Funü zazhi
No. 001 (31 December, 1928)
Page: 020 (272 total)


這不是一個很俊秀小孩麼但未用嬰孩自己藥片以前他却是瘦弱多病 Is this a pretty kid? But he was thin and weak before taking baby s own tablets/ru yi cream for burn treatment

Keywords: children,

陳伯浩 Chen Bohao (depicted on image),


如意膏療治燙傷 Ru yi cream for burn treatment

Keywords: treat disease ,


這不是一個狠俊秀小孩麼但未用嬰孩自己藥片以前他却是瘦弱多病, Is this a pretty kid? But he was thin and weak before taking baby s own tablets/ru yi cream for burn treatment

Brand: 韋廉士醫生藥局, Dr. Williams medicine company

Keywords: health, America, treat disease , baby,

陳伯浩 Chen Bohao (mentioned in article), 陳秀山 Chen Xiushan (mentioned in article),

如意膏療治燙傷, Ru yi cream for burn treatment

Brand: 如意膏, She-ko

Keywords: children, America, treat disease ,