No. 043 (13 January, 1932)
Page: 024 (48 total)

世外桃源,人間異國。 - A beautiful retreat away from the turmoil of the world, an outlandish country in the human world

Subject matters: 娛樂 - entertainment,
Language level: Baihua

Keywords: France, Nude, civilization, civility, culture,

上右乃該島男女在電車上的生活一般 - Upper right is a life scene, showing men and women of this island in a tram

Subject matters: Nude figure,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome

Function: Related to Article/Ad

Keywords: foreign news , nudism, Nude,

下左乃古代印地安人的一種自然生活舞蹈的優美姿勢 - Lower left shows the beautiful posture of a natural life dance of ancient Indians

Subject matters: Nude figure,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome

Function: Unrelated to Article/Ad

Keywords: dance, customs , foreign country, Nude,