No. 098 (07 June, 1933)
Pages available: 1 - 68 (68 total)
北平國立藝專學生蒯彥茹 Kuai Yanru, student of the National Beiping Academy
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玲瓏圖畫婦女雜誌 Lin Loon Ladies' Magazine
本期要目 Important contents of this issue
婦女 Women
賣淫制度在新俄羅斯之現狀 The Present Condition of Prostitution in Russia
賣淫制度在新俄羅斯之現狀 The Present Condition of Prostitution in Russia
夢的謎 riddles in the dreams
賣淫制度在新俄羅斯之現狀 The Present Condition of Prostitution in Russia
夢的謎 riddles in the dreams
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你能看出男子的心嗎? Can you read the hearts of men?
海外婚俗: 姊姊死了,應該嫁給姊夫? Marriage Custom Abroad: the younger sister should marry her brother-in-law after the death of her older sister?
海外婚俗: 姊姊死了,應該嫁給姊夫? Marriage Custom Abroad: the younger sister should marry her brother-in-law after the death of her older sister?
主婦須知幾點 Some Must-Knows for Housewives
婦女職業痛苦歟?幸福歟? Is Career Painful or Delightful for Women?
婦女職業痛苦歟?幸福歟? Is Career Painful or Delightful for Women?
摩登女子的條件 Qualities for a Modern Woman
蔲丹 Cutex
蔲丹 Cutex
美容顧問 Beauty Advisor
美容顧問 Beauty Advisor
玲瓏信箱 The Linglong Mailbox
介紹我的愛人 Introducing My Lovers
介紹我的愛人 Introducing My Lovers
表兄妹可否結婚 Is Marriage between Cousins Allowed
案件評述 Comment on Law Cases
國際的三角戀愛 International Love Triangle
國際的三角戀愛 International Love Triangle
菲洲人的婚禮 African Marriage
虛度了三年的青春 Wasted Three Years Youth
定戶注意 to subscribers
留日多年新返回國之謬女士 Ms. Miu just came back to China after years of studying in Japan
花籬笆前的(左)白麗珠(中)魏璞(右)于斯詠 (left) Bai Lizhu (Middle) Wei Pu (Right) Yu Siyong, in front of the flower fence
蘇州東吳大學女生體育表演之各種姿勢: 上,下,柔軟體操;中,武術表演 The girls at the Suzhou Univeristy are performing different poses: above and below, Calisthenics; middle, martial art.
常識 Common knowledge
各種食物之分析(上) Analysis of Different Kinds of Foods (part one)
各種食物之分析(上) Analysis of Different Kinds of Foods (part one)
白鞋擦粉法 Covering White Shoes with Powder
注意,三卷二十期乃本刊百期兩週紀念特刊,增加篇幅。 attention, Volumne III issue 20 is our 200th issue anniversary, the pages are expanded.
白鞋擦粉法 Covering White Shoes with Powder
食物驗毒方法 Food Poison Detection
小常識:去車污漬 One Small Tip: How to Wash Diesel Oil Stains
皓齒: 白玉牙膏 White Teeth: Gem Tooth Paste
皓齒:白玉牙膏 White Teeth: Gem Tooth Paste
法律顧問 Legal Counsel
非法離婚 Illegal Divorce
非法離婚 Illegal Divorce
向子索債 Demand His Son of Payment
定報價目 The subscription price
廣告刊例 Published examples of advertisement
(上圖) 施水麗及盧佳之一 (above) Shi Shuili and Lu Jia, part one
(下圖) 上海私立培成女中今年畢業女生之一部分,由左至右:居芝如、李競淑、沈鎮珠、陳珮瑻、黃金榮表、楊文惠 (below) Some girls who graduated from the Shanghai Private Peicheng Girls' School, from left to right: Ju Zhiru, Li Jingshu, Shen Zhenzhu, Chen Peiguan, Huangjin Rongbiao, Yang Wenhui.
(上) 藝專陳玉如女士跳遠姿勢 (above) Ms. Chen Yuru from the Art Academy doing the long jump
女子游泳五十米自由賽第一朱國淒女士(二圖) Ms. Zhu Guoqi the champion of the women's 50 m freestyle (two pictures)
(中) 女子八十米低欄第一翁秋月(破省紀錄) (middle) Wong Qiuyue, the champinion of the women's 80 meters low hurdle (broke the provincial record)
健全的體態美(二圖) Healthy and Beautiful Figures (two pictures)
藝聯公司新演猺山艷史主角許曼麗 Xu Manli will play the leading role in the new film "Love Romance of Yao shan" produced by Yilian Company
"現代"女子新片的編者與主演者艾霞 Ai Xia is the script writer and leading actress of the new film for women, "Modernity"
速購連環利益券,極易得到意外之財......決無損失 please buy the interest coupon as soon as possible
本刊為讀者之親友,犧牲壹萬元 our magazine donats ten thousand dollars for the relatives and friends of our readers
本刊為讀者之親友,犧牲壹萬元 our magazine donats ten thousand dollars for the relatives and friends of our readers
本刊為讀者之親友,犧牲壹萬元 our magazine donats ten thousand dollars for the relatives and friends of our readers
本刊為讀者之親友,犧牲壹萬元 our magazine donats ten thousand dollars for the relatives and friends of our readers
全國唯一之婦女日刊:婦女日報 陳珍玲女士主編 the only women's daily in our nation: Women's Daily. Edited by Ms. Chen Zhenling
本刊為讀者之親友,犧牲壹萬元 our magazine donats ten thousand dollars for the relatives and friends of our readers
本刊為讀者之親友,犧牲壹萬元 our magazine donats ten thousand dollars for the relatives and friends of our readers
摩登客室的佈置 A Living Room in the Modern Style
(上圖) 學生裝之土風舞步 (above) Students' Folk Dance
團體體操 Group Gymnastics
疊羅漢 Human Pyramid
西班牙式土風舞姿 Spanish Folk Dance
影星安哈羅的新舞衣 Movie Star Anhaluo's New Dancing Dress
影星菊安班杜的新浴衣 Star Ju'an Bandu's New Swimming Suit
玲瓏圖畫雜誌 Lin Loon Ladies' Magazine
編輯者言 Editor's note
贈送國民政府航空公路獎券 The Nationalist Government Lottery Tickets of the Public Transportation to be distributed
初夏的早公園 An Early Summer Morning in the Park
初夏的早公園 An Early Summer Morning in the Park
國貨ABC 雨衣 Domestic Manufactured ABC Rain Coat
姐妹們,看過"玲瓏"如果滿意,請即介紹給你的親友,必受歡迎的。 sisters, if you are satisfied with Linglong after reading it, please introduce it to your relatives and friends, it will surely be popular.
國貨ABC 雨衣 Domestic Manufactured ABC Rain Coat
愛之謎 Myth of Love
祝味菊醫士女公子幼菊小姐 Miss Youju is the daughter of docter Zhu Weiju
(上) 韓藍根在都會的早晨 (above) Han Langen in "good morning, metropolitan"
(右) 阮玲玉及其愛女與劉繼羣胖子之表情 (right) see Ruan Lingyu, her daughter and the plump Liu Jiqun's facial expression
暮春底悲哀 Felling Sad at Late Spring
暮春底悲哀 Felling Sad at Late Spring
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
詩: 夜光之杯 Poem: Luminous Wine Glass
婦女消息 Women's News
情書展覽 Love Letters on Display
情書展覽: 愛情在戰神掌裏 Love Letters on Display: Love is held in the Hands of Mars
兒童 Children
怎樣看護嬰兒 How to Nurse Babies
兒童 Children
柯達萬利軟片包 Kodak Verichrome Film Pack
柯達萬利軟片包 Kodak Verichrome Film Pack
兩週間中外新片等級 ratings of the domestic and foreign films of these two weeks
賈克奧凱的幽默 Jiakeaokei's Humour
聖林閒話 Gossips of the Sacred Forest
聖林閒話 Gossips of the Sacred Forest
國片界影訊一束 a bunch of news on domestic film production
老明星一打 A Dozen of Old Stars
教育電影協會將拍教育影片 The Education Movie Corporation is going to shoot educational films
聯華職工之新建議 New Suggestions by the Staffs of the Lianhua Company
幕味 movies
電影批評家的沒落 the occupation "film critics" is declining
幕味壇上第五對大情人 The Fifth Couple of the Movie World
新加入電影界黎錦暉夫人徐來女士 Li Jinhui's Wife Ms. Xu Lai has recently joined the movie world