Funü zazhi
No. 002 (31 January, 1929)
Page: 015 (168 total)


如真愛惜妻子小兒夜啼請用嬰孩自己藥片 If you truly love your wife, please let your baby take baby s own tablets during night cry

Keywords: Medicine,


紅腮無計避郎看 Hiding untreatable red cheeks from the husband

Keywords: Medicine,


紅腮無計避郎看 Hiding untreatable red cheeks from the husband

Keywords: disease, Medicine,

高郁臣 Gao Yuchen (depicted on image),


如真愛惜妻子小兒夜啼請用嬰孩自己藥片, If you truly love your wife, please let your baby take baby s own tablets during night cry

Brand: 韋廉士醫生藥局, Dr. Williams medicine company

Keywords: treat disease , baby, wife,

彭亨鎮 Peng Hengzhen (mentioned in advertisement),

紅腮無計避郎看, Hiding untreatable red cheeks from the husband

Brand: 如意膏, She-ko

Keywords: treat disease ,

高郁臣 Gao Yuchen (mentioned in advertisement),