No. 067 (14 September, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 48 (48 total)
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譚敏英女士善音樂 Ms Tan Minying is good at music
婦女 Women
本期要目 Important contents of this issue
男子專有的稱號 Titles exclusive for men
男子專有的稱號 Titles exclusive for men
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蕭伯納所見的蘇俄婦女 (上) The women from the Soviet Russia in the eyes of Bernard Shaw (part one)
蕭伯納所見的蘇俄婦女 (上) The women from the Soviet Russia in the eyes of Bernard Shaw (part one)
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女子最適宜的三種職業 Three occupations which are the most appropriate for women
女子最適宜的三種職業 Three occupations which are the most appropriate for women
濟南的妓女 Prostitutes in Ji'nan
日本無產婦女 The proletariat women in Japan
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對女子說的話 Some words to women
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英國的孀婦問題 The problem of widows in England
所謂"美人關" The so-called "temptation of a beauty"
玲瓏漫畫 Linglong cartoon
如何解決 How to solve this
錯過了機會 I missed the chance
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同族婚姻問題 To get married between relatives
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無線電與電影 電聲日報 Radio and film Diansheng Daily
常識 Common knowledge
傳染病之預防法 The prevention of communicable diseases
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去鐵銹法 How to remove rust
手電筒用法 How to use a flashlight
去油漬法 How to remove oil stains
白牙齒法 How to whiten your teeth
食時須知 What one needs to know while having meals
法律顧問 Legal counsel
父任子罪 The father takes the responsibility of the son's crime
解除婚約 To break off an engagement
刑事程序 The criminal procedure
刑事程序 The criminal procedure
叔接寡嫂 To married one's widowed sister-in-law
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新式旗袍用元色軟緞或喬其紗裁製領袖下腳鑲以花邊極為美觀 A new-style qipao. Its collar and sleeves are made of soft black satin or georgette and it is rimed with decorative border, very beautiful.
唱流行曲 Singing a popular song
打網球 Playing tennis
讀家書 Reading a letter from home
金惠珍女士善交際精舞蹈 Ms Jin Huizhen is good at social communication and dance
雷慧英女士玉照 Precious photo of Ms Lei Huiying
穿的是錦裳着的是革履躺着溫柔的床寫着甜蜜的信這就是霍景燕女士的生活 Having a brocade dress and a pair of leather shoes on, lying on a soft and warm bed, and writing a sweet letter, this is Ms Huo Jingyan
穿的是錦裳着的是革履躺着溫柔的床寫着甜蜜的信這就是霍景燕女士的生活 Having a brocade dress and a pair of leather shoes on, lying on a soft and warm bed, and writing a sweet letter, this is Ms Huo Jingyan
小寶寶的良伴-熊兒- Bear, a good friend of the baby
好哥哥好弟弟排排坐 The good elder brother and the good younger brother sitting shoulder by shoulder
華南女子籃球隊在菲以三十八對八勝美國公學女子籃球隊圖為兩隊合影 The Huanan women's basketball team defeated the women's basketball team of American public school with a score of 38 to 8 in the Philippines. This picture is the group photo of two teams.
"紅髮女郎中"之晉哈羅與吉司脱馬律司之合影 Group photo of Jinhaluo and Jisituomalusi in "The Red-haired Lady"
秋天的時候,天氣寒熱不定,絨線的外衣,又要盛行了,圖中就是秋裝之一種。 The weather is sometimes cold sometimes warm in autumn. Wool coats will be in vogue again. One kind of autumn dress is shown in this picture.
Claire Dodd 拍拉蒙女星克萊爾道德之騎馬裝束 The horse-riding apparel of Claire Dodd, the female star from Pailameng
中國女明星宣景琳之時裝 The fashion of Xuan Jinglin, the Chinese female star
少年為學殉身 其真殉於學歟抑遜於虛榮 A teenager committed suicide because of her eagerness for study. Did she really die for the eagerness for study or for her vanity?
案件評述 Comment on Law Cases
咎由自取 As you make your bed so you must lie on it.
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
兒童的影片 Children's movie
幾種家庭教育 Several kinds of home education
幾種家庭教育 Several kinds of home education
兒童 Children
兒童 Children
廣告刊例 Published examples of advertisement
定報價目 The subscription price
世界文學園地 一壜美酒 (上) The garden of world literature, a jar of good wine (part one)
世界文學園地 一壜美酒 (上) The garden of world literature, a jar of good wine (part one)
玲瓏圖畫雜誌 Lin Loon Magazine, the Ladies' Journal
世界文學園地 一壜美酒 (上) The garden of world literature, a jar of good wine (part one)
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編輯者言 Editor's Note
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玫玲粉,婦女隱痛之救星 Meiling powder - the savior of women from their secret pains
悲壯的死 The solemn and tragic death
悲壯的死 The solemn and tragic death
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(上圖) 開啓時之內容 (the picture above) the contents when one opens it
(左圖) 關閉時之外觀 (the picture left) the appearance when one closes it
科學常識 袖珍留聲機 Common knowledge in science, a pocket gramophone
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檢查直流收音機 To check a DC radio
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女明星的出身 The background of female stars
明星做警察 A star who is acted as police officer
娛樂 Entertainment
黃阿媚有兩位母親 Anna May Wong has two mothers
"大飯店"的底片 The film reel of "Grand Hotel"
強迫殉夫 A woman is forced to die after the death of her husband