of youth
法政學院陳乃熾女士近影 Recent photograph of Ms Chen Naichi from the School of Law and Politics
我對於接吻表示 My opinion on kissing
我對於接吻表示 My opinion on kissing
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男子的玩意兒 Men's plaything
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作者曹秀琳女士近影 Recent photo of the author Ms Cao Xiulin
新女子應有之準備 New women's essential preparation
青春的危機 The crisis of youth
復旦大學周秀芳袁英兩女士玉影 Ms Zhou Xiufang and Ms Yuan Ying from Fudan University
青春的危機 The crisis of youth
在陽春時節 In the time of sunny spring
如何對付未婚夫 (續) How to tackle your fiancé (continued)
如何對付未婚夫 (續) How to tackle your fiancé (continued)
我的丈夫觀 My opinion on husband
北京大學校花馬珏女士 Ms Ma Jue, the campus belle of Beijing University
我的丈夫觀 My opinion on husband
出嫁 Getting married
瞿鸿仁與盛女士結婚合影 Group photopraph taken at the wedding of Qu Hongren and Ms Sheng
出嫁 Getting married
沉醉的青春 Intoxicated Youth
她已經沉醉了 She is already intoxicated
她與他 She and He
希望男子分居 Hoping that a man could live away from (his parents') home
徘徊于光明之途 Lingering on the road of light
不要刨黃瓜兒 Don't be a fool/ Don't end up being called cucumber
閨秀影集 Album of elegant ladies
增進"婦女"優美生活,提倡社會高尚"娛樂" 是本雜誌的目標 To improve the beautiful life of "women" and to encourage tasteful "entertainment" in society are goals of our magazine
我夢實現時 When My Dreams Come True
腰線美的力量 The power of the beauty of waistline
現代女子之運動 The sports of modern women
腰線美的力量 The power of the beauty of waistline
練習拳術足健身心 欲免癆病須常運動 Chinese boxing exercise is sufficient for healthy body and mind; if you want to prevent tuberculosis, you need to do sports regularly
敷粉也是藝術 Applying powder (Doing Makeup) is also an art
練習拳術足健身心 欲免癆病須常運動 Chinese boxing exercise is sufficient for healthy body and mind; if you want to prevent tuberculosis, you need to do sports regularly
玲瓏圖畫雜誌 Linloon Magazine
她煩悶恍惚 他則虛弱疲憊 She is unhappy and absent-minded, while he is weak and tired
定報價目 The subscription price
請吸福爾摩斯牌香煙,中國福新煙公司出品 Please smoke the Holmes Cigarettes, produced by China Fuxin tabacco company
福爾摩斯香煙徵文啟事 Article solicitation by Holmes Cigarettes
人人可得, 獎品一千元, 每月之數 Everyone can get it. The prize is 1000 yuan, which is the mount of every month
快快預定 Subscribe quickly
第二期開獎末尾號碼為 The last number of the lottery result of issue two is
血染征塵 Fighting Caravans
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琵琵出浴 Bebe (Daniels) getting out of the bath
出浴後的琵琵妲妮兒 Bebe Daniels after taking a bath
吉爾勃之犧牲 (John) Gilbert's sacrifice
陶樂賽喬登的夜禮服 Dorothy Jordan‘s evening dress
愛迪夸侖的消遣 Aidi Kualun's pastime
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以泰音樂 Music From the Ether
中外電影明星照片 Photos of Chinese and foreign movie stars
巴黎藝美鏡架 Paris Yimei photo frames
以泰音樂 Music From the Ether
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開到冷落處 Driving to an unfrequented place
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到瑞士去 Go to Switzerland
到瑞士去 Go to Switzerland
嘉寶自殺 Garbo's suicide
曼琳滿面春風的若有所得 Mary is shining with happiness; it seems that she has got something
嘉寶自殺 Garbo's suicide
嘉寶雙眉深鎖的若有所失 Greta Garbo's eyebrows are knitted; it seems that she has lost something
好萊塢的"肉" Hollywood's "Flesh"
好萊塢的“肉” “Flesh” of Hollywood
四目相對脈脈含情者陶樂賽喬登及羅勃蒙高茂萊之表情 The facial expressions of Dorothy Jordan and Robert Montgomery, who are staring at each other with deep affection
以說白清晰見長之惱麥希拉的近影 Recent photo of Norma Shearer who is good at clear pronunciation