No. 252 (02 September, 1936)
Pages available: 1 - 80 (80 total)
淺淺女士,李壁光攝 Ms. Qian Qian, picture by Li Biguang
王耐雪女士,陳耀庭攝 Ms. Wang Naixue, picture by Chen Yaoting
"玲瓏" 婦女雜誌 Linloon women's magazine
卅四期要目 Table of contents of Issue no. 34
定報價目 The subscription price
粉撲子擊中他們的鼻 powder puff (cosmetics) hit their nose
粉撲子擊中他們的鼻 powder puff (cosmetics) hit their nose
禁止早婚 Prohibit early marriage
禁止早婚 Prohibit early marriage
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討厭的男子 An annoying man
你們有這樣胆量嗎? Do you have such a courage?
你們有這樣胆量嗎? Do you have such a courage?
你們有這樣胆量嗎? Do you have such a courage?
景泰藍銀質徽章及戒指、手觸、別針 Cloisonnes, silver badges and rings, bracelets, brooches
不要把女兒關在家裏! Don't confine your children at home!
不要把女兒關在家裏! Don't confine your children at home!
不要把女兒關在家裏! Don't confine your children at home!
男子要娶怎樣的妻子? What kind of wife does a man would like to marry?
男子要娶怎樣的妻子? What kind of wife does a man would like to marry?
籍離婚來發一筆橫財 The divorce of Ji showed [a case of] a windfall profit
籍離婚來發一筆橫財 The divorce of Ji showed [a case of] a windfall profit
青黃不接之秋 私蓄更大有好處 Yellow lean autumn [It is a] big advantage to have private savings
楊秀瓊在德國 Ms. Yang Xiuqiong in Germany
世運跳水冠美人卜音頓小姐 The beautiful Ms. Dorothy Poynton-Hill [is wearing the] Olympic diving crown
跳水姿勢 diving posture
波蘭記者傳係男性之史蒂芬小姐 A Polish journalist is relating to the masculine Ms. Helen Stephens
參加世運之希臘少女 Greek women who are participating in the World Games
頑固之鄉長:反對女子當校長 A stubborn mayor: Opposing against women as principals
法國政府一禁例:汽車中不許談愛 One prohibition by the French government: It is not allowed to be dating in cars
法國政府一禁例:汽車中不許談愛 One prohibition by the French government: It is not allowed to be dating in cars
京市女教員:亦禁燙髮塗脂 Beijing's female teachers: perms and make up should also be forbidden
京市女教員:亦禁燙髮塗脂 Beijing's female teachers: perms and make up should also be forbidden
偵探故事答案:凶手究竟是誰? Answer to the detective story: Who is the murderer?
力弗肝 Livex
力弗肝 Livex
臥室中的佈置及顏色 Decoration and colors of a bedroom
臥室中的佈置及顏色 Decoration and colors of a bedroom
一產多子 Production of more children
一產多子 Production of more children
一產多子 Production of more children
玲瓏書盒 Linglong book box
玲瓏信箱 The Linglong Mailbox
如何解決:我的三角關係 How to resolve [a problem]: My triangle relationship
偑珊女士: [Dear] Ms. Feng Shan
偑珊女士: [Dear] Ms. Feng Shan
我沒有他活不了 I can not live without him
我沒有他活不了 I can not live without him
妙英女士: [Dear] Ms. Miao Ying:
妙英女士: [Dear] Ms. Miao Ying:
選擇何人 Choose whom?
訂婚悔約 An engagement regret treaty
訂婚悔約 An engagement regret treaty
丈夫無故駡我 My husband scolded me for no reason
標準乒乓球 Standard table tennis balls
”囚籠裏的小鳥“, 導演:汪佩芬,攝影:杜鰲 "Little birds in the cage", director: Wang Peifen, photographer: Du Ao
”囚籠裏的小鳥“, 導演:汪佩芬,攝影:杜鰲 "Little birds in the cage", director: Wang Peifen, photographer: Du Ao
”囚籠裏的小鳥“, 導演:汪佩芬,攝影:杜鰲 "Little birds in the cage", director: Wang Peifen, photographer: Du Ao
”囚籠裏的小鳥“, 導演:汪佩芬,攝影:杜鰲 "Little birds in the cage", director: Wang Peifen, photographer: Du Ao
”囚籠裏的小鳥“, 導演:汪佩芬,攝影:杜鰲 "Little birds in the cage", director: Wang Peifen, photographer: Du Ao
”囚籠裏的小鳥“, 導演:汪佩芬,攝影:杜鰲 "Little birds in the cage", director: Wang Peifen, photographer: Du Ao
”囚籠裏的小鳥“, 導演:汪佩芬,攝影:杜鰲 "Little birds in the cage", director: Wang Peifen, photographer: Du Ao
”囚籠裏的小鳥“, 導演:汪佩芬,攝影:杜鰲 "Little birds in the cage", director: Wang Peifen, photographer: Du Ao
”囚籠裏的小鳥“, 導演:汪佩芬,攝影:杜鰲 "Little birds in the cage", director: Wang Peifen, photographer: Du Ao
”囚籠裏的小鳥“, 導演:汪佩芬,攝影:杜鰲 "Little birds in the cage", director: Wang Peifen, photographer: Du Ao
”囚籠裏的小鳥“, 導演:汪佩芬,攝影:杜鰲 "Little birds in the cage", director: Wang Peifen, photographer: Du Ao
”囚籠裏的小鳥“, 導演:汪佩芬,攝影:杜鰲 "Little birds in the cage", director: Wang Peifen, photographer: Du Ao
”囚籠裏的小鳥“, 導演:汪佩芬,攝影:杜鰲 "Little birds in the cage", director: Wang Peifen, photographer: Du Ao
囚籠裏的小鳥: 指導汪佩芬女士 Little birds in the cage: tuition/guidance from Ms. Wang Peifen
常識 Common Knowledge
如何消滅皺紋 How to eliminate wrinkles
如何使皮膚白嫩 How to make the skin white and soft
熱糟雞肉 A hot bad chicken
處女也可以妊娠 A virgin can also get pregnant
處女也可以妊娠 A virgin can also get pregnant
嬰兒不宜摟抱 Babies shouldn't be cuddled
偵探故事選:圓圈暗殺案 A detective story: circle assassination
偵探故事選:圓圈暗殺案 A detective story: circle assassination
偵探故事選:圓圈暗殺案 A detective story: circle assassination
偵探故事選:圓圈暗殺案 A detective story: circle assassination
偵探故事選:圓圈暗殺案 A detective story: circle assassination
偵探故事選:圓圈暗殺案 A detective story: circle assassination
偵探故事選:圓圈暗殺案 A detective story: circle assassination
偵探故事選:圓圈暗殺案 A detective story: circle assassination
偵探故事選:圓圈暗殺案 A detective story: circle assassination
偵探故事選:圓圈暗殺案 A detective story: circle assassination
偵探故事選:圓圈暗殺案 A detective story: circle assassination
- Ray Milland and Gertrude Michael
- Simone Simon
菲洲的時裝譜 The latest fashion list of the Philippines
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菲洲的時裝譜 The latest fashion list of the Philippines
施用 蔻丹 則指甲更美 Use " kou dan" for even more beautiful nails
- Cutex: liquid polism rose
飯館的女招待生活的鞭撻使他們墮落了 The castigate life of female desk clerks of hotels makes them become depraved
球房的侍女 ”要正經?幹嗎當女招待?“ Does ballroom maids want to be honorable/ decent? What do they do as waitresses/barmaids?
咖啡店的侍女處在雙重壓迫之下 The waitresses in coffee shops are finding themselves under a double stress/ oppression
五花入門 女子之名 A streaky entry A woman's name
五花入門 女子之名 A streaky entry A woman's name
謝冰心女士訪問記 The interview record of Ms. Xie Bingxin
謝冰心女士訪問記 The interview record of Ms. Xie Bingxin
謝冰心女士訪問記 The interview record of Ms. Xie Bingxin
戀愛特寫: 曲線戀愛 A close look at the curve of love
謝冰心女士訪問記 The interview record of Ms. Xie Bingxin
戀愛特寫: 曲線戀愛 A close look at the curve of love
戀愛特寫: 曲線戀愛 A close look at the curve of love
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戀愛特寫: 曲線戀愛 A close look at the curve of love
世界名作 A World Masterpiece
麗林哈蕙 Lilian Harvey