No. 023 (19 August, 1931)
Page: 033 (40 total)

忙中抽空的體操簡法: 矯正坐的姿勢,正立的姿勢,立定體操 - Easy gymnastics while snatching a little leisure from a busy life: to correct the sitting posture, the posture of standing upright, gymnastics while standing still

Column title: 娛樂 - Entertainment

志勤 Zhiqin (Author)


快快預定本刊 - Subscribe our magazine quickly

Brand: 玲瓏雜誌 - The Linglong Magazine
Notes: "較零售更便宜。" "讀者閱過本書之後必覺'嬌小精美' '玲瓏異常',內容豐富。有益身心。確為人人所必讀。更合婦女之需要。現全年連郵費特價僅三元五角。

Category: Advertisment for Journal

Keywords: everyday life, advertisement, Linglong Magazine, promotion, subscription,

體育 - Sports

Notes: 本欄提倡體育促進健康,紹介運動新聞佳稿下期續刊。

Category: Advertisment for Journal

攝影畫報 - Pictorial Weekly

Brand: 攝影畫報 - Pictorial Weekly
Notes: "圖文雙絕,印刷驚人,精神飽滿,信用卓著,(林澤蒼主幹)閱之‘愛不忍釋’,全用此種活體字排印,異常美麗" “婦女及青年最為愛閱” "定閱全年連寄費實價二元五角 (國外加二元) 四個月一元 (國外加七角)" "函索樣張附郵四分,寄上海南京路五十六號攝影畫報即贈" "試閱 攝影畫報/ 玲瓏雜誌,一元各寄十期,郵費在內。"

Category: Advertisment for Journal

試閱攝影畫報/ 玲瓏雜誌 - Samples for Pictorial Weekly and Linglong Magazine

Brand: 攝影畫報,玲瓏雜誌 - Pictorial Weekly,Linglong Magazine
Notes: "一元各寄十期,郵費在內。"

Category: Advertisment for Journal

Keywords: Pictorial Weekly, Linglong Magazine,