No. 048 (27 April, 1932)
Page: 021 (48 total)

© Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.


立在花前的孩子,大概屬於女性的你不信時,可以去問問女孩子們,沒有一個不愛花朵的。 A child standing in front of flowers might be female. If you don't believe this, you could go and ask girls, none of whom doesn't like flowers.

Keywords: children, plants,


外國小孩子好動,所以活潑可愛,你看他穿了睡衣進房去的一臉笑容,多少有味! Foreign children are active, so they are lively and cute. Look at him, full of smiles on his face when he is about to go into the room wearing a pajama. How impressive!

Keywords: children,