Funü zazhi
No. 008 (31 July, 1916)
Pages available: 1 - 172 (172 total)
婦女雜誌第二卷第八號 The Ladies' Journal volume 2 number eight
婦女雜誌第二卷第八號目錄 Table of Contents, volume 2, issue 8, Funu zazhi
婦女雜誌第二卷第八號目錄 Table of Contents, volume 2, issue 8, Funu zazhi
說部叢書 Collected books, fiction section
宋徽宗畫白鷹 Song Hui Zhong painting of a white eagle
管夫人墨蹟 Rubbing of Guan Furen's inscription
共和國民黨讀 Republican must reads
英文雜誌 English Weekly
山陰胡王詠緗之玉照 Photograph of Wang Yongxiang at Shan yin hu
理想中之消夏灣(其一) In the midst of the last ideal days of summer, on the water
中學共和國教科書 Republican textbooks
涵芬樓影印/殿版二十四史 Back issues of the 24 histories
理想中之消夏灣(其二) In the midst of the last ideal days of summer, on the water
盛競存女士小影 Photograph of Mrs. Sheng Jingcun
英語週刊 English Weekly
欲修英文者 English books
俄國皇后及公主為病院中傷兵看護圖 Russian empress and head of the hospital visit injured soldiers
上海南洋女子師範及旅滬公學旅行湖州攝影 Class photograph of Shanghai Nanyang Normal Girls' school with visitors to Shanghai from the public school students from Huzhou
社說 Editorial [title page]
女子必讀之書 Must reads for women
基礎之基礎 Foundation of foundations
基礎之基礎 Foundation of foundations
基礎之基礎 Foundation of foundations
基礎之基礎 Foundation of foundations
基礎之基礎 Foundation of foundations
基礎之基礎 Foundation of foundations
基礎之基礎 Foundation of foundations
基礎之基礎 Foundation of foundations
基礎之基礎 Foundation of foundations
基礎之基礎 Foundation of foundations
基礎之基礎 Foundation of foundations
基礎之基礎 Foundation of foundations
學藝門 Learning and skills [title page]
教育部審定手工平面物標本 Samples of handmade math tools approved by Ministry of Education
神通力治病法 Shen Tongli method of treatment
女學生病之預防 Prevention of female student illnesses
神通力治病法 Shen Tongli method of treatment
女學生病之預防 Prevention of female student illnesses
女學生病之預防 Prevention of female student illnesses
女子實用家庭算術問題 Questions on Household arithmetic, tried and true methods for women
女子實用家庭算術問題 Questions on Household arithmetic, tried and true methods for women
女子實用家庭算術問題 Questions on Household arithmetic, tried and true methods for women
天文界中女子將來之事業 The women's astronomy society, its future and business
天文界中女子將來之事業 The women's astronomy society, its future and business
西神客话 Xi Shen Ke's commentaries
家政門 Home economics [title page]
家政門 Home economics [title page]
教育叢書 Collected books, eduction section
母愛與父愛 Mother's love and father's love
母愛與父愛 Mother's love and father's love
母愛與父愛 Mother's love and father's love
母愛與父愛 Mother's love and father's love
新烹飪 New cooking (continued)
新烹飪 New cooking (continued)
新烹飪 New cooking (continued)
新烹飪 New cooking (continued)
新烹飪 New cooking (continued)
新烹飪 New cooking (continued)
育兒要訣 Secrets and essentials of raising children
育兒要訣 Secrets and essentials of raising children
育兒要訣 Secrets and essentials of raising children
育兒要訣 Secrets and essentials of raising children
育兒要訣 Secrets and essentials of raising children
育兒要訣 Secrets and essentials of raising children
育兒要訣 Secrets and essentials of raising children
記迷門 Records [title page]
梁任公先生編定 (books) edited by Mr. Liang Rengong
女警察 Female police
女警察 Female police
女警察 Female police
女警察 Female police
女警察 Female police
東吳大學與聖約翰大學辨論會匯記 Record of the conference about the differences between Eastern Wu and St. John's universities
東吳大學與聖約翰大學辨論會匯記 Record of the conference about the differences between Eastern Wu and St. John's universities
東吳大學與聖約翰大學辨論會匯記 Record of the conference about the differences between Eastern Wu and St. John's universities
東吳大學與聖約翰大學辨論會匯記 Record of the conference about the differences between Eastern Wu and St. John's universities
東吳大學與聖約翰大學辨論會匯記 Record of the conference about the differences between Eastern Wu and St. John's universities
東吳大學與聖約翰大學辨論會匯記 Record of the conference about the differences between Eastern Wu and St. John's universities
東吳大學與聖約翰大學辨論會匯記 Record of the conference about the differences between Eastern Wu and St. John's universities
暑假中之蒙古遊記 Record of summer travels in Mongolia
蒙古旅店外之客車 Wagons outside of a hotel in Mongolia
暑假中之蒙古遊記 Record of summer travels in Mongolia
暑假中之蒙古遊記 Record of summer travels in Mongolia
萬里長城 The Great Wall
凱格??登舟情狀 Getting on a boat
暑假中之蒙古遊記 Record of summer travels in Mongolia
暑假中之蒙古遊記 Record of summer travels in Mongolia
(河熱) 湖之中宮行/ 鹿班之中園 Palace on the lake/ deer in the garden
暑假中之蒙古遊記 Record of summer travels in Mongolia
拉嘛侶 Lamas
普魯案寺 Puluan temple
暑假中之蒙古遊記 Record of summer travels in Mongolia
普泰拉寺 Potala palace
暑假中之蒙古遊記 Record of summer travels in Mongolia
韃靼將軍所遣之衛兵 Tartar army base
暑假中之蒙古遊記 Record of summer travels in Mongolia
灤河中之舟 Boat on the Luan river
暑假中之蒙古遊記 Record of summer travels in Mongolia
中外大事記 Accounts of events in China and overseas [title page]
中外大事記 Accounts of events in China and overseas [title page]
東方雜誌 十三卷第七號出版 Eastern Miscellany vol. 13 no. 7 published
要令六月二十一至七月二十日 Important decrees June 21 - July 20
要令六月二十一至七月二十日 Important decrees June 21 - July 20
要令六月二十一至七月二十日 Important decrees June 21 - July 20
要令六月二十一至七月二十日 Important decrees June 21 - July 20
要令六月二十一至七月二十日 Important decrees June 21 - July 20
孫中山先生建設政見錄申報 Declaration of Sun Yat-sen's political views of nation building
孫中山先生建設政見錄申報 Declaration of Sun Yat-sen's political views of nation building
孫中山先生建設政見錄申報 Declaration of Sun Yat-sen's political views of nation building
人民/法令/縣長 People/ magistrate/laws (diagram of government)
孫中山先生建設政見錄申報 Declaration of Sun Yat-sen's political views of nation building
孫中山先生建設政見錄申報 Declaration of Sun Yat-sen's political views of nation building
孫中山先生建設政見錄申報 Declaration of Sun Yat-sen's political views of nation building
國文範作 exemplary essays [title page]
作文之良好模範:初學作文教授書四冊 A good example of composition: textbooks for beginners, 4 volumes
知禍福均由自取而迷信自破說 Talking about superstitions, breaking their hold on people's belief in them in relation to disasters and good fortunes
讀前後赤壁賦序 A poetic essay on reading Red Cliff
介子推論 Discussing Mesotron (atomic particle) forces
讀曾子固列女傳目錄序書後 After reading the biography of exemplary women by Ceng Zigu
讀曾子固列女傳目錄序書後 After reading the biography of exemplary women by Ceng Zigu
讀曾子固列女傳目錄序書後 After reading the biography of exemplary women by Ceng Zigu
讀曾子固列女傳目錄序書後 After reading the biography of exemplary women by Ceng Zigu
讀曾子固列女傳目錄序書後 After reading the biography of exemplary women by Ceng Zigu
讀曾子固列女傳目錄序書後 After reading the biography of exemplary women by Ceng Zigu
春雨箋候友人 Jottings on spring rain whilst waiting for a friend
春雨箋候友人 Jottings on spring rain whilst waiting for a friend
春雨箋候友人 Jottings on spring rain whilst waiting for a friend
春雨箋候友人 Jottings on spring rain whilst waiting for a friend
春雨箋候友人 Jottings on spring rain whilst waiting for a friend
徵同學文藝啟 Classmate Zheng, starting the study of arts and literature
文范 Literary garden [title page]
殿版四史 Back issues of the 4 histories
先母孫宜人述 Narrating the story of my late mother
先母孫宜人述 Narrating the story of my late mother
先母孫宜人述 Narrating the story of my late mother
先母孫宜人述 Narrating the story of my late mother
感逝詩序 Preface to poetry expressing grief for the deceased
感逝詩序 Preface to poetry expressing grief for the deceased
感逝詩序 Preface to poetry expressing grief for the deceased
黃棟頭歌 Songs from Huang Dong
小說 Fiction [title page]
小说 Fiction [title page]
小說月報七卷第七號出版 Fiction monthly vol. seven number seven
新劇捉迷藏 Hide and Seek (a new play)
新劇捉迷藏 Hide and Seek (a new play)
新劇捉迷藏 Hide and Seek (a new play)
新劇捉迷藏 Hide and Seek (a new play)
新劇捉迷藏 Hide and Seek (a new play)
新劇捉迷藏 Hide and Seek (a new play)
新劇捉迷藏 Hide and Seek (a new play)
新劇捉迷藏 Hide and Seek (a new play)
新劇捉迷藏 Hide and Seek (a new play)
新劇捉迷藏 Hide and Seek (a new play)
新劇捉迷藏 Hide and Seek (a new play)
新劇捉迷藏 Hide and Seek (a new play)
玉京餘韻 Afterglow in Yu jing (continued)
玉京餘韻 Afterglow in Yu jing (continued)
玉京餘韻 Afterglow in Yu jing (continued)
玉京餘韻 Afterglow in Yu jing (continued)
玉京餘韻 Afterglow in Yu jing (continued)
玉京餘韻 Afterglow in Yu jing (continued)
玉京餘韻 Afterglow in Yu jing (continued)
玉京餘韻 Afterglow in Yu jing (continued)
慕凡女兒傳 The biography of Miss Mufan (continuation)
慕凡女兒傳 The biography of Miss Mufan (continuation)
慕凡女兒傳 The biography of Miss Mufan (continuation)
西神客话 Xi Shen Ke's commentaries
雜俎 Miscellaneous collection [title page]
雜俎 Miscellaneous collection [title page]
畫片大徵集 Collection of images
清代女紀 Qing dynasty women's records
清代女紀 Qing dynasty women's records
清代女紀 Qing dynasty women's records
清代女紀 Qing dynasty women's records
玉臺藝乘(續) Arts of the jade terrace (continued)
玉臺藝乘(續) Arts of the jade terrace (continued)
玉臺藝乘(續) Arts of the jade terrace (continued)
玉臺藝乘(續) Arts of the jade terrace (continued)
玉臺藝乘(續) Arts of the jade terrace (continued)
玉臺藝乘(續) Arts of the jade terrace (continued)
然脂餘韻(續) Lingering sounds from the Lamp oil collection (continued)
然脂餘韻(續) Lingering sounds from the Lamp oil collection (continued)
然脂餘韻(續) Lingering sounds from the Lamp oil collection (continued)
文房供養 Looking after the literary room
餘興 Entertainment [title page]
餘興 Entertainment [title page]
各種小說 All types of fiction
學校遊戲法 (續) School experiment methods (continued)
第一圖 Figure one
第二圖 Figure two
學校遊戲法 (續) School experiment methods (continued)
第三圖 Figure three
學校遊戲法 (續) School experiment methods (continued)
第四圖 Figure four
學校遊戲法 (續) School experiment methods (continued)
教育雜誌/學生雜誌/少年雜誌 Education review /Student Magazine/ Youth magazine
實用習字教授書 Practical penmanship books for teachers
製絲教科書 Book on teaching silk production
自製蠶學用器 Homemade silkworm production instruments
辭源 Etymology
辭源 Dictionary
國民淺訓 Brief model for the Republic
The Ladies' Journal
Dr. Williams' pills for pale people
夫妻共沾勿樂之喜 No happiness or fun for wife and husband Gong