Funü zazhi
No. 001 (31 December, 1929)
Page: 016 (196 total)

廣東女子師範學校的運動家曾得全省田徑賽錦標攝影 - Photos of the athletes from Guangdong girls normal school in the provincial Championships in Athletics

Subject matters: Portrait-Class Photo,

Keywords: photography, female students, female athlete ,

杭州商務印書館歡迎廣東中山大學及女子師範參觀本館陳列所留影 - Photos of welcoming Guangdong Zhongshan university and girls normal school visit Hangzhou commercial press company

Subject matters: Portrait-Group,

Keywords: photography, female students,

廣東女子師範參觀團各部職員之影 - Photo of Guangdong girls normal school visiting group and employees from various department

Subject matters: Portrait-Group,

Keywords: photography,