No. 268 (06 January, 1937)
Page: 017 (80 total)

© Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.

辛博森夫人的身世, Life experience of Mrs. Simpson

亞爾凡菲爾特••斯班霜 Ya‘er Fanfei‘erte Sibanshuang (mentioned in article), 佛奈斯 Funaisi (mentioned in article), 佩希維里斯為菲爾特 Peixi Weiersi Weifeierte (mentioned in article), 愛德華第八世 Aidehua di ba shi (mentioned in article), 辛博森夫人 Xinbosen fu ren (mentioned in article),

Keywords: marriage, Family life/routine,