Funü zazhi
No. 005 (05 May, 1921)
Pages available: 1 - 131 (131 total)
國音國語書 Book of Chinese mandarin
婦女雜誌第七卷第五號目錄 Table of Contents, volume 7, issue 5, Funu zazhi
花叢 Flowers
草叢 Grass
婦女雜誌第七卷第五號目錄 Table of Contents, volume 7, issue 5, Funu zazhi
花叢 Flowers
草叢 Grass
婦女雜誌第七卷第五號目錄 Table of Contents, volume 7, issue 5, Funu zazhi
花叢 Flowers
草叢 Grass
照相器具 Photographic equipments
新到大批美國照相器具 New arrivals from the US, photographic equipments
兩雙鞋 Two pairs of shoes
橡皮鞋底 Rubber sole
劉清揚女士 Ms. Liu Qingyang
鄭毓秀女士 Ms. Zheng Yuxiu
背景花 Background flowers
非洲結婚奇俗 Interesting marriage customs in Africa
運動員 Athlete
運動用品 Athletic equipments
煩惱的婦女 An unhappy woman
錢恭伯之公子 Qian Gongbo's son
清導丸 Bitter aloes
嬰孩自己藥片 Baby's pill
家庭生活的進化 The improvement of family life
抱孩子的婦女 A woman holding a baby
家庭生活的進化 The improvement of family life
家庭生活的進化 The improvement of family life
家庭生活的進化 The improvement of family life
家庭生活的進化 The improvement of family life
花籃 Flower basket
家族制度的破產觀 The breakdown of family system
在路上的婦女 A woman on the road
家族制度的破產觀 The breakdown of family system
家族制度的破產觀 The breakdown of family system
家族制度的破產觀 The breakdown of family system
家族制度的破產觀 The breakdown of family system
婚姻問題 Marriage
戴帽子的婦女半身像 A bust of a woman with a hat
婚姻問題 Marriage
婚姻問題 Marriage
婚姻問題 Marriage
日本婦女之拒婚同盟 Japanese women's society of refusing marriage
鄉村1 Village 1
日本婦女之拒婚同盟 Japanese women's society of refusing marriage
平塚明子 ?
鄉村1 Village 1
日本婦女之拒婚同盟 Japanese women's society of refusing marriage
鄉村1 Village 1
日本婦女之拒婚同盟 Japanese women's society of refusing marriage
鄉村1 Village 1
遊俄日記 Diary of traveling in Russia
風景 Landscape
遊俄日記 Diary of traveling in Russia
遊俄日記 Diary of traveling in Russia
著者許立屯夫人 The writer, Mrs. Sheridan
遊俄日記 Diary of traveling in Russia
遊俄日記 Diary of traveling in Russia
遊俄日記 Diary of traveling in Russia
遊俄日記 Diary of traveling in Russia
女界之明星 Women stars
遊俄日記 Diary of traveling in Russia
珂而搿子香皂 Colcate's soap
盥洗室里的婦女 A woman standing in the bathroom
珂而搿子香皂 Colcate's soap
手握五角星 A star at hand
新華儲蓄銀行 New China bank
美國近世女文學家小史(續) A brief biography of American women writers in modern times (continued)
鄉村2 Village 2
美國近世女文學家小史(續) A brief biography of American women writers in modern times (continued)
鄉村3 Village 3
美國近世女文學家小史(續) A brief biography of American women writers in modern times (continued)
鄉村2 Village 2
美國近世女文學家小史(續) A brief biography of American women writers in modern times (continued)
鄉村3 Village 3
訓練低能兒的實驗談(續) Practical advice on instructing mentally challenged children
荷葉 Lotus leaves
訓練低能兒的實驗談(續) Practical advice on instructing mentally challenged children
訓練低能兒的實驗談(續) Practical advice on instructing mentally challenged children
訓練低能兒的實驗談(續) Practical advice on instructing mentally challenged children
訓練低能兒的實驗談(續) Practical advice on instructing mentally challenged children
訓練低能兒的實驗談(續) Practical advice on instructing mentally challenged children
一千元的聚餐 A potluck that worths a thousand yuan
訓練低能兒的實驗談(續) Practical advice on instructing mentally challenged children
一千元的聚餐 A potluck that worths a thousand yuan
美國之電氣鐵道 American's electronic railroad
帆船 Sailboat
美國之電氣鐵道 American's electronic railroad
鐵道線之縱剖面 A section plane of the railroad
美國之電氣鐵道 American's electronic railroad
最新式之電氣車頭 The latest electronic train's head
紐約華人演劇助賑 Chinese people in New York help to aid by playing drama
美國之電氣鐵道 American's electronic railroad
裝飾帶 Decorative band
裝飾帶 Decorative band
裝飾帶 Decorative band
孤兒 Orphan
湖景 Lake view
孤兒 Orphan
湖景 Lake view
孤兒 Orphan
湖景 Lake view
孤兒 Orphan
湖景 Lake view
孤兒 Orphan
湖景 Lake view
孤兒 Orphan
湖景 Lake view
教育雜誌 Education magazine
小說月報 Fiction monthly
學生雜誌 Student magazine
少年雜誌 Youth magazine
英文雜誌 English magazine
太平洋雜誌 Pacific magazine
英語週刊 English monthly
母親的故事 Mother's story
母親的故事 Mother's story
母親的故事 Mother's story
母親的故事 Mother's story
小貓 Little cat
海鷗 Sea mew
小貓 Little cat
小貓 Little cat
小貓 Little cat
花束 Bouquet
盲人 A blind man
山村1 Mountain village 1
盲人 A blind man
山村2 Mountain village 2
盲人 A blind man
山村1 Mountain village 1
盲人 A blind man
真空帶 Vacuum belt
山村2 Mountain village 2
真空帶 Vacuum belt
金髮王女 Blond hair princess
樹枝 Tree branches
金髮王女 Blond hair princess
婦人執政之城 A city controlled by women
樹枝 Tree branches
非洲結婚奇俗 Weird marriage customs in Africa
兩個外國人 Two foreigners
未婚新娘的裝飾 Decoratiosn of bride
非洲結婚奇俗 Weird marriage customs in Africa
花邊 Floral band
跳舞終后男子肩負未婚妻馳行 After dancing, the groom holds his bride by shoulder and runs
非洲結婚奇俗 Weird marriage customs in Africa
花邊 Floral band
身塗白粉手中執杖的隊長和副隊長 Captain and vice-captain, who have white powder on their body and hold wands at hands
已婚婦人頭上的裝飾 Head decorations of married women
非洲結婚奇俗 Weird marriage customs in Africa
巴黎婦女的新妝 Paris' women's new cosmetics
世界最小之飛機 The smallest plane in the world
花邊 Floral band
世界最小之飛行機 The smallest flying machine in the world
世界最小之飛機 The smallest plane in the world
奇刀 Fantastic knife
露池 Pool
花邊 Floral band
奇刀 Fantastic knif
露池 Pool
白晝的黑暗 Dark in the day
花邊 Floral band
白晝的黑暗 Dark in the day
冰鞋的利用 The use of ice skate
花邊 Floral band
嬰兒發音的研究 A study on how babies pronounce
利用炭氣作肥料 Using charcoal? as fertilizer
標題裝飾1 Decoration for the title 1
嬰兒 A baby
植物之延年法 A method to elongate plants' life
魚的空中飛行和路上生活 Fishes that can fly in the sky and live on land
風景 Landscape
文魚 Cypselurusagoo
魚的空中飛行和路上生活 Fishes that can fly in the sky and live on land
風景 Landscape
在陸上的×× ** on the land
攀鱸的頭部 The head of *
雨樹 Rain tree
魚的空中飛行和路上生活 Fishes that can fly in the sky and live on land
風景 Landscape
攀在樹上的跳鰕虎 A * that is climbing the tree
鯨魚的新研究 A new study on cetacea
葉片攝影法 The method of taking a picture of a leave
風景 Landscape
食物之營養及消化 Nutrition and digestion of food
攝影師 Photographer
食物之營養及消化 Nutrition and digestion of food
消化器 organs of digestion
小魚花邊 Decorative band of fish
食物之營養及消化 Nutrition and digestion of food
小魚花邊 Decorative band of fish
食物之營養及消化 Nutrition and digestion of food
嗅覺 The sense of smell
小魚花邊 Decorative band of fish
鼻腔壁 The wall of nasal cavity
嗅覺 The sense of smell
味覺 The sense of taste
小魚花邊 Decorative band of fish
舌的構造 The structure of tongue
花香的作用 The function of flowers' aroma
小魚花邊 Decorative band of fish
花香的作用 The function of flowers' aroma
歐美社交禮節 Etiquette in Europe and America
小魚花邊 Decorative band of fish
衣服經濟談 A talk about cloth from economic view
標題裝飾2 Decoration for the title 2
衣服經濟談 A talk about cloth from economic view
花邊 Floral band
衣服經濟談 A talk about cloth from economic view
魚類食品製造法 How to cook fish
花邊 Floral band
魚類食品製造法 How to cook fish
病嬰之營養 Nutrition for a sick baby
花邊 Floral band
病嬰之營養 Nutrition for a sick baby
兒童癬癩療治法 A method to cure children's tinea?
花邊 Floral band
兒童癬癩療治法 A method to cure children's tinea?
花邊 Floral band
兒童癬癩療治法 A method to cure children's tinea?
家庭養蜂談 A talk about raising bees by a family
花邊 Floral band
東方雜誌 Eastern Miscellany
學藝雜誌 Learning magazine
小說月報特刊 Special issue of Fiction Monthly
安徽壽縣婚喪禮俗談 A talk about marriage and burial customs in Shouxian, Anhui
標題裝飾3 Decoration for the title 3
安徽壽縣婚喪禮俗談 A talk about marriage and burial customs in Shouxian, Anhui
廣東大埔婚俗談 A talk about marriage customs in Dapu, Guangdong
花朵 Flowers
廣東大埔婚俗談 A talk about marriage customs in Dapu, Guangdong
直隸天津婦女求子的陋俗 Backward custom of begging to bear a child in Tianjin
花朵 Flowers
大話老 A person who like to say big words
標題裝飾4 Decoration for the title 4
大話老 A person who like to say big words
小人兒輿狗 Children and dogs
大話老 A person who like to say big words
相罵本媳婦 ?
小人兒輿狗 Children and dogs
相罵本媳婦 ?
宣化歌謠八首 Eight songs for children from Xuanhua
小人兒輿狗 Children and dogs
宣化歌謠八首 Eight songs for children from Xuanhua
邢台歌謠二首 Two songs for children from Xingtai
合浦歌謠一首 One song for children from Hepu
武昌歌謠十首 Ten songs for children from Wuchang
小人兒輿狗 Children and dogs
武昌歌謠十首 Ten songs for children from Wuchang
常熟歌謠五首 Five songs for children from Changshu
小人兒輿狗 Children and dogs
常熟歌謠五首 Five songs for children from Changshu
南京歌谣四首 Four songs for children from Nanjing
小人兒輿狗 Children and dogs
奪旗遊戲 A game of contesting for flag
標題裝飾5 Decoration for the title 5
奪旗遊戲 A game of contesting for flag
花邊 Floral decoration
奪石子 Competing for stones
俘虜待救 Captives waiting for emancipation
奪旗遊戲 A game of contesting for flag
花邊 Floral decoration
赴救 Going to save (the captives)
得救了 Get saved
一棵植物 A plant
婦女解放運動的普遍化 Generalization of women emancipation movement
標題裝飾6 Decoration for the title 6
婦女解放運動的普遍化 Generalization of women emancipation movement
婦女教育的困難點 The difficulties of educating women
婦女教育的困難點 The difficulties of educating women
婦女思想的改造輿文藝 The reconstruction of women's thinking and literature and art
婦女思想的改造輿文藝 The reconstruction of women's thinking and literature and art
光榮啊僥倖啊 Glory and luck
編輯餘錄 Editor's words
水仙花 Narcissus
婦女雜誌 The Ladies' Journal
小說月報 Fiction monthly
線裝書 A book in traditional format
招生廣告 Call for students
資治通鑑 ?
通鑑輯覽 ?
綱鑑合編 ?
綱鑑易知錄 ?
潛水艇 Pigboat
故事書 Story books
新撰學生尺牘 A new model of letter writing for students
植物名實參考長編 A reference of herbs' names and appearances
上海涵芬樓收買舊書 Shanghai Hanfen studio is buying old books