No. 097 (31 May, 1933)
Page: 033 (60 total)

© Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.


雪蘋(Miss Sybil Stumph)小姐為在美國三百女子中被榮選為一九三三年之全美藍球皇后 Miss Sybil Stumph has been elected the 1933 Basketball Queen of the USA among 300 competitors.

Keywords: sports, America, award,

雪蘋小姐 Xueping xiao jie (depicted on image, mentioned in caption),


依娜(Miss Iona Beverly)最近被選為美國佛萊州(Florida)之皇后 Miss Iona Berverly has recently been elected the queen of Florida in the USA.

Keywords: America, beauty pageant,

Miss Iona Beverly (mentioned in caption, depicted on image),