No. 090 (05 April, 1933)
Page: 019 (60 total)

香的花,綠的樹葉,美麗的青春少女陪襯着。 - a beautiful young girl accompanying the fragrance of the flower and the greenness of the leaves

Painter/Photograph: 陳傳霖 Chen Chuanlin (Photographer)

Subject matters: Landscape with figure,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome

Function: Unrelated to Article/Ad

東方女子唯有靜在的時候纔可以顯示她的美 - the beauty of an oriental woman will only be revealed when she is still

Painter/Photograph: 啟昌 Qichang (Photographer)

Subject matters: Portrait-1-2 figures,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome

Function: Unrelated to Article/Ad