Funü zazhi
No. 007 (30 June, 1929)
Page: 055 (218 total)

法蘭西美術展覽場所之一瞥 - A glimpse of the site of French art exhibition

Subject matters: 散文 - prose, 評述 - commentary,
Language level: Baihua

Keywords: art, France,

Laocoon et ses fils (mentioned in article)
勞康葦 Laokangwei (mentioned in article)
如米洛島之範娜斯 Rumiluodao zhi Fannasi (mentioned in article)
孟耐 Mengnai (mentioned in article)
寶拉克漥 Baolakewa (mentioned in article)
尚其煦 Shang Qixun (Author)
席斯勒 Xisile (mentioned in article)
瑪勒 Male (mentioned in article)
瑪提斯 Matisi (mentioned in article)
盎格耳 Anggeer (mentioned in article)
笛森博 Disenbo (mentioned in article)
聖瓁安 Sheng Woan (mentioned in article)
黑勞 Heilao (mentioned in article)

法蘭西美術展覽場所之一瞥 - A glimpse of the site of French art exhibition

Subject matters: Illustration,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome

Function: Related to Article/Ad