No. 030 (10 October, 1931)
Page: 005 (72 total)

© Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.

國難鳥瞰:日本暴行的遠因, The bird's eye view of national calamity: remote causes of the Japanese atrocity

陳珍玲 Chen Zhenling (Editor),

國難鳥瞰: 日本暴行的近因, The bird's eye view of national calamity: immediate causes of the Japanese atrocity

陳珍玲 Chen Zhenling (Editor),


全市婦女抗日救國會開會時臺上閻寶航君演說之情形旁立者為司儀王孝英女士 The scene of Ms Yan Baohang making speech on the stage during the conference of the citywide women's anti-Japanese and nation-saving association. The person standing at the side is the event host Ms Wang Xiaoying

Keywords: politics, anti-Japanese movements, war, nationalism, women,

(Photographer, depicted on image, mentioned in caption), 王孝英女士 Wang Xiaoying nu shi (depicted on image, mentioned in caption),