Funü zazhi
No. 001 (31 December, 1920)
Pages available: 1 - 162 (162 total)
小說月報啟事 Announcement by Fiction Monthly
婦女雜誌第七卷第一號 The Ladies' Journal, volume 7, issue 1
外交部總長顏惠慶先生編英華大辭典 English-Chinese dictionary edited by Mr. Yan Huiqing, Minister of Foreign Affairs
山村 Mountain village
Pine tree
婦女雜誌第七卷第一號目錄 Table of Contents, volume 7, issue 1, Funu zazhi
山村 Mountain village
Plum blossom
婦女雜誌第七卷第一號目錄 Table of Contents, volume 7, issue 1, Funu zazhi
婦女雜誌第七卷第一號目錄 Table of Contents, volume 7, issue 1, Funu zazhi
婦女雜誌第七卷第一號目錄 Table of Contents, volume 7, issue 1, Funu zazhi
英華大辭典 English-Chinese dictionary
外交部總長顏惠慶先生編英華大辭典 English-Chinese dictionary edited by Foreign Minster Mr. Yan Huiqing
婦女雜誌 小說月報 The Ladies' Journal, Fiction Monthly
商務印書館[出版雜誌] The Commercial Press [magazines]
北京女學生之外交運動 Diplomatic movement of Beijing's female students
上海務本女塾中學四年級生之優秀舞及網球隊 Dance and tennis teams of the fourth grade in Shanghai wu ben women's high school
照相器具 Photographic equipments
新到大批美國照相器具 New arrivals from the US, photographic equipments
南昌府小兒 A Nanchang baby
爾所必需者惟清導丸也 What you must have is qing dao wan
南昌府小兒服用嬰孩自己藥片得獲強健之證書 A Nanchang baby took Infants' medicine and thus won a health certificate
大便秘結系婦女最可惡之大敵 Constipation is the greatest enemy of women
花邊 Flower patterns
到婦女解放的途徑 The way to women's liberation
到婦女解放的途徑 The way to women's liberation
到婦女解放的途徑 The way to women's liberation
牛津大學之女學士 Oxford's female Bachelors
到婦女解放的途徑 The way to women's liberation
樹葉 Leaves
新家庭 New Family
新家庭 New Family
新家庭 New Family
新家庭 New Family
风景 Landscape
俄羅斯革命與婦女的地位 Russian revolution and women's status
俄羅斯革命與婦女的地位 Russian revolution and women's status
俄羅斯革命與婦女的地位 Russian revolution and women's status
俄羅斯革命與婦女的地位 Russian revolution and women's status
美国制造夕陽染皂 Sunset Soap Dyes made in USA
美國製造夕陽染皂 Sunset Soap Dyes made in USA
Sunset Soap Dyes
丕朕氏補丸 Beecham's pills
丕朕氏補丸 Beecham's pills
葡萄 Grape
日本婦女狀況 Condition of Japanese women
葡萄 Grape
日本婦女狀況 Condition of Japanese women
葡萄 Grape
日本婦女狀況 Condition of Japanese women
施密司女士小影 Photo of Ms. Smith
以足代手之美國女子 An American woman using feet instead of hands
施密司的寫字 Smith's writing
施密司的飲食 Smith's diet
以足代手之美國女子 An American woman using feet instead of hands
施密司的刺繡 Smith's embroidery
施密司的裁翦 Smith's tailorship
施密司的打電話 Smith's calling
施密司的打字 Smith's typing
以足代手之美國女子 An American woman using feet instead of hands
施密司鉛筆畫成績 Smith's grade of pencil drawing
施密司打字成績和她的署名 Smith's typing grade and her signature
以足代手之美國女子 An American woman using feet instead of hands
施密司木工成績 Smith's grade of carpenter
施密司鋼筆畫成績 Smith's grade of pen drawing
以足代手之美國女子 An American woman using feet instead of hands
棕欖香皂 Palmolive
棕欖香皂 Palmolive
模範軍人 Model soldier
荷花 Lotus
優生學和美國婚姻法 Eugenics and American marriage law
優生學和美國婚姻法 Eugenics and American marriage law
優生學和美國婚姻法 Eugenics and American marriage law
優生學和美國婚姻法 Eugenics and American marriage law
優生學和美國婚姻法 Eugenics and American marriage law
優生學和美國婚姻法 Eugenics and American marriage law
優生學和美國婚姻法 Eugenics and American marriage law
牽牛花 Morning glory
未來之科學發達觀 The development of science in the future
未來之科學發達觀 The development of science in the future
未來之科學發達觀 The development of science in the future
未來之科學發達觀 The development of science in the future
帆船 Sailboat
論民間文學 Argument on folklore
論民間文學 Argument on folklore
論民間文學 Argument on folklore
論民間文學 Argument on folklore
食物曆 Food
論民間文學 Argument on folklore
固齡玉牙膏 Kolynos dentifrice
固齡玉牙膏 Kolynos dentifrice
雞眼及硬皮之脫落,加斯血藥水之功天下無雙 Jiasixue contributes a lot to cure helosis and hard skin
雞眼及硬皮之脫落,加斯血藥水之功天下無雙 Jiasixue contributes a lot to cure helosis and hard skin
風景 Landscape
影戲作法的研究 Study on the production of movies
影戲作法的研究 Study on the production of movies
影戲作法的研究 Study on the production of movies
影戲作法的研究 Study on the production of movies
影戲作法的研究 Study on the production of movies
花邊舉隅 Examples of complicated kniting
鐵架 Iron stand
花邊舉隅 Examples of complicated kniting
編-第五圖 Knitting-the fifth illustration
編-第四圖 Knitting-the fourth illustration
編-第三圖 Knitting-the third illustration
花邊舉隅 Examples of complicated kniting
編-第七圖 Knitting-the seventh illustration
編-第六圖 Knitting-the sixth illustration
花邊舉隅 Examples of complicated kniting
卿雲歌樂譜 Musical notes of qing yun ge
首飾 Jewelry
鴻昌金銀首飾號 Hongchang golden and silvern jewelry store
和盛首飾號 Hesheng jewelry store
精印名箋 Delicate letter paper
新華儲蓄銀行 New China bank
鹿 Deer
白爾大佐 Capitine Burle
白爾大佐 Capitine Burle
白爾大佐 Capitine Burle
白爾大佐 Capitine Burle
白爾大佐 Capitine Burle
海底坦克 Tank under the sea
白爾大佐 Capitine Burle
海底坦克 Tank under the sea
上海寶由路商務印書館函授學社英文科招生廣告 English class of Commercial Press in Baoyou street in Shanghai calls for students
英文雜誌大刷新 Great renewal of English magazines
英文雜誌大刷新 Great renewal of English magazines
三葉草 Clover
嫁時日記 Marriage diaries
嫁時日記 Marriage diaries
嫁時日記 Marriage diaries
嫁時日記 Marriage diaries
嫁時日記 Marriage diaries
現代科學小說家威爾斯 Modern scientific novelist Wells
蝶戀花 Butterfly and blossom
制造金剛石的人 A person who makes diamond
制造金剛石的人 A person who makes diamond
制造金剛石的人 A person who makes diamond
制造金剛石的人 A person who makes diamond
制造金剛石的人 A person who makes diamond
制造金剛石的人 A person who makes diamond
報復-插圖一 Revenge-the first illustration
海鷗 Sea mew
報復 Revenge
報復-插圖二 Revenge-the second illustration
報復 Revenge
報復-插圖三 Revenge-the third illustration
報復 Revenge
報復-插圖五 Revenge-the fifth illustration
報復 Revenge
舊衣會 Old clothes society
報復 Revenge
鄉村 Village
兩弟兄 Two brothers
鄉村 Village
兩弟兄 Two brothers
蜜月旅行舟 Boat for honeymoon
鄉村 Village
蜜月旅行舟 Boat for honeymoon
兩弟兄 Two brothers
農村 Village
玫瑰花妖 Rose fairy
農村 Village
玫瑰花妖 Rose fairy
農村 Village
玫瑰花妖 Rose fairy
法國皇后以及西班牙王后 Queens of France and Spain
騎自行車的人 A person who is riding a bike
農村 Village
法國皇后 Queen of France
玫瑰花妖 Rose fairy
看影戲人的神氣 The facial expressions of the people who are watching the movie
東方雜誌 Eastern Miscellany
學藝雜誌 Learning magazine
各種賀年卡片 All kinds of cards for new year
莱纳离婚殖民地全景 Panorama of the divorce colony
萊納離婚法庭 Divorce court
離婚殖民地 Colony of divorce
迷宮 labyrinth
離婚殖民地 Colony of divorce
(三)摩洛哥強盜的迷宮 Moroccan robbers' labyrinth
迷宮 labyrinth
迷宮 labyrinth
魔術師的住宅 Magician's house
迷宮 labyrinth
世界之最 The best in the world
喫砒石的人種 People who eat pi stone
魔術師的住宅 Magician's house
握手的姿勢 The gesture of shaking hands
小花 Little flower
從握手上觀察品行 To know a person's character by shaking hands
隱藏的握手 Hand shaking of hiding
友誼的握手 Hands shaking of friendship
紅雪 Red snow
從握手上觀察品行 To know a person's character by shaking hands
(二)洋裝的海老人 Oldman of the sea with business suit
(一)海老人的頭 The head of the oldman of the sea
海老人 Oldman of the sea
紅雪 Red snow
荷花 Lotus
頭暈的現象 The phenomenon of megrim
疲乏的原因 The reason for lassitude
山的成因 The cause of mountains
打嚏的作用 The function of sneeze
頭暈的現象 The phenomenon of megrim
科學小識(續) Knowledge of science
馬力 Dynamics
山的成因 The cause of mountains
科學小識(續) Knowledge of science
西法製糕訣 Western method of making cakes
荷花 Lotus
西法製糕訣 Western method of making cakes
西法製糕訣 Western method of making cakes
牡丹栽培法 Method of growing peony
西法製糕訣 Western method of making cakes
家用石鹼之研究 Study on home alkali
牡丹栽培法 Method of growing peony
電燈使用法 Method of using electronic light
家用石鹼之研究 Study on home alkali
電燈使用法 Method of using electronic light
少年雜誌 Youth magazine
英文雜誌 English magazine
教育雜誌 Education Review
學生雜誌 Student magazine
留美學生季報 Seasonal news of Chinese students who are studying in the USA
太平洋雜誌 Pacific magazine
小說月報 Fiction monthly
英語週刊 English monthly
京兆霸縣婦女風俗職業談 Essay on the jobs of Baxian's women in Jingzhao
梅花 Plum blossom
京兆霸縣婦女風俗職業談 Essay on the jobs of Baxian's women in Jingzhao
四川新都風俗誌 Records of the customs of Xindu in Sichuan Province
京兆霸縣婦女風俗職業談 Essay on the jobs of Baxian's women in Jingzhao
四川新都風俗誌 Records of the customs of Xindu in Sichuan Province
四川新都風俗誌 Records of the customs of Xindu in Sichuan Province
四川新都風俗誌 Records of the customs of Xindu in Sichuan Province
四川新都風俗誌 Records of the customs of Xindu in Sichuan Province
四川新都風俗誌 Records of the customs of Xindu in Sichuan Province
骷髏頭報恩 The death's head repays his obligation
骷髏頭報恩 The death's head repays his obligation
狗耕田 A dog that can furrow
骷髏頭報恩 The death's head repays his obligation
兩兄弟 Two brothers
狗耕田 A dog that can furrow
養媳婦 Daughter-in-law
兩兄弟 Two brothers
上虞兒歌七首 Seven songs for children from Shangyu
騰衝兒歌三首 Three songs for children from Tengwei
騰衝謎語一條 One riddle from Tengwei
上虞兒歌七首 Seven songs for children from Shangyu
歡迎投稿 Welcome to send your articles
上海謎語五條 Five riddles from Shanghai
役使魔神 Instigate the evils and gods
小銀元的變化 The change of a quarter
役使魔神 Instigate the evils and gods
小銀元的變化 The change of a quarter
教育玩具 Educational toys
新法教科書 New textbook
上帝像 Portrait of God
喉傷 Damaged throat
鬫勝的蝦 Shrimp
幸運 Good luck
地理先生的問答 Question and answer of the geography teacher
赴考的小學生 Pupil who is going to an exam
打鼓 Play the drum
糖漿 Sirup
蚊蟲 Mosquitos
演說壞耳 Speech hurts ears
上帝像 Portrait of God
結婚問題 Marriage
家庭同居制與分居制的利害 Advantages and disadvantages of living together or alone
結婚問題 Marriage
家庭同居制與分居制的利害 Advantages and disadvantages of living together or alone
實施婦女義務教育的方法 The way to actualize the compulsory education of women
家庭同居制與分居制的利害 Advantages and disadvantages of living together or alone
實施婦女義務教育的方法 The way to actualize the compulsory education of women
萬國女子參政會紀略 Notes on the conference attended by women from different countries
實施婦女義務教育的方法 The way to actualize the compulsory education of women
第六卷第五號懸賞披露 Answers to the questions in volume 6, number 5
第三題答案-幾何圖形 Answer to the third question-geometric graphics
第六卷第五號懸賞披露 Answers to the questions in volume 6, number 5
第三題答案-幾何圖形 Answer to the third question-geometric graphics
第四题答案配图 Illustrations for the answer to the fourth question
新年懸賞 New year questions with praise
新年悬赏配图 Illustrations for the new year question
編輯餘錄 Editor's words
信箋信封 Letter paper and envelope
美國精緻信箋信封 American delicate letter paper and envelope
線裝書 Traditional book
兩個盆栽 Two potted plants
上海涵芬樓收買舊書 Shanghai Hanfen studio is buying old books
通俗教育小說 Educational novels
新體彩色寫生記憶畫(說解) (Illustration of) Sketching (New edition)
旅行日記 Travel diary
三種上海地圖 Three kinds of maps of Shanghai