Funü Shibao
No. 020 (31 October, 1916)
Page: 074 (144 total)

© Courtesy of the Institute of Chinese Studies, Library, Heidelberg University.

無痛安產法, Painless childbirth

琴宗 Qin Zong (Translator), 知新 Zhi Xin (Translator),


(無痛安產法大成者) 德國巴丁大學附屬弗梨堡婦人科院長克婁涅氏(上) (Inventor of painless childbirth) Dr. [Bernhardt] Krönig, head of the Freiburg centre of obstetrics and gynecology the University of Baden in Germany

克婁涅氏 Kelounie shi (depicted on image, mentioned in caption),


(無痛安產法大成者) 德國巴丁大學醫科教授古士氏(下) (Inventor of painless childbirth) Dr. Karl Gauss, professor of medicine at the University of Baden in Germany

古士氏 Carl Gauss (depicted on image, mentioned in caption),