No. 104 (26 July, 1933)
Page: 031 (64 total)

© Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.


華北運動優游者:游泳比賽得分最多之史氏兄妹興騭及瑞聲得二百米俯游第一 Champions of the Swimming Competition at the Huabei Athelete Meet: Shi Xingzhi and his sister Shi Ruisheng are both the champions in 200 meters free style

Keywords: sports, competition, contest, families,

史瑞聲 Shi Ruisheng (mentioned in caption, depicted on image), 史興騭 Shi Xingzhi (depicted on image, mentioned in caption),


華北運動優游者:女子游泳總分第一何文雅女士及其游泳姿勢,其妹文靜文錦包辦二三名。(二圖) Champions of the Swimming Competition at the Huabei Athelete Meet: The photo shows Ms. He Wenya swimming, she is the champion of all the swimming contests, her sister Wenjing and Wenjin got the second the third place.

Keywords: sports, competition, contest, women,

何文錦 He Wenjin (mentioned in caption, depicted on image), 何文雅 He Wenya (depicted on image, mentioned in caption), 何文靜 He Wenjing (mentioned in caption, depicted on image),


華北運動優游者:大?華北運動會游泳場 Champions of the Swimming Competition at the Huabei Athelete Meet: The Swimming Place

Keywords: sports, competition, contest,