No. 276 (10 March, 1937)
Page: 053 (80 total)

剝褲黨(下) - the pants peeling party

Column title: 短篇侦探故事选 - Selected Detective Short Stories
Subject matters: 小說 - fiction,
Language level: Baihua

Keywords: foreigners, detective fiction, Literature,

哈里 Ha Li (mentioned in article)
哈里特萊 Ha Li Te Lai (mentioned in article)
海爾芬 Hai Er Fen (mentioned in article)
約翰蘇里文 Yue Han Su Li Wen (mentioned in article)
莎克拉斯納 Sha Ke La Si Na (mentioned in article)
費煦 Fei Xu (mentioned in article)

剝褲黨中的三個重要份子 - three important members in the pants peeling party

Subject matters: Portrait-1-2 figures,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome

Function: Related to Article/Ad

Keywords: male, detective fiction, foreign country, Literature,