Funü Shibao
No. 020 (31 October, 1916)
Page: 021 (144 total)

© Courtesy of the Institute of Chinese Studies, Library, Heidelberg University.


華府治春詞圖(七) 愛蘭節 St. Patick's Day/ 王茂漪女士小影 Photograph and poem on the celebration of spring in Washington D.C. (7) St. Patrick's Day/ Ms. Wang Maoyi

王茂漪 Wang Maoyi (depicted on image, Author, mentioned in caption),


華府治春詞圖(八) 水道橋 Aquednct Bridge [Aqueduct Bridge] Photograph and poem on the celebration of spring in Washington D.C. (8) [Aqueduct Bridge]

王茂漪 Wang Maoyi (Author),