Nüzi Shijie
No. 003 (06 March, 1905)
Page: 060 (106 total)

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哭陶亞魂, Crying for Tao Yahun

松陵女子潘小璜 Songling Nuzi Pan Xiaohuang (Author), 陶亞魂 Tao Yahun (mentioned in article),

Keywords: express emotions, death,

大陸將沉作此自勵兼以勉某某諸同志, The mainland is about to sink; I write this to encourage all my comrades to avoid this

張昭漢 Zhang Zhaohan (Author),

Keywords: citizen, nationalism,

聞粵東某女士創辦一女報命名女鏡喜而有作, Composed upon hearing the happy news that a lady scholar in Guangdong was establishing a woman's journal named Women's M

張昭漢 Zhang Zhaohan (Author),

Keywords: nationalism, women,